
  • 网络artificial abrasive
  1. 天然磨料有其独特的作用,在某些加工领域,天然磨料甚至具有比人造磨料更优越的性能。

    The natural abrasive has special effect and superior performance than artificial abrasive in some field .

  2. 人造磨料比重测定方法

    Testing method for specific gravity of artificial abrasives

  3. 人造磨料毛细吸液度试验方法

    Testing method for capillarity of artificial abrasives

  4. 人造金刚石磨料精密分级分选技术研究

    Researches on the technique for precise classification and sorting of synthetic diamond

  5. 本文论述人造金刚石磨料的基本性质和与其相关的基本性能特性;

    In this paper , the author discusses the basic properties and related performances of synthetic diamond abrasives .

  6. 对人造金刚石磨料、磨具、制品的制造与应用具有指导意义。

    Therefore , the paper provides some guides on the manufacture and the application of synthetic diamond abrasives and related products .

  7. 提出了人造金刚石磨料精密分级分选的基本方法和一般原则。

    In addition , here are presented the basic methods for precise classification and sorting of synthetic diamond abrasives and their general principles .