
  • Life is short;Life's too short;Life is but a span
  1. 人生苦短,时光飞快,知识无穷!

    Life is short , Time is swift , Art is long !

  2. 人生苦短,岁月如歌。

    Life is short , like a Song .

  3. 他的信条之一就是人生苦短,不必心存怨恨。

    It is one of his doctrines that life is too short to hold grudges .

  4. 还有消息向媒体爆料,自从上个月Gaga的祖父去世之后,Luc就成了她心里的依靠,她意识到人生苦短。LadyGaga将Luc称作自己的“真命天子“,并且不希望再次失去他。

    The source added to Grazia magazine : " Since her beloved grandfather died last month , Luc has been her rock , and she 's also had a reminder of just how short life is . She says he 's ' The One " and she doesn 't want to lose him ever again 。 "

  5. 这是你的人生,人生苦短。

    This is your life , and its a short one .

  6. 人生苦短关爱他人善待自己开心过好每一天!

    Life is too short to yourself loving others happy every day !

  7. 人生苦短,不能被恐惧操控。

    Life 's too short to be ruled by fear .

  8. 人生苦短,应该帮助别人过得多姿多彩才是。

    We want the time people spend with Groupon to be memorable .

  9. 人生苦短,多少欢愉等待我们体味

    How much there is to gladden life , how little life to mar

  10. 人生苦短,别太过于计较个人恩怨。

    Life is too short to turn every personal affront into a battle .

  11. 人生苦短,我们只是过客。

    We are only here for a short time .

  12. 人生苦短,音乐不会永远奏下去。

    Time is short , the music won 't last

  13. 人生苦短,岂能留憾?

    Life is too short to live with regrets .

  14. 人生苦短,你可能会想牵他的手

    Life 's short . You might want to consider holding his hand .

  15. 俗云:人生苦短,而学术无穷。

    As the saying goes , @ Art is long , life is short .

  16. 人生苦短,生活但求简单、实用便可,何必还要去追求多余的金钱、权位呢?

    If feeling contented for life , why do you seek for excessive money ?

  17. 人生苦短,爱心永存。

    Brief is life but love is long .

  18. 人生苦短,说谎太浪费了。

    Life is too short for lies .

  19. 人生苦短,好好学习。

    Life is short , study more .

  20. 我也是,人生苦短,为何要葬身在工作里。

    Me too . Life is short . Why should we bury ourselves in work ?

  21. 人生苦短,你早上照镜时还是满头黑发哪;

    Life is too short , or when your morning mirror and his head where hair ;

  22. 虽然长期供职是有价值的,但人生苦短,应该及时行乐。

    And though there is value in longevity , life is too short to be unhappy .

  23. 人生苦短,不要把你的时间都用来取悦别人。

    Life is too short to spend all your time trying to make everyone else happy .

  24. 人生苦短,你没有时间去浪费在那些阻碍你获得幸福的人身上。

    Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you .

  25. 时光飞逝,人生苦短。别忘了驻足片刻闻花香。

    Time flies and life is short . Don 't forget to stop to smell the flowers .

  26. 人生苦短啊。

    Life is too short .

  27. 65岁的胡珀认为,人生苦短,尽量避开那些游客陷阱。

    That is why Mr. Hooper , 65 , thinks life is too short for tourist traps .

  28. 人生苦短,真不该老听别人重复抱怨同样的问题。

    Life is too short to listen to people talk about the same problems over and over again .

  29. 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。

    The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness besely , it would be too long .

  30. 所以,我们关心业务价值的原因之一就是:人生苦短,总要去做些“真正有意义”的事情。

    So one reason we care about BV is to , in this short lifetime , accomplish something truly meaningful .