
shànɡ hǎi tú shū ɡuǎn
  • Shanghai Library
  1. 上海图书馆是一所大型的综合性研究型公共图书馆。

    Shanghai Library is a large comprehensive research and public library .

  2. 目前仅存的孤本今收藏于上海图书馆,是国宝级的文物。

    As a treasured cultural relic , it is collected Shanghai Library .

  3. 文章叙述了国外网络信息资源编目的发展历史,同时介绍了美国网络信息资源合作编目系统CORC和上海图书馆开发的中文在线资源编目系统UCCOR的运作模式和它们在网络信息资源编目方面的成功经验。

    This paper expounds the development history of online information resource cataloging in the foreign countries , introduces the working pattern and successful experience of Cooperative Online Resource Catalogue ( CORC ) and Union-Catalogue of Chinese Online Resource .

  4. 参加中国当代艺术大展,上海图书馆。上海;

    The Grand Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art , Shanghai Library in Shanghai ;

  5. 上海图书馆电话咨询服务的现状与发展与时俱进的上海图书馆

    The Present Situation and Development of the Telephone Consulting Service of Shanghai Library

  6. 上海图书馆是上海十大标志性文化设施之一。

    Shanghai Library is one of the ten symbolic cultural buildings in Shanghai .

  7. 上海图书馆近年来的改革实践与思考

    A Review of Reform Practices in Shanghai Library

  8. 2003年,是上海图书馆上海科技情报研究所的整合提高年。

    The year 2003 is another year of integration of library and information service .

  9. 迎接电子资源的挑战:上海图书馆电子资源远程访问服务案例研究

    Meeting the Challenges of E-Resources : A Case Study of Shanghai Library E-Resources Remote Access Service

  10. 目前,国家图书馆、北京大学图书馆和上海图书馆等积极探讨中文元数据标准的制定。

    At present , National library , Beijing University library and Shanghai library probe actively into the formulation of Chinese metadata standard .

  11. 合作建设网上咨询服务平台是投入最小、见效最快的建设模式,上海图书馆网上联合知识导航站就是典范。

    Taking Shanghai Library for example , the article makes a brief introduction of the United Knowledge Navigation Site on Internet of Shanghai library .

  12. 版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。

    The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu , according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition .

  13. 文章分析了目前用户服务存在的一些问题,介绍了近年来上海图书馆文献提供服务的实践案例,包括人大数字图书馆、电子剪报及创建网上支付平台等。

    This paper analyses some problems in user service at the moment , and introduces Shanghai library 's practical case of literature supplying service in the past few years .

  14. 描述了上海图书馆新馆计算机管理系统,并介绍了计算机系统和网络系统的结构,系统的特点和可靠性,以及七个应用子系统。

    This paper describes Shanghai Library computer management system . It also introduces the structure of its computer system and network system , the feature and reliability of the system , and seven application subsystems .

  15. 其中包括三部分内容:一是通过焦点小组访谈法,对于上海图书馆收集到的231幅服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告进行筛选,得到服饰奢侈品大学生消费者喜欢的广告45幅。

    This section has three parts . The first is through method of focus group interview , selecting 45 advertisements which clothing luxury university student consumers most prefer from 231 advertisements collected from Shanghai Library .

  16. 本文以上海图书馆藏本为基础,勾稽相关文献,考察了晚明著名通俗小说作家凌蒙初刊刻、评点文言小说《世说新语》的缘由与过程;

    Based on Shi Shuo Xin Yu , which is stored in Shanghai Library , this paper cites the related documents and investigates the cause and process of Ling Menchu 's inscriptions and criticisms on the classical novel .

  17. 主要以上海图书馆和伯明翰中心图书馆为例,从资源建设、服务内容、宣传方式、服务方式、收费机制等几个方面对我国和英国公共图书馆的企业信息服务策略进行对比分析。

    Taking Shanghai Library and Birmingham Central Library as examples , this paper compares the strategies of business information services provided by Chinese and British public libraries in terms of collection development , information services , service promotion , information service means and charging .

  18. 上海地区图书馆RSS应用调研及分析

    Research and Analysis on RSS Application of Libraries in Shanghai Area

  19. 作者通过上海市图书馆的馆藏书目检索系统,对其馆藏图书进行有关网上拍卖的主题词检索。又通过专门帐号查询OCLC的商业数据库,利用词语组配、逻辑符号等进行高级检索和专家检索。

    The writer searched the bibliotheca of the Shanghai Library and searched the commercial database of the OCLC through the special account number by means of superior searching and expert searching etc.

  20. 生长在公园里的图书馆上海浦东图书馆新馆设计

    Library in a Park Design of Pudong New Library , Shanghai

  21. 上海地区图书馆人力资源建设的现状与未来的发展

    Status and Development of Human Resources in Libraries of Shanghai

  22. 上海某图书馆建筑内外遮阳负荷研究

    Research on the building exterior shading load of a public library in Shanghai

  23. 上海天文台图书馆自动化和网络化建设

    The library automation and networking construction at Shanghai Observatory

  24. 关于上海市中心图书馆向社区延伸中分馆作用的思考

    Pondering Over Roles of District and County Libraries in Terms of City Central Library Extension into the Communities

  25. 上海大学图书馆在此方面进行了一些有益的实践和探索。

    Shanghai University Library has made some useful practice and research by using its electronic resource and special collection .

  26. 由于近代独特的社会文化环境,上海的图书馆事业呈现出迂回曲折、多元活跃的发展特点。

    Due to the unique social surroundings back then , the librarianship in Shanghai underwent a faltering and diversified development .

  27. 重塑大学图书馆的新形象&浅谈上海交大图书馆人员机制改革新思路

    Reshaping University Library-A Brief talk on the New Thought of Reform of Personnel System Implemented in the Jiaotong University Library

  28. 上海社区图书馆建设的根本目的是为了搞好社区文化建设、进而达成创建学习型城市的目标。

    The final aim of constructions of shanghai community libraries is to construct a better community culture and a learning city .

  29. 本文主要介绍了上海天文台图书馆的自动化和网络化建设现状、实施尝试以及今后的发展前景。

    This paper mainly described the current status , the primary application results and the developement prospects in future on the library automation and networking construction at Shanghai Observatory .

  30. 介绍上海市中心图书馆针对不同的分馆情况应用不同的网络组网模式,即利用ISDN/FR/VPN等多种连接方式构造一个城域网,并对各种不同的网络架构模式进行比较讨论。

    This paper introduces the construction of the metropolitan area network ( MAN ) within the Shanghai Central Library ( SCL ) by using multiple network connecting means such as ISDN / FR / VPN .