
tǐ yù dà ɡuó
  • sporting power;sports power
  1. 我国作为体育大国,竞技体育已迈入世界强国之列,然而体育品牌资源的开发却严重滞后,国内体育商品在激烈的市场竞争中明显处于劣势地位。

    Our country , as the sporting power , athletics sports has already marched toward the world powerful country , but the development of sports brand resources lags behind seriously , the domestic sports goods are obviously in the inferior position in the fierce market competition .

  2. 而国家对于体育方面的战略目标实时的调整为由体育大国向体育强国迈进。

    The national sports , the strategic goal of real-time adjustment forward by the sporting power to a sports power .

  3. 努力实现由体育大国向体育强国的迈进

    Realization the Switch from Great Sports Nation to Powerful Sports Nation

  4. 体育大国向体育强国迈进的战略研究

    On Transition Strategy from A Major Sports Country to A Sports Giant Country

  5. 美国是个体育大国,更是个体育强国。

    The United States is a sports superpower , more of a sports power .

  6. 从竞技体育大国向体育强国演变的思考

    A Consideration on the Evolution from a Major Sports Country to a World Sports Power

  7. 体育大国与体育强国研究解析

    Research of sports giant and sports power

  8. 我国是竞技体育大国,在世界体坛上占据着重要地位。

    China is one of the powerful sport countries in the world and plays an important role .

  9. 浅谈我国从体育大国到体育强国的嬗变

    Brief analyze on our country 's transmutation from a nation leading in sports to a world sports power

  10. 体育大国与体育强国的内涵探析

    Exploration of the connotations of " big country of sports " and " powerful country of sports "

  11. 近年来国家大力开展全民健身活动,为体育大国向体育强国迈进做出努力。

    In recent years , government have launched national fitness campaign vigorously and made efforts to become a sports power .

  12. 我国是体育大国,每年的奥运会都是国民最感兴趣的内容之一,体操为人们熟知。

    Our country is sports superpower , the Olympic Games a year is the most interesting content to people , especially the gymnastics .

  13. 中国大概是世界上人口最多的国家,也是新兴体育大国&在北京奥运会上获得最多金牌。

    China may be the world 's most populous country , and it won the most gold medals at the2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing .

  14. 但是上海报纸的一篇文章却认为中国应当抛弃体育大国观念,即使我们只得了很少的金牌。

    But an article on the website of a Shanghai newspaper argued China should give up sporting elitism even if it meant getting fewer medals .

  15. 中国大概是世界上人口最多的国家,也是新兴体育大国——在北京奥运会上获得最多金牌。

    China may be the world 's most populous country , and it won the most gold medals at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing .

  16. 中国是世界体育大国,体育产业资源十分丰富,体育产业已成为我国第三产业的重要组成部分。

    China is the great sports power with the abundant resources of sports industry . Sports industry has already become the important part of the third industry in our country .

  17. 其他地区中,澳大利亚人口虽少,却将在排行榜上紧跟巨头之后,给人以体育大国的印象。

    Elsewhere , the Australians will again belie their small population and give the impression that their country is one massive sporting arena by finishing next in the pecking order behind the behemoths .

  18. 2008年北京奥运会之后,中国进入由体育大国向体育强国转变的后奥运时期,中国竞技体育制度必将面临新一轮的改革与创新。

    After the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , China entry into sports power country after the transformation of the Olympic period , the system of competitive sports in China will face a new round of reform and innovation .

  19. 英国已成为“体育大国”。在刚结束的里约奥运会上,英国队登上奖牌榜第二名,实现了一百多年来的最好成绩。

    Great Britain has become a " sporting superpower " after the team was guaranteed to end the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in second place in the overall medal table , its best performance at the games for over a century .

  20. 我们已不再像以前那样是体育运动大国了,我们必须面对这个事实。

    We have to face the fact that we 're no longer the great sporting nation that we once were .

  21. 竞技体育全球化建构了大国的国家身份和利益。

    The sports globalization construction of the power of national identity and interests .

  22. 在世界竞技体育领域里,大国同样主导着世界的秩序,引领着世界发展的潮流和方向。

    In the world of competitive sports , major powers also dominate the world order , and lead the trend and direction of world development .

  23. 我国体育事业进入由体育大国向体育强国的全面迈进时期。

    Chinese sports have entered the sports power from the sports nation .

  24. 北京奥运会后,我国提出了促进群众体育和竞技体育的协调发展,由体育大国向体育强国转变的发展思路,确立了建设体育强国的发展目标。

    After the Beijing Olympic Games , our country presents the development concepts of promoting amateur sports and competitive sports coordinated and balanced program of development , and transforms China from a big sports nation , establish the development goal of building a powerful sports country .

  25. 作为一位体育用品制造商,你在贵国这样的体育超级大国里一定有一个巨大的市场。

    As a sportswear maker , you must have a huge market in such a sports superpower as your country .

  26. 伴随着我国经济水平在世界上的提高,以及综合国力的提升,体育事业也得到了快速发展,成为了世界体育大国。

    Along with our country economy level in the world and increase and the ascension of the comprehensive national strength , for sports and rapid development , become the sports superpower .

  27. 国家对体育的发展战略也有所调整,北京奥运会后马上提出由体育大国向体育强国迈进的战略规划,并且逐步开始淡化金牌。

    So the marketing is difficult to achieve the desired results . Secondly , the national sports development strategy is adjusted immediately after the Beijing Olympic Games . Sports a Major sports power forward strategic planning , and gradually began to weaken the gold medal .

  28. 通过调查分析研究得出高校体育教育专业呈现出以下特点:1.在全民健身以及中国这样一个体育大国背景的影响下社会需要大量的体育教育专业人才。

    Analysis obtained through the investigation of University Physical Education the following characteristics : 1 . In the national fitness and sports a large country like China with a background of social needs under the influence of a large number of physical education professionals .

  29. 竞技体育获得成功的同时人们更加关注的是后奥运时代中国如何从一个体育大国转变成体育强国。

    At the same time , people pay more attention to that how China can change from a big country of sports to a powerful country of sports in post-Olympic era .

  30. 总之,非指导性阳光体育运动的研究具有重要的现实意义。2008年北京奥运会取得了举世瞩目的成就,随之而来的体育大国和体育强国的争议。

    Our country got a remarkable achievement in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games , following with the dispute of large sports or power sports country .