
shàng xià wén
  • context
上下文 [shàng xià wén]
  • [context] 书面语言环境

上下文[shàng xià wén]
  1. 阅读能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。

    Skilled readers make use of context and prediction .

  2. 你应该能从上下文猜出这个词的含义。

    You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context .

  3. 我会将它放入上下文中进行具体解释。

    I would qualify that by putting it into context .

  4. 如果没有上下文,我会以为这是出自一名男子笔下。

    Without a context , I would have assumed it was written by a man .

  5. 写作中上下文的衔接非常重要。

    Coherence is very important in writing .

  6. 你能从上下文猜出那词的意思吗?

    Can you guess the meaning of the word from the context ?

  7. 翻译这个句子非参照上下文不可。

    This sentence cannot be translated without reference to the context .

  8. 这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。

    This sentence does not seem to connect with the context .

  9. 你常可以从上下文中猜出词义来。

    You can always tell the meaning of a word from its context .

  10. 脱离上下文而想判明一句话的意思有时是很困难的。

    It is sometimes very difficult to tell the meaning of a sentence taken out of its context .

  11. 在本世纪上半叶这一情况基本属实,但如今在纯属英国情景的上下文中它也更多地使用上了。

    During the first half of the present century this was virtually the case , though it is now appearing more frequently in purely British contexts .

  12. 通过上下文记住单词,在上下文中这些单词可能重复出现。

    Remember words through context , in which these words may appear repeatedly .

  13. 对一个词的理解是按字面意思还是隐喻的意思要视乎上下文和习惯。

    It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically .

  14. 上下文提供的理解其含义的线索

    contextual clues to the meaning

  15. 声调系统也是一个难题。汉语中有很多同音字,只靠四个声调来区分,而这很难区分开来,除非能确定上下文及短语的含义。

    The tone system also is a pain because there are many homophones in Chinese only distinguishable by the four tones . Even this is often not enough unless the actual context and exact phrase are identified .

  16. 例如,一个可信上下文可能有一个默认角色ROLEA。

    For example , a trusted context could have a default role , ROLE_A .

  17. show:在上下文中显示信息。

    Show : Display information in context .

  18. 活动文本(livetext)功能和上下文菜单有所增强。

    The live text function and context menu are improved .

  19. 使用Spring上下文加载器来加载配置文件。

    Use the Spring context loader to load the configuration file .

  20. 应用程序使用在Web服务协调中定义的活动服务(ActivationService)获取事务上下文。

    The Application uses the Activation Service defined in WS-Coordination to obtain a transactional context .

  21. 该算法设计了专门的预测器和基于上下文建模的Rice编码。

    This algorithm is composed of the predictor and Rice coding based on context modeling .

  22. 要解决这个问题,可在Spring应用程序上下文文件中显式定义一个

    To resolve this issue , explicitly define a

  23. 在此上下文中,服务组件体系结构(ServiceComponentArchitecture,SCA)是面向服务的组件模型。

    In this context Service Component Architecture ( SCA ) is the service-oriented component model .

  24. send()系统调用返回,结果导致了第四次的上下文切换。

    The send () system call returns , creating the fourth context switch .

  25. 有两种类型的消息上下文:身份上下文(identitycontext)和发送者上下文(origincontext)。

    There are two types of message context : identity context and origin context .

  26. 针对上下文无关语言的句子所对应的语法树G树的表示形式提出了一种关系数据库的存储形式。

    A storage mapping of G tree of syntax tree in relational databases is represented .

  27. 而对该上下文的查找则返回Bean的一个Home对象。

    In turn , the lookup on the context returns a home object of the bean .

  28. 数据库使用上下文中的信息调用定义在Web服务协调中的注册服务(RegistrationService)来注册该事务的信息。

    Database-1 uses information in the context to invoke the Registration Service defined in WS-Coordination to register interest in this transaction .

  29. 参见使用上下文ID和规则排序。

    See Using a context ID and Rule ordering .

  30. 身份验证域提供了一个上下文,可以在其中对ID进行验证。

    An authentication domain provides a context within which an ID can be verified .