
  • 网络patent value
  1. 基于数据挖掘的企业专利价值评估方法研究

    A Research on Enterprise Patent Value Evaluation Method Based on Data-Mining

  2. 专利价值与企业建立专利管理机制的必要性

    The Patent Value and the Necessity of Establishing the Patent Management System in Enterprise

  3. 基于复合期权模型的外国在华专利价值研究

    Compound Option Pricing Model of Foreign Patent in China

  4. 技术进步对专利价值影响的实物期权分析

    Real Option Valuation of the Patent under Competition

  5. 专利价值评价指标概述及层次分析

    Index ; Patent value indicators and their structure

  6. 专利价值评估的实物期权方法

    A Real Option Approach to Assessment of Patent

  7. 专利价值评估的相关法律问题

    Legal Issues Concerning the Evaluation of Patent Value

  8. 传统的专利价值评价方法没有考虑专利投资的实物期权价值,存在很大的缺陷,即低估专利的价值。

    Traditional methods of pricing patents did not consider real option valuation of the patent , and undervalued patent .

  9. 此外,我们一直强烈支持公司广开渠道,提升公司的专利价值。

    Additionally , we have been strong proponents of the company exploring multiple ways to enhance the value of its patent portfolio .

  10. 分析了评估企业专利价值的意义,对现有专利评价理论进行分析。

    This paper analyzed the significance of evaluating the patent value of enterprises , and introduced some related theories of patent value evaluation .

  11. 本文主要建立了专利价值评估模型并进行了数值模拟,然后讨论专利价值的决定因素。

    This thesis develops a theoretical model of patent value and make a numerical simulation , then discuss the determinants of patent value .

  12. 运用模型进行计算的结果显示:随着到期日临近,专利价值减小,实施专利投资的阈值升高了。

    With application of the models the results reveal that along with the maturity nearby , the patent value minishes and investment threshold value increases .

  13. 他们的错误与其说是由于投资生物技术股票的决策,还不如说是由于对科学专利价值过于相信。

    Their mistake was not so much the decision to invest in biotech stocks , as an inflated belief in the value of science-based patents .

  14. 专利价值评估具有相当程度的不确定性,是制约专利质权制度推广的一个重要因素。

    Evaluation of the patent value is of uncertainty to a great extent , which is an important factor to restrain the adoption of patent pledge .

  15. 影响专利价值有法定和技术两方面的因素,各种专利评估方法都有其优缺点。

    The factors that have impact on the value of patent can be legal and technical . And various valuation approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages .

  16. 专利价值凸现的同时,专利纠纷也大量增加,如何处理好这一矛盾,有效解决专利纠纷,打击专利侵权行为,保护专利权人利益,成为摆在我们面前的现实问题。

    Along with highlights of the franchise value raise a lot of patent disputes , how to handle the contradiction have become the practical problems that we are facing .

  17. 目前用实物期权来评估专利价值的文献又没有考虑技术进步对专利价值的影响,从而高估专利的价值。

    However , now , the research that applies real option to patent pricing does not consider the impact of rivalry entry on the value of patent option , leading to the overvaluation of the patents .

  18. 对专利价值进行了分析,并结合专利环境及中外企业专利经营的情况,讨论了企业建立专利管理机制的必要性。

    This paper analyzes on the patent value , and connecting with the patent environment and the patent management situation of the domestic and foreign enterprises , probes into the necessity of establishing the patent management system in enterprise .

  19. 过去的研究往往会因为模型过于复杂而无法实现,或者模型假设过于简单不符合现实情况,从而都不能很好的反映专利价值。

    As the previous valuation methods have limitations . They are either simplistic by making unrealistic assumption or too complex to be applied in reality , which make them can not properly reflect the real value of the patent .

  20. 对于技术生命周期的研究则较为成熟,但是在技术生命周期的不同阶段,专利价值的分布特征及其决定因素还未有见系统研究。

    The study of the life cycle of technology is more mature . But at different stages of the technology life cycle the study of the value distribution of patent and its determinants are not yet seen as a system .

  21. 第二个模型中引入了技术生命周期的概念,标的资产不再按照单一几何布朗运动变化,模型利用动态规划方法倒推计算出任意时点的专利价值和投资阈值。

    The concept of technology life circle is introduced in the second model and the profit flow will not diffuse according to single geometric brownian motion . Utilizing dynamic programming approach the model calculates the patent value and investment threshold value with a backward recursive fashion .

  22. 专利的价值评估具有法律性、技术性、专有性、风险性以及不确定性等特征。

    The patent evaluation has some legal , exclusive , risky and uncertain characters .

  23. 专利权价值评估的进一步探讨

    Further Discussion of the Value of Patents Right

  24. 但对于大肆宣扬专利战略价值的做法,也有一些人士提出了质疑。

    On the other hand , some criticize the hype of strategic value of patents .

  25. 原则上已经同意根据专利的价值按比例来分配。

    It 's already been agreed in principle to apportion the value of the patents .

  26. 敏感性分析说明:利润流的漂移率越大,专利的价值越大,而投资阈值越低;

    Sensitivity analysis indicates : Bigger drift parameter means bigger patent value and lower threshold value ;

  27. 失效专利的价值开发

    Value Development of Expired Patent

  28. 比如,摩根士丹利就估计摩托罗拉专利的价值只有20~30亿美元。

    Morgan Stanley , for one , estimates their worth at between just $ 2 billion and $ 3 billion .

  29. 实物期权在专利权价值评估中的应用基于熵值法的耕地集约利用评价研究

    Real Options Approach to the Value of Patents Right ; A Research on Evaluation of Cultivated Land Intensive Utilization Applying Entropy Method

  30. 单个专利的价值难以实现,绝大多数的专利是没有价值的。

    We know that it is hardly to realize the value for an individual patent , and most of the patens are valueless .