
  • 网络KNIFE
  1. 我感到一阵恐惧和恶心。血从我的伤口流到背上和胸上,那把长刀像火红的烙铁在我的肩膀上。

    I felt sick and frightened.The blood from my wound ran over my back and chest , and the knife seemed to burn like hot iron .

  2. 他用两手和两个膝盖爬行。尽管腿受伤了,他还是爬得很快,然后从甲板上一盘缆绳下面找出一把长刀。

    He was on his hands and knees and , although his leg hurt him , he moved quickly across the deck and took a long knife from among some ropes .

  3. 长刀相击铿然作响。

    The long blades clashed together .

  4. 那小偷手持一把长刀,不让我靠近。

    That thief kept me at bay with a long knife .

  5. 他用一把长刀披荆斩棘开出一条路来。

    He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife .

  6. 这刀出自东南,应该正应了戚继光抗倭的事。我认为是长刀。

    This Dao comes from southeast . I think it 's a long dao .

  7. 他们穿著古老的荷兰式服装,腰带间系着长刀。

    They were dressed in old Dutch-style clothes with long knives in their belts .

  8. 重装长刀民兵是比普通长刀兵更优秀的英国守备部队。

    Heavy Bill Militia are superior English garrison troops compared to standard Bill Militia .

  9. 苍白泛粉的冰柱悬挂在她的指尖,十支冰冻的鲜血结成的长刀。

    Pale pink icicles hung from her fingertips , ten long knives of frozen blood .

  10. 然后桑顿拾起哈尔的长刀,劈开巴克身上的挽具。

    Then Thornton picked up Hal 's knife and cut Buck out of the harness .

  11. 哈尔抽出了他的长刀,但是桑顿把它打落了。

    Hal took out his long knife , but Thornton knocked it out of his hand .

  12. 很不错的设计与工艺,是没了刀装长刀们的福音。

    Really not bad design and technic . It 's the evangel of long Dao without fittings .

  13. 在切断手术中用的两刃长刀。他用一把长刀阻止我接近。

    A long double-edged knife used for amputations . He kept me at bay with a long knife .

  14. 血从我的伤口流到背上和胸上。那把长刀像火红的烙铁在我的肩膀上。

    The blood from my wound ran over my back and chest , and the knife seemed to burn like hot iron .

  15. 1934年的今天,“长刀之夜”,阿道夫·希特勒实施了其使用暴力消除政敌的行动。

    1934-The Night of the Long Knives , Adolf Hitler 's violent purge of his political rivals in Germany , takes place .

  16. 看了龙女的汉长刀,搞不到一把完整的好汉刀誓不罢休。

    After looking your han long dao , I think I won 't give up until I get an intact Han dao .

  17. 中间两柱之间又系有两把交叉的景颇长刀,形成一种特有的氛围。

    Then they put two long knives of Jingpo nationality between the two pillars in the middle , thus forming a special atmosphere .

  18. 它采用长刀片阴极这种简便的方法获得了高密度的矩形截面电子束,成功地泵浦了工作物质。

    A high density rectangular electron beam is obtained easily by using a long razor-shape cathode and the active material is successfully pumped by this type of beam .

  19. 不光因为他们身披重装板甲,手握长刀,同时它们也更为训练有素。

    Not only are they heavily armoured in plate armour and armed with a billhook , they are trained to be more effective units in combat as well .

  20. 尽管腿受伤了,他还是爬得很快,然后从甲板上一盘缆绳下面找出一把长刀。

    He was on his hands and knees and , although his leg hurt him , he moved quickly across the deck and took a long knife from among some ropes .

  21. 对面的机甲战士很快恢复冷静,把金色盾牌和青色长刀扔在一边,从背后又抽出一把金色长刀来。

    Opposite machine A warrior soon resume dispassion , gold color shield and blue long knife throw in the part , from back drew out a gold color to grow knife again .

  22. 巴兹尔转身迅速朝画像走去。这是我最好的作品,但现在我恨它,我要毁了它,趁它还没毁掉我们的友谊。他拿起了一把长刀。

    Basil turned and walked quickly over to the portrait . 'It 's my best work , but now I hate it . I will destroy it now , before it destroys our friendship . 'He picked up a long knife .

  23. 第二天深夜,萨普特、弗里茨和我,还有另外六个人,骑马向曾达城堡进发。萨普特带着一根长绳,我拿着一根又短又粗的棍子和一把长刀。

    Late the next night , Sapt , Fritz , and I , with six more men , rode out towards the Castle of Zenda.Sapt was carrying a long rope and I had a short , thick stick and a long knife .