
  • 网络transcendental consciousness
  1. 超越意识与超越式教学及模式探讨

    Discussion on the transcendental consciousness a transcendental teaching and the teaching mode

  2. 中国人崇尚一元化,理想生活和世俗生活合二为一,较少超越意识;

    The Chinese advocate life unifying , which ideal life is identical with true life and lack of transcendental consciousness .

  3. 论中西比较诗学的超越意识

    On Surpassing Sense of the Comparative Poetics between China and West

  4. 贵族化审美意识是文学的超越意识

    Aristocrat 's Esthetic Consciousness : Literature 's Surmounting Consciousness

  5. 自笛卡尔以来的近代哲学,主体性原则由于无法超越意识哲学自身的困境而由此走向了终结。

    In the philosophy of consciousness , the principle of subjectivity can not go beyond the plight of consciousness philosophy itself and thus movies towards the end .

  6. 郭嵩焘的思想具有超越意识,这集中体现在他的本末理论和对“中体西用”的否定变革上。

    The thought of GUO Song-tao is transcendent which is concentrated on his theory of " non-essentials and fundamentals " and " basing on China to use west " .

  7. 论白居易的政治体认、人生解悟与独善观&以白氏之贬及其超越意识为中心了解交易的细节后,他改变心意了

    On Bai Juyi s political cognition , life comprehension and " maintaining one s own integrity " views ; He have a change of heart after learning the details of the deal

  8. 超越意识动态和政治领域的局限,以国家利益为重,开展全方位、宽领域、多渠道、深层次的党际外交等三个方面的启迪。

    Pass over the limitation of ideology and politic fields , Thinking the national benefits as the most importance , developing the inter-party diplomacy of the all-round positions , wide fields , many means , deep levels .

  9. 一些大学生诚信缺失,反映了公共理性与私人意识的矛盾、实用理性与超越意识的冲突以及义与利的对立。

    The trustworthiness imperfection of some university students reflects the conflict between public rationality and private consciousness , the practical rationality and the surmount consciousness , and the opposition of " righteousness " and " benefit " .

  10. 本章从他对儒家思想的继承、佛家思想的观照、道家思想的采摄三方面阐述其继承与超越意识,揭示儒、释、道思想对其人生境界的建构。

    This chapter we inherit Confucianism , Buddhism , Taoism , views such as the mining up three aspects of its inheritance and transcendence of consciousness . Revealing the Confucianism thought on the construction of their realm of life .

  11. 这一切又与他峻急的性格和超越的意识密切相关。

    All this has close relations with his impetuous character and transcendence consciousness .

  12. 与实用写作的认同性意识不同,文学写作是超越性意识;与实用写作的内容性意识不同,文学写作是形式性意识;

    Practical writing is conscious of contents , and then literature writing is conscious of form .

  13. 用人性意识超越战争意识是军旅文学的终极目的,也是军旅文学永久的魅力。

    It is the ultimate aim and over lasting charm of the military literature to let the humanity consciousness surpass war consciousness .

  14. 在中国文化史上第一次在审美领域里把“生可以死,死可以生”的至情激扬到超越传统意识的高度。

    For the first time in the history of Chinese culture the absolute love had been exalted to an unsurpassing level beyond traditional cognition .

  15. 高峰体验具有超越无意识与意识之上的整合性的新质特征,同时也表明了其自身的两面性。

    The summit experience has the newly integrated character , which oversteps both the consciousness and unconsciousness . At the same time , it also indicate oneself dual nature .

  16. 从表现意识来区分,大江的存在主义文学创作可以分为两个时期:从《奇妙的工作》到《万延元年的足球队》为早期,表现的是荒诞意识以及如何超越荒诞意识。

    His existentialism literatures creation can be divided into two period on his expressive consciousness : The incipient creation is from Antic Work to Banengannen ′ s Soccer Team , He expressed the absurd consciousness and how to overrun the absurd consciousness .

  17. 为了正确理解马克思的实践概念,有必要将它与过于强调内在超越的意识哲学或思辨哲学以及过于强调外在客体的经验主义等区分开来。

    To comprehend Marx 's conception of " praxis " exactly , it is necessary to distinguish the practical philosophy from the philosophy of consciousness or speculative philosophy with overemphasis on inherent transcendence , and from the empiricism with overemphasis on exterior object .

  18. 认为《二十四诗品》所描述的诗人经由近似于现象学悬搁与先验还原的反思道路之后,超越纯粹意识的操作性,获取以虚静人性为根柢的审美心胸;

    It is considered that the poet described in Er-shih-ssu shih-p'in experiences the process of reflection close to abstention from judgment and transcendental reduction of phenomenology , transcends the operation of pure consciousness , then achieves an aesthetic mind , which is planted in the serene personality .

  19. 博客文学颠覆了传统文学观念,打破了传统价值观念,突破了经典文学生产模式和超越了主流意识的束缚。

    Blog literature has overturned traditional ideas about literature and value and has broken the mode of production about classical literature and limit of ideology as main stream .

  20. 因主客二分的意象只是被动且机械地显示在场的物理事物和抽象理念,而非不在场的情感世界,它必须被超越为纯意识。

    Because the dichotomic images only passively and mechanically show the present physical things and the rational but not the absent feeling world , it must be transcended into pure consciousness .

  21. 语义单子是特定民族的语言层面的意义结构单位,不是超越民族的意识层面的概念结构单位。

    The semantic primitives are structural units of linguistic meaning for a particular language . They are not structural units of concepts that are universal to all nations at the conceptual level .

  22. 这章由两部分构成:超越时代的现代意识和现代人的噩梦。

    This chapter is divided into two parts : modern consciousness ahead of time and the nightmares of modern souls .

  23. 她们有着超越时代的自我意识和对那个让人窒息的社会的反抗精神,却不得不屈服于社会的压力之下。

    They have self-awareness and the rebellious spirit beyond the era of that society but have give in to social pressure .

  24. 超越时代的现代意识是从两方面阐述的:一是揭示恐怖的心灵,二是审丑的美学创新。

    The inner horror of souls and the aesthetic innovation of ugliness are explained in the part of modern consciousness ahead of time .

  25. 也只有那些伟大的作品才能超越其创作者的意识高度,而构成人的视觉所更加向往的深刻世界。

    Also have only those great works to surmount the consciousness altitude of its creation , and form the deep world of person that visual place yearns for more .

  26. 方法植根于意识存在的自我超越性,为意识存在的普遍形式所塑造,并赋予一切认识活动以逻辑有效性。

    Method is rooted in the self-transcendency of consciousness , and is formed by the common modality of consciousness , and is used to vest cognitive activity with availability in logic .

  27. 忧患意识和批判精神,在三部作品中一以贯之,而作品的时空体形式却有了明显变化,表现出作者对文学传统的反思和审慎的间离,及不断超越自我的鲜明意识。

    The transformation of time and space in his novels gives expression to his reflection on the tradition of literature , cautious dependence , and sharp - cut consciousness of self - transcendence .

  28. 通过建立员工安全文化层次渐近模型,分析企业员工安全文化素质的5个层次,即安全的无意识、体制约束下的安全意识、自我的安全意识、自我的可控安全意识、超越自我的安全意识。

    Through the establishment of hierarchy asymptotic model for safety culture of employees , the quality of safety culture of employees is analyzed from 5 levels , i. e. safety unconsciousness , safety consciousness restrained by system ;

  29. 依据关系哲学的关系本体和知觉现象学的知觉意识观,承接并超越已有的教师意识本体的研究,提出并构建了关系意识。

    According to ontology of relationship in the Philosophy of Relationship and perception consciousness in the Phenomenology of Perception , based on and also transcending past research on ontology of teachers ' consciousness , relationship consciousness is put forth and constructed .

  30. 它超越了身份,超越了自我意识,它永远持续,我们能从代词中找到变化。

    It eradicates identity , eradicates sense of self . It 's gone forever , and you can see the change in pronouns .