
  • 网络main channel;Main tank
  1. 研究表明,因河段内阻力因素复杂,边界沿堤水位与同断面主槽水位差别最大可达03m。

    The experimental results show that due to the complex resistance in the reach , the water levels along the embankments are different to the levels of the main channel at the same section , and the maximum difference between the two places is 0.3 ? m.

  2. 通过河床主槽中泥沙的淤积和冲刷,运动泥沙的组成发生变化;

    Through sediment deposition and scour in main channel , composition of sediment in motion changes ;

  3. 从多站观测研究电离层主槽特性

    The Study of Main Ionospheric Trough from Multi-station Observations

  4. 黄河下游维持主槽不萎缩的输沙需水研究辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究

    Water demand for sediment transport to maintain the stable main channel in the Lower Yellow River

  5. 论“稳定主槽、调水调沙”的治河方略

    On general plan of river harnessing of " stabilizing main channel and regulating water and sediment "

  6. 丁坝降低对减少一些对主槽不利的侵蚀是一项比较可取的措施。

    The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance .

  7. 我国多数平原河流存在十分频繁和严重的洪水灾害现象,此类河道通常由主槽和滩地组成,横断面呈复杂的复式断面形态。

    Flood disasters occurred frequently and severely in most plain rivers in China , that are made of floodplains and main channels .

  8. 黄河内蒙古河段主槽萎缩原因和对策槽起始段有不同斜率产品的电解加工

    Cause of main channel shrinkage occurred to the Inner-Mongolia reaches of Yellow River The ECM of Grooves with Different Slope on Section Start

  9. 窄深河槽具有很强的泄洪能力与输沙能力,是主槽整治追求的目标。

    The narrow and deep channel possesses great flood discharge and silt carrying capacities , which is the target of the main channel training .

  10. 计算了河段主槽与边滩以及各个桥墩的冲刷深度,得出了较为详细的黄河兰州新城段河床演变规律和旧桥桥渡冲刷结果。

    And the deep of eroding has been calculated . Thus , more detailed and accurate develop law of the riverbed and erode result are gotten .

  11. 20世纪70年代以来北港主槽的河势变化经历了三个历史时期:(1)动乱时期(1972~1985年);

    There are three periods in the process of North Channel since the 1970s : ( 1 ) the period of instability ( 1972 & 1985 );

  12. 动能损失强度随着主槽边坡系数的增大而减弱,随着滩槽宽度比的增大而增强。

    Kinetic energy loss becomes weaker with main channel side slope factor increasing and becomes stronger with the ratio of main channel and flood plain width increasing .

  13. 主槽中原来淤积的细颗粒泥沙由于新淤积粗颗粒的保护和荫蔽作用,主槽的泥沙尽管粗化,水库运用后期的主槽淤积物仍有较细的泥沙颗粒存在。

    Despite the deposited sediment is coarse in the main channel , the small sediment still exists due to the protection and shield of the coarse sediment .

  14. 实测资料表明,含沙量100~200kg/m3的不漫滩洪水在涨水期仍可造成主槽的强烈冲刷。

    The observed data shows that non-bankfull flood with 100 ~ 200 kg / m ~ 3 sediment concentration still can seriously scour the main channel during rise .

  15. 并非所有的漫滩洪水都具有淤滩刷槽作用,研究认为,对中低含沙洪水,只要当洪水流量达平滩流量的1.5倍以上,黄河主槽才出现明显冲刷。

    It deems through study that the main channel of the Yellow River will be obviously scoured only when flood discharge reaches to 1.5 times of bankfull discharge .

  16. 本文根据实测资料说明了宽河段的滞洪效果和稳定的河道主槽对控制河势的重要作用。

    The effect of wide rever section on flood detention and the important role of stabilized main channel in river control are demonstrated according to the observation data .

  17. 高含沙量小水,主槽淤积严重;淤泥质海岸开敞航道的回淤计算

    The siltation in the main channel is serious when it is a small flood with high sediment concentration and : it silts the floodplains . Siltation Calculation for Open Channel

  18. 结合同步采集的水动力资料分析影响长江口主槽表层沉积物分布的水动力因子,探讨表层沉积物分布的动力响应机制。

    With the analysis of the hydrodynamic data during the same observation , the factors which affect the distribution of surface sediment and the hydrodynamic response of it were discussed .

  19. 该模型考虑了各流道(如滩地、主河槽等)的不同阻力特征,反映了主槽和滩地水流流动路径的差异。

    The different resistance characteristics of several " channels ", such as main channel and floodplain channel , reflecting differences of water flow routing , are considered in the model .

  20. 然后根据由最小能耗率原理导出的河相关系式,计算出闸前主槽水深、流速,并将其代入堰流公式进行水力学计算,求得泄洪冲沙闸宽度。

    Therefore , the flow depth and flow velocity before the sluice are calculated by the river facies formula , then using the weir formula to gain the outlet sluice width .

  21. 主槽的水流紊动强度主要与床面糙率有关,滩地植被影响了滩地水流的归槽时间,使主槽水流流速沿程增大。

    Vegetations in the floodplain affect the time coming into the main channel of the floodplain flow and arouse the increase of flow velocity in the main channel along the river .

  22. 长江中下游是典型的河槽分汊型河流,主槽与支汊交替转化是最突出的演变特点。

    The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are classified as typical braided rivers with bifurcating channels characterized by the interchanging of position between the main and branch channels .

  23. 河道调整特点为持续冲刷时期主槽、中水河槽的河宽、面积都明显增大,持续淤积时期则减小。

    The characteristic of bed regulating is that the width and area of main channel and medium flowing channel increased greatly during the sustained silting period and decreased during scouring period .

  24. 当小流量时水流动力轴线的位置取决于主槽的位置,当大流量时水流动力轴线的变化规律接近矩形断面的情形。

    The position of power axis of flow is determined by main channel when runoff is small , while the change law conforms with the law of rectangular section when runoff is large .

  25. 渭河下游平滩流量与水沙条件响应关系研究北港下段演变与主槽河段演变有一很好的响应关系。6、洪水作用对北港局部的河势变化起了关键作用。

    Research on the relationship between bank-full discharge and runoff-sediment condition in the downstream of Weihe River 6 . The influence of the flood is important to the evolution of the regional North Channel .

  26. 经过大流量冲刷,河床主槽加深,但在下游水闸关闭后,水流携带的泥沙在下游沉积,出口附近河床反而出现淤积;

    The main trough of riverbed was deepened by large discharge of the river while silted near the river mouth because the sand brought by current deposited near the mouth after closing the water gate .

  27. 分析结果表明,调水调沙不仅能够减少河道淤积,而且能够有效增大主槽的过流能力,改善下游河道排沙条件。

    The test results show that the water-sediment regulation can reduce aggradations of the channel , increase its flowing capacity and improve the sedi - ment delivery conditions of the channel in the lower river .

  28. 洪水在运行过程中与河床交互作用,水流与河床、滩地与主槽俱发生泥沙交换;

    In the course of flood running , interaction effect occurs between the flood and river bed , and sediment exchange also occurs between water flow , river bed , flood plain and main channel ;

  29. 总体来讲,河道主槽淤积速度远远大于滩地淤积速度,形成槽高、滩低、堤根洼的不利形势。

    Overall speaking , the speed of sedimentation in main channels is much more larger than that on beaches , therefore the disadvantageous river states of high channels , low beaches and dyke base are formed .

  30. 通过对现代塔里木河干流河道大断面的泥沙堆积情况、河道的基本特征和上游来水来沙条件的研究,认为塔里木河河道冲淤较大,主槽摆动频繁;

    Investigating into the cross section , siltation , water flow and silt content of main Tarim river course proved that the erosion and siltation of the river channel varied largely and the main course wandered frequently .