- 名Formula feed;compound feed;mixed feed

On the Teaching of Compound Feed Course and Innovation Capacity Training
The Evaluation of Layer Compound Feed Based on Amino Acid Balance
Studies on the Stability of Vitamin C and B_1 in Abalone Artificial Diets
Applied pattern of CAD technology in engineering design of feed mill new concept - Modular feed mill
Firstly , the article investigated the rules that the manufacturing processes of compound feeds influenced vitamins taking vitamin c as an example .
This paper reports on the stability of vitamin C in the production process and practical use of the artificial diets for abalone .
Evaluating the growth of Cyprinus carpio and the nutritional value of formulated feed by rna / dna ratio
In experiment A , minced beef was used as food . In experiment B , a dry pellet diet was used as food .
Determining Olaquindox in fish tissue & feed by improved HPLC method ( high performance liquid chromatography )
This paper reports a simple and rapid methos of simultaneous determination of water-soluble multivitamins in formula feed by HPLC .
The deposit rates of Val , Met , Met + Cys and Phe + Tyr were significantly different ( P < 0.05 ), varied with the different quality of the feeds .
The effect on growth rate and fat metabolism in grass carp fed with vegetable , green fodder , formulate diet and adding vitamine B_6 , methionine , linoleic acid were studied .
The influence of dietary vitamin C ( Vc ) on reproduction of male Chinese mitten handed crab ( Eriocheir sinensis ) was studied .
These results indicated that adding the higher level of Cu or Zn to pig diet did not affect the growth and meat quality of the animals .
The principle and technological process of how to change the contactor control on mixed feed production line into programmable logic control ( PLC ) system are introduced in this article .
The seven indexes of layer mixed feed determined by NIRS approach the values determined by normal chemical analysis .
MES-Based Real-Time Material Feeding in Injection Molding Production ; The Rising in Prices of Raw Materials Influence on the Production Cost of Formula Feed
This shows that NIRS technique is rapid and reliable when it is used in quality monitoring of mixed feed production .
The effects of four trace element treatments ( Cu , Fe , Zn and Mn ), Pelleting process and antioxidants on the lipid rancidity in formula feeds were discussed using trial design of single factor .
The contents of protein and essential amino acid in two kinds of formulated feed were almost tile same , i. e. 18 . 17 % and 17 . 86 % , 7 . 39 % and 7 . 31 % respectively .
During the growing period , fresh herbage was added or partial feed was replaced by appropriate herbage . 6 of 10 grams of feed were replaced by 100 or 150 grams of herbage respectively in reproduction period of meat type breeding duck .
Feeding experiments were continued for 42 days . Based on the relative weight gain rate , results indicated that the optimum protein content in formulated Diets for Chinemys reevesii juveniles was 35.75 % ~ 40.38 % .
The results showed that the Group II formula with 6 % fermented feed and 4 % corn protein flour could substitute Group I formula with 11 % fish meal , and RMB 83.50 could be saved per ton compound feed .
The essential amino acids in the protein were conformable to the adult nutritional requirement pattern ( recommended by FAO / WHO / UNU ), which also met the nutritional need of children and infants . Meanwhile , the flavor and quality of the natural loach were kept unchanged .
For 1 kg weight gain , feed use efficiency was increased by 8 . 6 % , the quantity of composite fodder used was reduced by 15 . 2 % , feed cost reduced by 10 % , therefor apparent economic effect can be achieved .
Experiment on Fatting Goose by Feed Corn Stem Type Compound Feedstuff
The Test on Feeding Hen with Combinated Feed of Grass Powder
Development of series artificial diets for abalone and its culture efficiency
Determination of Fluorion Contents in Aquatic Compound Feed by Ion Chromatography
Preliminary study on acclimation to formulated diet for Chinese sturgeon fry