
cháng wà
  • stocking;netherstock
长袜[cháng wà]
  1. 我发现长袜里装有许多糖果。

    I found a lot of goodies in the stocking .

  2. 我的长袜在圣诞节经常装满了礼物。

    My stocking is always full of presents at Christmas .

  3. 我穿上保暖紧身裤、长袜和其他衣服。

    I put on my thermal leggings , long socks and the rest of my clothes .

  4. 张戴尼龙长袜面罩的怪脸望着窗外。

    Two faces grotesquely disfigured in nylon stocking masks looked through the window . 2

  5. 噢,长袜,真是太适合Dan了。

    Serena : Oh , stockings . Yes , great idea for Dan .

  6. 当她86岁的时候,她莫名地寄给我一张照片,照片里她穿着长袜并且拉着带子半裸着对着David摆姿势。

    When she was86 , she inexplicably sent me a photograph in which she was semi-naked posing for David in stockings and suspender belt .

  7. 这双长袜太酷了,一只红的,一只绿的。Jill:是呀。

    Susan : That 's a cool on the pair of stockings , one red and one green .

  8. set:一套45块买一套DVD?stockings:长袜或许买一双Wolford的袜子?

    Three quarters of a DVD box set ? Maybe a pair of Wolford stockings . -

  9. 这位数学家之所以设计这条公式,是因为他在诺丁汉(Nottingham)曾经很能吸引游人的罗宾逊纪念馆(theTalesofRobinHood)上班时,不得不穿绿色长袜。

    The mathematician designed the equation after he had to wear green stockings when he worked at the Tales of Robin Hood , a former tourist attraction in Nottingham .

  10. 在平安夜,圣诞老人用礼物装满每个长袜子。

    Santa Claus fills each stocking with presents on Christmas Eve .

  11. 微胶囊技术在驱蚊长袜工艺中的应用

    The Application of Micro-capsule Technique on the Manufacture of Mosquito-resistance Stocking

  12. 当我穿长袜或紧身衣时,衣物会有捍卫。

    When I wear stockings or tights , they get sweaty .

  13. 两名男子脸部蒙着黑长袜似的面罩,跳了出来。

    Two men with black stockings over their faces jumped out .

  14. 尼龙长袜在战争结束后马上流行起来。

    Nylon stockings came in soon after the end of the war .

  15. 那双长袜膝盖以上是蓝色的,膝盖以下是红色的。

    The stockings were blue above the knee and red below it .

  16. 长袜被挂住引起破烂或被撕破。

    Come unraveled or undone as if by snagging , of stockings .

  17. 她很胖,约莫50岁,脚上的长袜穿得歪歪扭扭的。

    She was fat and about fifty and her stockings were crooked .

  18. 行了我不是说长袜子皮皮我是说这个

    Not talking about Pippi Lonvstocking , I 'm taIking about this .

  19. 他把每一只长袜都装满后就急忙转身。

    And filled all the stockings ; then turned with a jerk .

  20. 我没有问她谁是长袜子皮皮。

    I did not ask her who Pippi Longstocking was .

  21. 配着靴子或代替靴子穿的保护性长袜。

    Protective stockings worn with or in place of boots .

  22. 他把每只长袜塞满圣诞节礼物。

    He filled each of the stockings with Christmas presents .

  23. 夏天她身穿白色上衣,冬天穿毛线长袜。

    She had worn white frocks in summer and woollen stockings in winter .

  24. 推销员把新到的一批长袜清理分类。

    The salesman sorted his new consignment of stockings .

  25. 我看这些长袜质量极为低劣。

    These stocks looked cheap and nasty to me .

  26. 嘲笑者撞股票有结在长袜和短袜上。

    The mocker knocked-he stock with the knots on the stocking and sock .

  27. 你要戴上你的长袜吗?

    You gonna put your stocking on or what ?

  28. 我要四双长袜。

    I would like four pairs of stockings .

  29. 用旧长袜很容易就能做出带纽扣眼睛的碎布娃娃。

    Rag dolls with button eyes could fairly readily be made from old stockings .

  30. 她长袜的膝盖处起了皱褶。

    Her stockings were wrinkling at the knees .