
  • 网络Yongjing County
  1. 永靖县农村育龄妇女妊娠结局调查分析

    Investigation and analysis about rural female pregnant outcomes in Yongjing county

  2. 永靖县羊血液原虫病综合防治试验

    The comprehensive controlling experiment on sheep 's blood protozoosis in Yongjing County

  3. 甘肃省永靖县是国家扶贫开发重点县之一。

    Youngjing County in Gansu Province is one of the key counties of the national poverty alleviation plan .

  4. 新时期加强党的基层组织建设的创新实践&永靖县实施双培双带工程的调查与思考

    The Creative Practice For The Construction Of the Party 's Basic Organization & Yunjing county carrying out the project of the two trainings and two leadings

  5. 永靖县的网吧里满是学龄前儿童,带他们来的是本应照看他们的哥哥姐姐或邻居的孩子。

    The caf in Yongjing is full of pre-school children , brought along by their siblings or neighbours ' children who are supposed to be watching over them .

  6. 目的:通过对永靖县育龄妇女妊娠结局的调查,了解农村妇女的生殖健康现状及其影响因素,为进一步搞好计划生育工作和妇女保健工作提供科学依据。

    Objective : In order to understand the prevalent situation of female reproductive health in Yongjing county , we investigated the female pregnant outcomes to provide scientific evidences for family planning and women health working .

  7. 方法①基线调查:2001年,在甘肃省临泽县和永靖县分层、整群随机抽样6个干预乡镇和对应的对照乡镇,每个乡镇随机抽取若干个行政村作为样本点。

    Methods ( 1 ) In 2001 , we stratified and clustered random selected 6 intervention and control counties from Linze County and Yongjing County in Gansu Province . Some administrative villages that template spots were random selected from them .