
shàng jiàng
  • admiral;air chief marshal;colonel general;powerful and valiant general
上将 [shàng jiàng]
  • (1) [powerful and valiant general]∶指地位高的将领

  • 天下有变,则命一上将将荆州之军以向 宛、 洛。--《三国志.诸葛亮传》

  • 再拨一员上将,相助你去。--《三国演义》

  • (2) [colonel general]∶军衔的一级。将官中的一级,低于大将,高于中将

上将[shàng jiàng]
  1. 上将的军衔比少校高。

    A general is above a major .

  2. 陆军上将马丁·邓普西(MartinDempsey)取代马伦成为美国最高军事官员。

    Army General Martin Dempsey replaces him as the nation 's top military officer .

  3. 她试图从思想上将这两件事分开。

    She tried to dissociate the two events in her mind .

  4. 联欢会上将有现场表演节目。

    There will be live entertainment at the party .

  5. 在撒了面粉的板面上将油酥面团擀平。

    Roll the pastry on a floured surface .

  6. 在今年的大会上将首次由一位女士当主要发言人。

    For the first time , a woman will be the keynoter at the convention this year .

  7. 该船上将有5组工作人员,每组3人。

    There were to be five teams of three crewing the boat .

  8. 在烘板上将榛子烤至表皮微煳。

    Toast hazelnuts on a baking sheet until the skins char

  9. 他是由海军上将精心挑选出来担任这项工作的。

    He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral

  10. 首相正设法在政治上将对手一一驳倒。

    The Prime Minister was trying to score a political point over his rivals

  11. 随着制裁开始产生严重的负面影响,政治上将面临更多的困难。

    As the sanctions begin to bite there will be more political difficulties ahead

  12. 他用不堪入耳的话辱骂那位海军上将。

    He abused the Admiral in the grossest terms

  13. 一些特定的工作事实上将非白种人排斥在外。

    Non-white people are effectively excluded from certain jobs

  14. 他从来没遇到过一位真正的海军上将。

    He had never met a real live admiral

  15. 少数民族人士实际上将沦为无国籍的人。

    The ethnic minorities will be effectively stateless .

  16. 票面上将印有固定的入场时间。

    Tickets will be printed with fixed entry times

  17. 就问一问那位海军上将,是否可以有劳他给我留个便条。

    Just ask the Admiral if he will be good enough to drop me a note .

  18. 今后工党在福利问题上将处于下风。

    From now on Labour will be on the back foot on the subject of welfare .

  19. 在百货公司里,凡是已经兑换的礼券都会在上面盖上将其注销的商店的详细信息。

    In a department store when a gift voucher is exchanged it 's stamped with the details of the store to cancel it

  20. 如果我们继续浪费这么多的纸,在不久的将来,地球上将不再剩下任何树木。

    If we keep on wasting so much paper , there will not be any trees left on the earth some day in the near future .

  21. 本周一(6月14日),C罗在例行的赛前新闻发布会上将两瓶可口可乐挪走,并拿来一瓶水代替。这瓶水也是可口可乐旗下产品。

    Ronaldo started the trend on Monday at a mandatory pre-game news conference by hiding two Coca-Cola bottles and replacing them with a water bottle , which was also one of the drink maker ’ s brands .

  22. Bicyclekick(也可用overheadkick表示)指球员在腾空状态下、且头下脚上将球往后踢的动作。也就是传说中的“倒钩球”。

    Bicycle kick ( also known as overhead kick ) describes a situation when a player kicks the ball in mid-air backwards3 and over his own head .

  23. 在这次会议上将制定今后渔业发展的政策。

    The future policy of piscatorial development will be charted at the conference .

  24. 和这两艘袖珍战列舰一样的还有重巡洋舰希佩海军上将号,赛德利兹号以及德尔福林格号

    So were the two pocket battleships and the big cruisers Admiral Hipper , Seydlitz and Derfflinger .

  25. 我希望能从国家层面上将大人上下班时间和小学生上下学时间进行综合考虑、协调设置。

    I hope efforts can be made to arrange the working hours of parents and the school hours as a whole .

  26. 一次战斗中,一位老人在战场上将地上的草打上结,绊倒了追赶魏颗的秦将杜回。

    Once in a battle , and old man made knots with grass on the battlefield to trip down the general of the state of Qin , Du Hui , who was chasing Wei ke .

  27. “到2050年,地球上将有大约100亿人口,人们所吃的食物有一半将来自海洋。所以,我们确实需要关注管理蓝色经济的方式,如何从海洋中创造财富,但要以可持续的方式去做。”

    By 2050 we will have some ten billion people on the planet , and about half the food they eat will come from the ocean . So , we really do need to pay attention to the way that we manage the blue economy – generating wealth from the ocean but in a sustainable way .

  28. 在此例中,在这个组件的实现上将事务限定符设置为“local”。

    In such a case , you will set the transaction qualifier on the implementation of this component to " global " .

  29. 现在,模块C正在执行一个逻辑动作,而这个动作实际上将调用两个独立的事务。

    Now , module C , which is performing what is a single logical action , is actually causing two independent transactions to occur .

  30. 在VB平台上将整个工作过程整合,实现了柱塞泵的虚拟装配。

    The virtual assembly of plunger pump comes true .