
cháng fāng xíng
  • rectangle;oblong;oblong shape
长方形 [cháng fāng xíng]
  • [rectangle] 长和宽不相等,所有内角均为直角的平行四边形

长方形[cháng fāng xíng]
  1. 他们把那个长方形的硬木箱抬进厨房,放到桌上。

    They bore the oblong hardwood box into the kitchen and put it on the table .

  2. 铁锤是长方形的,像古时的钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape , and of the kind our ancestors called " jaquemart " .

  3. 这一设计由淡色的3个长方形和3个三角形构成。

    This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and three triangles

  4. 他递给我一张小小的长方形白纸片。

    He handed me a little rectangle of white paper

  5. 设长方形的宽是x米。

    Suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres .

  6. 他把一个长方形的箱子放在桌子上。

    He put a rectangular box on the table .

  7. 图1-1A直(长方形)止血带最适合用于柱状的肢体

    Fig. 1-1 A , Straight ( rectangular ) tourniquets fit optimally on cylindrical limbs .

  8. 去年1月,在伦敦东部工作的考古学家们发现了一个不同寻常的长方形木结构遗迹。

    Then , in January last year , archaeologists working in east London uncovered the remains3 of an unusual rectangular timber structure .

  9. 游戏中,玩家需要捕捉一条长方形的虫子,但这条虫子会不断改变它身上的图案,以防被玩家捉到。

    That 's where you have to catch a rectangular bug , but it keeps changing its pattern in an effort to stop you doing so .

  10. 研究人员给42名被试男女展示了画有大正方形和长方形的一些图片,每个大的图形里面都包括很多小的图形。

    A total of 42 men and women were shown pictures of outlines of large squares and rectangles4 , each of which was packed with smaller shapes .

  11. 我们的大脑会自动识别大的图形,也就是说,如果我们看到一个正方形里面有很多个小的长方形,然后被问到正方形里面是什么图形的话,我们就会很容易被误导,然后回答说“里面是正方形”。

    Our brains are wired to take in the bigger picture , meaning that if we are shown a square filled with rectangles and asked what is inside , we can easily be fooled into saying ' squares ' .

  12. 六角型的元素表示帮助文件,长方形的元素表示XML配置文件。

    The hexagon-shaped elements denote assist files , and the rectangular-shaped elements denote the XML configuration files .

  13. netFramework下的函数实现对线段、圆弧、椭圆、长方形、多边形等基本图形的绘制,并且实现在绘图区域的单位像素和整个绘图区域范围内图形的任意缩放。

    NET Framework . Realizes the discretionary zoom of unit pixel in drawing region and graph in entire region .

  14. LD端面抽运长方形激光晶体的热效应

    Thermal effect of quadrate laser crystal with diode laser end-pumped

  15. 利用自行设计的长方形可视化流道进行了大量的试验,观察CO2气泡在聚合物熔体中的动态特性,分析了CO2气泡与聚合物熔体在螺旋流场及组合流场中的形态及变化。

    Large tests are carried out about the CO2 gas and the polymer melts in a kind of helix flow field using the direct visual flow-field .

  16. 在美国进行庭审的整个过程中,苹果始终认为三星智能手机的长方形造型看上去和iPhone过于相似。

    Throughout the trial in the U.S. , Apple argued that Samsung 's smartphones with their rectangular shape looked too much like the iPhone .

  17. 求解了长方形贮箱中液体在大Bond数情况下受到长度方向加速度激励时的随机波高响应,给出了波高函数的响应功率谱及均方值。

    Random wave-height response of liquid in a rectangular container accelerated in the direction of length for great bond number has been studied and power density and the mean square of wave-height are given .

  18. iMac形状较为方正,颜色为银色,而XPSOne则是通体黑色的长方形,两旁是音箱所在,还有个宽宽的玻璃底座。

    Where the iMac is squarish and silver , the XPS One is all black and rectangular , with speakers attached to the sides and a wide glass base .

  19. 罗兰•纳尔逊(RolandNelson)记得,几年前他从妻子那儿收到了一份父亲节礼物,那是个薄薄的、长方形的东西。

    Roland Nelson remembers receiving a slim , rectangular Father 's Day present from his wife a few years ago .

  20. 雅各布斯的弟弟迈克(Mike)是一名建筑师,他设计了一个350平方英尺大的精致长方形屋子,利用周围的树作支撑,悬挂在山上。

    Mr. Jacobs 's brother , Mike , is an architect , and he designed a refined 350-foot rectangle cantilevered out over the hill that uses the surrounding trees as supports .

  21. 一位国际贸易委员会的法官最终认定三星侵犯了苹果的四项专利,其中一项与iPhone长方形带圆角的基本设计有关。

    An ITC judge agreed with Apple with regard to four patents , one of which relates to the basic design of the iPhone as a handheld rectangle with rounded corners .

  22. 当散射体的截面为长方形时,截面的长宽比为1.2时XY模的带隙最宽,长宽比为1时Z模的带隙最宽;

    The largest band gap appears when the proportion of length and width of scatterers ' rectangle cross-section is 1.2 for XY mode and is 1 for Z mode ;

  23. 在uv坐标系中,它也许看起来像这样,实际上,如果你看到了这些变量的线性改变,你就会知道在进行变量替换之后,长方形就会变成平行四边形。

    There , maybe it will look like , actually , if you see that these are linear changes of variables , you know that the rectangle will become a parallelogram after the change of variables .

  24. 机动式近海基地(MOB)一般由多个长方形半潜式钢结构模块船组成,每个模块船上都装有动力定位系统,通过协调控制算法保持各个模块的相对定位。

    Mobile offshore base ( MOB ) is generally constituted by several rectangular steel semi-submersible ship modules ; each module is equipped with dynamic positioning system .

  25. 就时装潮流而言,这样的手袋看上去有些怪怪的——即使你还没有见过芬迪售价6600美元的“Monster”长方形手袋,这款手袋外观像一张脸,还有毛绒绒的眉毛。吴季刚2015年秋季新品秀上的一款皮草手袋。

    As fashion trends go , this one borders on goofy-even before you 've seen Fendi 's $ 6600 ' Monster ' baguette bag , which has a face and fuzzy eyebrows .

  26. 它传递一个像这样的图画,在每个,长方形中是一个单词foo和bar和,还有程序的名字。

    It 's being handed a picture that looks like this , and inside each baz of these squares is a word foo and bar and baz as well as the program 's name .

  27. 房间的窗帘是威廉•莫里斯(WilliamMorris)设计风格的回归。还有祼露的砖墙。浴室墙壁上,从天花到地板都采用奶油色长方形墙砖,这与纽约地铁里倒有几分相似。

    The curtains are a throwback to a William Morris design , there are exposed brick walls , and the floor-to-ceiling bathroom tiles are creamy oblongs similar to those in the New York subway .

  28. 也就是说,无论你的电脑是Mac也好,PC也好或其他什么的,你会有厚厚一块RAM存储器,我们可以把它画成长方形,你们有可能看不到。

    So that means if you & whether you own a Mac , PC or whatever , you have a whole chunk of RAM memory which you can draw for instance as a rectangle , if you can 't quite see .

  29. 例如,invokeAssessor活动显示为带有圆角的长方形。

    The activities , such as invokeAssessor , are shown as the rectangles with rounded corners .

  30. 片状CaCO_3呈长方形,其平面大小约为10×12μm,厚度约为0.1μm,室温下由3种晶型组成,其中以球霰石晶型为主要成份。

    The platelike CaCO_3 is rectangu-lar , with the size of about 10 × 12 × 0.1 μ m. It is composed of three kinds of crystal modifications , among which , vaterite is the predominant species .