
  • 网络delta coast
  1. 现代黄河三角洲海岸的冲淤及造陆速率

    Erosion and silting-up and land-making rates of the modern Yellow River Delta Coast

  2. 古代黄河三角洲海岸的现代特征&黄河三角洲潮滩时空谱系研究Ⅰ

    Modern Characteristics of the Ancient Yellow River Delta Coast ── Research on the Space-Time Lineage of the Yellow River Delta Tidal-Flat Coast ⅰ

  3. 基于RS、GIS集成技术的黄河三角洲海岸线变迁研究

    Monitoring the change of the coastline of the Yellow River delta by integrating remote sensing ( RS ) and GIS

  4. 利用RS和GIS技术对黄河三角洲海岸线近期的演变情况进行研究,对黄河三角洲的油气资源的勘探和开发、实现三角洲地区的可持续发展战略具有十分重要的现实意义。

    By the Remote Sensing technology and GIS , we study the recent dynamic evolution of the coastline in the Yellow River Delta , and that is very important to exploit the oil resource , carry out the sustainable development of the Delta .

  5. 黄河三角洲海岸剖面类型与演变规律

    Coastal Profile Types and Evolution Regularities of the Yellow River Delta

  6. 滦河三角洲海岸潮汐汊道&潮盆体系的演变

    Evolution of tidal inlet drainage basin system on Luanhe River Delta

  7. 黄河三角洲海岸线遥感动态监测

    Dynamic Monitoring of Coastline in the Yellow River Delta by Remote Sensing

  8. 黄河三角洲海岸线变化及其环境地质效应

    Shoreline changes of the Yellow River Delta and its environmental geologic effect

  9. 长江三角洲海岸带资源及其可持续利用

    Sustainable Utilization of Resources in the Coastal Area of the Yangtze River Delta

  10. 黄河近代三角洲海岸的动态变化

    Dynamical Change of the Coast at the Modern Delta of the Yellow River

  11. 黄河三角洲海岸线蚀退原因及对策

    The Season of Losing Coast Line of the Yellow River Delta and Countermeasure

  12. 珠江三角洲海岸变迁及对城市可持续发展的影响

    The coast changes of Zhujiang river delta and its influence on city sustainable development

  13. 不同的地貌类型形成的砂矿床有所区别,一般砂矿床主要产于砂质海岸、沙坝&泻湖海岸、三角洲海岸内。生物海岸、泥质海岸不成矿。

    The placer deposits are mainly formed in sandy coasts , bar lagoons and deltas .

  14. 长江河口及三角洲海岸演变与港口选址

    On evolution of Estuary and deltaic coast in the Yangtze River and selection of harbor-site

  15. 治理黄河三角洲海岸蚀退的生物措施&米草生态防护工程

    An useful biological management on coastal protection in Yellow River delta : ecological engineering with Spartina

  16. 本论文在对策与建议中提出了黄河口水沙资源的合理分配与利用,近50年来,黄河入海水沙状况已经发生巨大变化,三角洲海岸冲淤也发生相应变化。

    This paper gives proposal of the reasonable distribution and use of the water and sand resources .

  17. 黄河河口三角洲海岸的发育及其对上游河道的影响

    The development of the coastline of the Huanghe River Delta and its effects on the upstream channels

  18. 珠江韩江三角洲海岸变迁遥感解译对比研究

    Interpretation and study of remote sensing of COASTAL-LINE migration in the Pearl River and the Hanjiang River Delta

  19. 废黄河三角洲海岸侵蚀过程中的变异特征及整体防护研究

    Study of Variation Features during Coastal Erosion Processes on the Abandoned Huanghe River Delta and Integrated Protection Measures

  20. 黄河三角洲海岸及滨海区演变与河口流路、入海水沙的关系

    On the evolution of the Huanghe River Delta and its relation to the riverway and sand entering the sea

  21. 海岸趋势面应用技术比较分析&以黄河三角洲海岸为例

    The Comparison Analysis of the Trend Surface Application on the Coast & Taking the Yellow River Delta as an Example

  22. 苏北废黄河三角洲海岸时空演变遥感分析

    Remote Sensing Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Changes of the Coastal Area in the Abandoned Huanghe River Delta in the Northern Jiangsu Province

  23. 利用卫星遥感、测深、浅地层剖面及钻孔资料研究了黄河三角洲海岸及近海海洋灾害地质,编制了黄河三角洲海洋灾害地质图。

    Satellite remote sensing , bathymetry and high-resolution seismic data have been used to examine the marine geo-hazards in the modern Yellow River delta .

  24. 对上述因素的综合分析表明,自20世纪90年代末以来黄河三角洲海岸呈现总体侵蚀的趋势难以逆转。

    According to the comprehensive analysis of the above elements , there is a non-reverse trend of erosion in the Yellow River Delta coast .

  25. 利用遥感技术,通过多期卫星遥感影像的对比,可以清晰的反映三角洲海岸线的动态演变。

    Depending on the Remote Sensing technology and GIS , by contrasting a series of Remote Sensing data , the dynamic evolution of the coastline could be observed in the Yellow River Delta clearly .

  26. 大河三角洲河口海岸演化机理模型研究:(II)模型构建与实证

    Researches on dynamics model and numerical simulation of the large-scale estuarine shoreline evolution : ( II ) numerical modeling and a case study

  27. 对岩石记录中三角洲和海岸平原的判别

    The distinction between deltas and coastal plains in the rock record

  28. 黄河三角洲河口段海岸线动态及演变预测

    Shoreline dynamics and evolution forecast in the Yellow River Delta Estuary

  29. 长江三角洲与苏北海岸动态类型划分及侵蚀危险度研究

    Determination of classification and risk in the coastal zone of Yangtze Delta and North Jiangsu

  30. 结果太原组发育扇三角洲和障壁海岸沉积。

    Results Fan delta and barrier coast sedimentary are widely developed in the Taiyuan formation .