
  1. 坚持和发展人民战争思想。

    Highlights and carries forward the concept of people 's war .

  2. 这一方针坚持和发展人民战争思想。

    This guideline highlights and carries forward the concept of people 's war .

  3. 对人民战争思想的现实思考

    THOUGHT A Realistic Reflection on the People 's War

  4. 从人民战争思想看大学生军训工作高校军训工作现状及对策探析

    Military Training for College Students from the Point of View of People 's War

  5. 人民战争思想是有着深厚的哲学思想渊源和丰富的实践基础的。

    The people 's war thought is of deep philosophy origin and abundant practice foundation .

  6. 坚持人民战争思想,发展人民战争的战略战术。

    Meanwhile , it adheres to the people 's war concept and develops the strategies and tactics of the people 's war .

  7. 人民战争思想是关于相信和依靠人民,动员组织和武装人民,完全彻底为人民的利益而进行斗争的基本观点。

    The thought of people 's war is the theory about mobilizing and organizing the people , believing and depending on people , struggling for the people 's interests completely .

  8. 中国坚持现代条件下的人民战争思想,实行精干的常备军与强大的国防后备力量相结合。

    China adheres to the concept of people 's war under modern conditions , and exercises the combination of a streamlined standing army with a powerful reserve force for national defense .

  9. 科技动员、科技支前是新形势下人民战争思想的继承和发展,是打赢高技术局部战争的重要法宝。

    The use of science and technology in national defense mobilization and supply of the needs of front line is both continuation and development of the mass-war concept in the current new situation , and it is an essential factor in winning high-tech regional wars .

  10. 信息化条件下的人民战争所面临的基本矛盾及特点,是信息时代人民战争思想的客观实际。根据这些客观要素研究和解决现实问题,是信息化条件下坚持和发展人民战争思想的必然途径。

    Basic contradiction and characteristic of the people 's war under the information-based condition are the objective reality of the people 's war thought in information age .