- 网络IG Nobel;the Ig Nobel Prize

The venue for this year 's Ig Nobel Prize ceremony honouring science that " makes you laugh , then makes you think " was Harvard 's Sanders Theater .
Their research actually won an Ig Nobel Prize - an award handed out to honor achievements organizers consider unintentionally funny - but last year the company announced that their theory had finally become reality .
To which , when the annual Ig noble prizes are presented at Harvard today , its organizer Marc Abrahams will give silent thanks .
We 've been awarding Ig Nobel Prizes since 1991 .
That 's why we award Ig Nobel Prizes .
It is the Ig Nobel Prize .
The 2012 Ig Nobel Chemistry Prize
A British man who lived in the Alps as a goat for three days has won one of this year 's Ig Nobel prizes .
Glauber insisted on retaining his sweeping duties for the16th annual ceremony this year , despite becoming a Nobel physics laureate ( 7 ) last year .
The Ig Nobel Prizes aside , most prizes , in most places , are clearly meant to honor the goodness or badness of the receivers .
The American science humour magazine , the Annals of Improbable Research , is the inspiration behind the Ig Nobels , which are now in their 26th year .
The spoof awards , which are not quite as famous as the real Nobels , were handed out during their annual ceremony at Harvard University , US .
The peace prize went to a Swiss research team who determined whether it is better to be hit over the head with a full or empty bottle of beer .
And the first cash prizes in the awards '20-year history raised the ugly suspicion that the Ig Nobels will become yet another awards ceremony that 's all about money .
Last year , for instance , an Ig Nobel was won by a group of neuroscientists who had put a dead salmon in a brain scanner and showed it some pictures .
The satirical Ig Nobel prize , established in 1991 by an American magazine called the Annals of Improbable Research , has honoured investigations into , among other topics , the spermicidal properties of Coca-Cola and the pain-relieving effects of vigorous swearing .
The award ceremony - which the science humour magazine " Annals of Improbable Research " gives in 10 categories as a parody of the Nobel Prizes - was held at Harvard University 's Sanders Theatre . It was the ninth straight year for an Ig Nobel prize to go to Japanese recipients .
Taiwan has long been known for feisty and combative politics , to the extent that its lawmakers regularly get shout-outs on lists with names like " Six of the best parliamentary brawls from around the world " and even landed the mocking Ig Noble Peace Prize in 1995 .
A Japanese scientist has won the spoof Ig Nobel medicine prize for a study that revealed kissing could reduce allergic reactions in humans .
Jacques Benveniste ( Ig Nobel Chemistry Prize , 1991 and 1998 ) discovered that water molecules remember things and that the memories can be transmitted over telephone lines .
Thus , Don Featherstone ( Ig Nobel Art Prize , 1996 ) , the creator of the plastic pink flamingo , clearly qualifies under the " cannot be repeated " phrase .
Goat-man Tom Thwaites actually shares his biology prize with another Briton , Charles Foster , who also has spent time in the wild trying to experience life from an animal 's perspective .
Similarly , Anders Barheim and Hogne Sandvik ( Ig Nobel Biology Prize , 1996 ) , who discovered that sour cream stimulates the appetite of leeches , but that garlic often kills them , clearly qualify under the " cannot be repeated " phrase .