
zhuān yè fú wù
  • professional services
  1. ISToolsAB提供的专业服务有助于实现快速的应用程序配置和解决方案的部署。

    Professional services from IS Tools AB assisted in a rapid application configuration and deployment of the solution .

  2. 诺基亚3G专业服务

    Nokia 's 3G Professional Services

  3. ValuableContent是一家总部位于英国的咨询公司,致力于帮助专业服务公司创建、编写并发布用于市场营销的内容。

    Valuable Content is a UK-based consultancy that helps professional service firms create , write and share marketing content .

  4. 请了解一下Castor的专业服务。

    Look into Castor 's professional services .

  5. IBM还提供了增强的支持过程集成的专业服务,包括SOA设计、部署和集成服务,以及设计管理和计划。

    IBM also offers enhanced professional services supporting process integrity , including SOA Design , Development and Integration Services as well as management design and planning .

  6. 我加入的下一个公司是一个专业服务和托管公司,专攻消息传递平台:特别是IBMLotusNotes、MicrosoftExchange和SuniPlanet。

    My next employer was a professional services and hosting firm that specialized in messaging platforms : specifically IBM Lotus Notes , Microsoft Exchange , and Sun iPlanet .

  7. 卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)的研究员路易丝阿什利(louiseashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。

    Louise Ashley , a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms , speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms .

  8. 专业服务机构毕马威(KPMG)是众多为学生提供带薪海外实习机会的雇主之一。

    Professional services firm , KPMG , is one of a number of employers that offer paid international placements for students .

  9. 专业服务公司普华永道(pwc)表示,去年在英国,它向本公司92%的实习生提供了就业机会,绝大多数实习生都接受了聘请。

    The professional services firm PwC says it made job offers to 92 per cent of its interns in the UK last year , with the vast majority accepting .

  10. 根据专业服务公司普华永道(PwC)提供的资料,在2009年第二季度宣布的石油和天然气投资交易中,俄罗斯和中国占了接近一半。

    Russia and China accounted for nearly half the oil and gas investment deals announced in the second quarter of 2009 , according to PwC , the professional services firm .

  11. 专业服务公司普华永道(PwC)7月份的预测显示,中国今年的股票筹资额将达到520亿美元,超过香港去年的410亿美元。

    Professional services firm PwC in July forecasted that share offerings in China this year would total $ 52bn , eclipsing the $ 41bn raised in Hong Kong last year .

  12. 法律服务业属于专业服务,中国加入WTO后,应采取谈判方式逐步开放法律服务市场,因此研究法律服务业如何贯彻市场准入原则,以及市场准入的现状、限度和范围,具有重要的现实意义。

    For the legal service is exclusive , we should open the market progressively by way of negotiations after China 's entering the WTO . It is of significance in practice to research problems about the market access , including the present conditions , limitation and scope .

  13. 专业服务公司普华永道(pwc)国际人员流动合伙人、负责向客户提供外派制度咨询的肖恩德鲁里(seandrury)表示,那样的日子正迅速成为历史。

    Those days are fast receding , says Sean Drury , an international mobility partner at PwC , the professional services firm , who advises clients on expatriation practices .

  14. 据英国教育研究机构HighFliers称,投行、公共部门雇主、会计师事务所和专业服务机构以及消费品企业的毕业生申请人数比前一年增加了至少10%。

    According to High Fliers , the UK education research group , graduate applications have increased by at least 10 per cent on the previous year in investment banks , public sector employers , accounting and professional services firms , and consumer goods companies .

  15. NCM和氏璧化工集团作为中国化工分销行业领军企业,旨在为国内企业提供各类化工原材料产品及专业服务。

    NCM chemical group , as a chemical leading distributor , provide all kinds of chemical raw material products and professional services for domestic enterprises .

  16. yougov为专业服务集团毕马威(kpmg)进行的调查发现,只有14%的企业拟定了处理气候变化问题的明确策略。

    Just 14 per cent of the companies surveyed by YouGov for KPMG , the professional services group , had a clear strategy for tackling climate change .

  17. 例如,据专业服务公司普华永道(pwc)的一项调查显示,中国在一年前就已停止向外国保险商发放允许其进入快速增长的中国市场的执照。

    For example , China ceased approving new licences for foreign insurers to enter its fast-growing domestic market a year ago , according to a survey by PwC , the professional services firm .

  18. 专业服务公司韬睿咨询(towersperrin)进行的一次此类调查显示,全球范围内,24%的雇员“不敬业”,只有14%的人“高度敬业”。

    Globally , 24 per cent of employees are " disengaged " and only 14 per cent are " highly engaged " , according to one such survey by Towers Perrin , the professional services firm .

  19. 此项受专业服务机构德勤(Deloitte)委托所做的研究显示,今年第一季度,交易额在5000万美元至3亿美元区间的交易近100宗,而2003年同期仅有10宗。

    The study , commissioned by Deloitte , the professional services firm , showed that there were nearly 100 deals in the first quarter of this year in the $ 50m to $ 300m range , compared with just 10 in the corresponding period in 2003 .

  20. 关于公共基础课为专业服务问题的思考

    Reflections on Higher Vocational Basic Curriculum 's Service for Profession Curriculum

  21. 近几十年来,国际专业服务在国际服务贸易中迅速崛起。

    In recent decades , professional services rise at a rapid speed .

  22. 各类的平面设计都可以涵括在D&d所能提供的专业服务里。

    All kinds of graphic design could be fulfilled by D & d.

  23. 软件制品、专业服务、其他服务;

    Software product , professional service , other services ;

  24. 开发潜在客户并积极推广专业服务内容。

    Attracting potential clients and actively promoting professional services .

  25. 专业服务性企业必须充分开发智力资源

    Developing the Intelligent Asset of the Professional Service Firms

  26. 医疗服务利用下降与专业服务营销

    The Dropping of Utilization of Medical Service and the Marketing of Professional Service

  27. 论合伙人的责任与专业服务业的开放

    On the Liability of Partnership and the Opening - up of Professional Field

  28. 广告法制化:科学管理与专业服务并行

    Law-based AD : Scientific Management and Professional Service side-by-side

  29. 专业服务领域国际贸易专家会议

    Meeting of Experts on International Trade in Professional Services

  30. 智力资产是专业服务性企业最宝贵的资产。

    Abstract Intelligent asset is the most valuable asset of the professional service firms .