
sù yuán
  • Traceability;trace to the source;go back to the origin
溯源 [sù yuán]
  • [trace to the source;go back to the origin] 往上游寻找发源地,比喻探求本源

  • 追本溯源

溯源[sù yuán]
  1. 为统一X射线剂量量值,保证X射线工作计量器具的准确一致和正确使用,确保人身的安全,必须实现X射线剂量的量值溯源,保证X射线设备的质量控制。

    The value of X-rays dose must be achieved trace to the source in order that the value of X-rays dose is unified , X-ray work measuring instruments are ensured accurately , consistently and used properly , the quality control of X-ray equipment must be ensured .

  2. 浅论溯源法在物理教学中的作用

    Functions of " Trace to the Source " in Physics Teaching

  3. 我们目前对操作所引起的整个内分泌和代谢反应的了解,溯源于两种思潮。

    Our current awareness of an integral endocrine and metabolic response to injury may be traced to two streams of thought .

  4. 新冠病毒溯源是科学问题,应由全球科学家合作开展有关工作。

    The WHO and international experts fully on origin-tracing , which is a scientific issue that should be jointly studied by scientists all over the world .

  5. 中国-世界卫生组织新冠病毒溯源联合研究专家组中方组长梁万年:今年初,世界卫生组织—中国联合专家组到武汉做病毒溯源研究。

    Earlier this year , Chinese and international experts visited Wuhan to study the origin of the virus , which was organized by the World Health Organization .

  6. 调查德堡是包括中国人民在内的各国人民的呼声,是美方在病毒溯源问题上必须回答的问题。

    Investigating Fort Detrick is an appeal of people all over the world , including the Chinese people . It is a question that the US must answer .

  7. X射线CT检测设备的溯源

    Traceability of test device for X-ray CT equipment in medical diagnostic

  8. 基于CO2激光器的温度传感器可溯源动态校准

    Traceability Dynamic Calibration of Temperature Sensor Based on CO_2 Laser

  9. 基于FTIR指纹光谱的牛肉产地溯源技术研究

    Determination of Geographical Origin of Beef Based on FTIR Spectroscopy Analysis

  10. 基于粗糙AHP法的自动测试系统溯源性灰色评价

    Grey Comprehensive Assessment of Traceability for Automatic Test System Based on Rough Analytical Hierarchy Process

  11. 基于GPRS的农产品移动溯源终端研究与实现

    Study and Development of Mobile Tracing Terminal Based on GPRS for Agricultural Products Quality Tracking

  12. 纳米、亚微米标准样板及SPM量值溯源

    Nanometer and Sub-micrometer Standard Samples and Valuation Traceability for SPM

  13. 系统主要以电子射频识别技术(RFID)作为自动识别的技术手段,以电子标签作为猪肉产品溯源信息的载体,利用物联网技术实现猪肉产品的全生命周期的监管。

    System is mainly using RFID technology as automatic identification , using RFID tags as traceability information carrier of pork product .

  14. 分析了传统的RBAC模型在中药溯源系统中应用的不足,并且给出了相应的解决方案。

    Analyzes the deficiency of traditional RBAC model and provides the corresponding solutions . 2 .

  15. 结合UV法在线COD监测仪的工作原理及其示值溯源的实现,指出了该系统存在明显的应用局限性。

    We also point out that this system has some disadvantages because of its working principle and realization of its show value source .

  16. 以城北污水处理厂为示范点,在污水管网设置三个监测点,选择pH及电导率为在线监测指标,构建了基于GIS的污水管网溯源监控系统。

    Setting up three monitoring points in sewerage system , and selecting pH and conductivity for on-line monitoring indexes , then building sewage pipe network tracing monitoring system based on GIS .

  17. ACCU采样和PIXE技术用于PM(10)污染溯源的研究

    Source identification of PM_ ( 10 ) aerosol samples by ACCU sampler and PIXE technique

  18. 2007年四川省鼠伤寒沙门菌PFGE分型及溯源

    PFGE-typing of Salmonella Typhimurium Isolates for Source Identification in Sichuan Province , 2007

  19. IVECO车身视觉检测系统现场溯源研究

    Study of Field Traceability of Visual Inspection System of IVECO Body

  20. 本文的主要工作和贡献可归纳为以下几个方面:(1)提出基于路径信息弹性分片的(D)DoS攻击跨域溯源方法。

    The main work and contributions are as follows : ( 1 ) Propose a cross-AS traceback method based on flexible fragmentation of path information for tracing ( D ) DoS attack .

  21. 它是约翰·雷(JohnRay)和弗朗西斯·维鲁格比(FrancisWillughby)的著述《鱼类溯源》中的组图之一,该书于1686年由英国皇家学会出版,并于近日上传到互联网,以飨五州学者。

    It is one of a set from John Ray 's and Francis Willughby 's book " Historia Piscium , " published in 1686 by the Royal Society and recently put online by them for the edification of scholars everywhere .

  22. 提出了一种利用ATE系统内部计量链向国家标准溯源的ATE系统校准方法,最后介绍了用该方法对某型直升机ATE系统进行校准的实施步骤及校准结果。

    This paper also provides a kind of method to trace to the national standards using the metrological chain in the ATE system , and converts this method into implemental steps . At last , the system calibration results are given .

  23. 目的探讨建立快速敏感的EHECO157:H7诊断分型方法,有效地追踪溯源和控制传染源。

    Objective To explore and to establish fast and sensitive subtyping methods of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli ( EHEC ) O157 : H7 for infectious resource tracing and control .

  24. 并将透射比浊法使用的校准品分别用IMMAGE免疫化学系统重新定值,透射法量值溯源而构成新的检测体系,其检测结果与散射法的结果进行偏差评估。

    The calibrator of transmission turbidimetry was calibrated with IMMAGE immunochemistry system , the new detection system and bias estimation was established .

  25. 脱脂牛肉粉、粗脂肪、牛尾毛中δ13C、δ15N值均可作为牛肉产地溯源的指标,它们对牛肉产地来源的判别规律一致。

    The δ 13C and δ 15N values of defatted muscle , crude fat , cattle hair , which provided consistent information for geographical traceability , could be used in beef geographical origin assessment .

  26. 结论用cfas转移血清酶定值的新鲜混合血清作为校准品对不同检测系统进行校准,既保证了结果的可溯源性,又可以实现血清酶测定的一致性。

    Conclusions Calibration with the mixed serum ensured the traceability of the result of serum enzyme , also improved the assay precision among different system .

  27. 本文简要介绍了化学测量溯源性和具有绝对测量性质的同位素稀释质谱法(IDMS),并应用该法为国际测量评估计划(IMEP-9)河水样品中的钾提供可直接溯源到SI单位的标准值。

    This article briefly described the chemical measurement traceability and isotope dilution mass spectrometry that has the potential to be primary method , and also described how to provide the Si-traceable value of K in river water by the means of IDMS .

  28. “岭南”这个词,可溯源至东周(770BC-221BC),一般指的是广东,广西和越南北部。

    The word'Lingnan'comes from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty ( 770BC-221BC ), generally referring to Guangdong , Guangxi and the north of Vietnam .

  29. ASOBIO庞大的国际化设计师团队,足迹遍布米兰、东京、纽约、巴黎、斯德哥尔摩等各个时尚溯源地。

    ASOBIO has a large team of global designers who are sourcing the fashion front lines of Milan , Tokyo , New York , Paris and Stockholm .

  30. 为了满足大衰减量值的溯源,研制成功了新的PAS1型衰减测量接收机和新的国家标准装置。

    In order to meet the traceability of large attenuation , a new model PAS-1 attenuation measuring receiver and then a new national attenuation standard system are developed .