
shuānɡ chónɡ ɡuó jí
  • dual nationality;double nationality
双重国籍 [shuāng chóng guó jí]
  • [dual nationality] 指一个人兼有两国国籍

  1. 若干双重国籍情形下兵役义务问题议定书

    Protocol relating to Military Obligations in Certain Cases of Double Nationality

  2. 关于双重国籍某种情况下兵役义务的议定书;

    Protocol relating to military obligations in certain cases of double nationality ;

  3. 她具有双重国籍。

    She has dual nationality .

  4. 罗布或许能拥有双重国籍。

    Rob may be entitled to dual nationality .

  5. 中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。

    The people 's Republic of China does not recognize dual nationality for any Chinese national .

  6. 所以dualcitizenship就是有双重国籍。Amir不得不放弃他的伊朗国籍,因为伊朗不承认双重国籍。

    Professor : Amir also says that he has to give up his Iranian citizenship because Iran doesn 't recognize dual citizenship .

  7. 哥本哈根家具设计师克里斯·利延贝里·豪尔斯特罗姆(ChrisLiljenbergHalstrom)就是采用这种方式,他分析每件家具最可能的使用方式,而不考虑性别。他具有丹麦和瑞典双重国籍。

    Chris Liljenberg Halstrom , a Danish-Swedish furniture designer in Copenhagen , does so by analyzing each piece in terms of how it is likely to be used , without regard to gender .

  8. 阿特金森曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)官员,拥有美国和英国双重国籍,以幕后谈判和调解工作著称,在国际经济舞台上有着几十年经验。

    Ms Atkinson , a former International Monetary Fund official who is both a UK and US national , is known as a backroom negotiator and conciliator with decades of experience on the international economic stage .

  9. AndresAcostaEgea拥有西班牙和哥斯达黎加的双重国籍,昨天申请了10家公司。

    Andres Acosta Egea , who holds dual Spanish and Costa Rican nationality , applied with some 10 companies yesterday .

  10. 今年38岁的意籍奥地利人PeterPilotto与他比利时与澳洲双重国籍的商业搭档、35岁的克里斯托弗德沃斯(ChristopherdeVos)在安特卫普皇家美术学院(RoyalAcademyofFineArtinAntwerp)上学时结识,他俩于2007年合伙创建PeterPilotto品牌。

    Austro-Italian Peter Pilotto , 38 , and his Belgian / Austrian business partner Christopher de Vos , 35 , met while studying at the Royal Academy of Fine Art in Antwerp . They launched Peter Pilotto in 2007 .

  11. 2013年3月,俄罗斯博客作者、活动人士阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼(AlekseiNavalny)指出,马尔金没有公开其在加拿大拥有房产,并持有俄罗斯和以色列双重国籍。之后,马尔金退出了联邦委员会。

    He resigned from the Council in March 2013 after Aleksei Navalny , the Russian anticorruption activist , revealed that he had failed to disclose property he owned in Canada and that he had dual Israeli citizenship .

  12. 非洲只有不到一半的国家容忍双重国籍。

    Less than half the countries in Africa condone dual citizenship .

  13. 其中三名遇害者是拥有美国和以色列双重国籍的公民。

    Three of the victims were dual U.S. - Israeli citizens .

  14. 例:他拥有中国和英国的双重国籍。

    Eg : He has dual nationality , both Chinese and British .

  15. 改进选择具有双重国籍的运动员的种族特点的代码。

    Improved the code which chooses ethnicity of players with dual nationalities .

  16. 但和加纳不同,津巴布韦不承认双重国籍。

    But Zimbabwe , unlike Ghana , does not permit dual citizenship .

  17. 双重国籍造成的原因有多种。

    Dual nationality can occur as the result of a variety of circumstances .

  18. 为什么不承认双重国籍?

    Why does not we recognize " dual nationality "?

  19. 中国法律不承认双重国籍。

    Under Chinese law , double nationality is prohibited .

  20. 他拥有瑞典和秘鲁的双重国籍。

    He holds joint citizenship in Sweden and peru .

  21. 我希望他有双重国籍。

    I want him to have dual nationality .

  22. 国籍:新西兰和美国双重国籍

    Nationality : Dual New Zealand and US citizenship

  23. 双重国籍及其法律实践&兼论我国《国籍法》的立法改进

    Dual Nationality and Its Legal Practices : Debate on Revisions of Nationality Law in China

  24. 全球化视野下的双重国籍&兼论我国国籍法的弊端与对策

    Dual Nationality in the Perspective of Globalization

  25. 双重国籍实行之必要性探讨

    On the Reasonable Practice of Dual Nationality

  26. 他们的两个孩子都有双重国籍。

    Both their children had dual nationality .

  27. 更大的自由化国籍法的一个原因是现实问题:双重国籍现在越来越难控制了。

    One reason for more liberalisation is practicality : dual nationality has become harder to control .

  28. 试析运动员的双重国籍问题

    Analysis of dual nationality of athletes

  29. 美国和西班牙双重国籍。

    Dual U.S. , Spanish citizen .

  30. 我有双重国籍,我同时是寮国和美国的公民。

    I have dual citizenship ; I 'm a citizen of both Laos and the US .