
  1. 结果:道地金银花的分布受GBS制约,主要分布于北纬34°-36°、东经113°-118°的大陆性暖温带季风性半干旱气候区内。

    Result : The distribution of genuine Flos Lonicerae was restricted by GBS , which was mainly restricted in the temperate continental monsoon semi-arid climate zone between north latitude 34-36 ° and east longitude 113 - 118 ° .

  2. 西部草原、草甸半干旱气候区;

    Western grass and meadow semiarid climatic region ;

  3. 在中温带温凉半干旱气候区初春积雪日数与沙尘天气发生日数间的负相关较其他两个气候区更为显著。

    The negative interrelation in cool temperate semi-arid climate region in early spring is more significant than in other regions .

  4. 吉林西部地区处于干旱半干旱气候区,是一个在生态上极为重要且近于封闭的水文流域。

    It was conducted in Western Jilin because it is an ecologically important , near-closed hydrologic basin with arid / semi-arid climatic conditions .

  5. 内蒙能源基地位于干旱&半干旱气候区,年蒸发量远大于年降雨量。

    Energy Base of Mongolia lies in an arid and semiarid climatic region , and the annual evaporation is far larger than the annual rainfall .

  6. 我国北方特别是西北地区属典型的干旱、半干旱气候区,是我国缺水最严重的地区。

    Northern China , especially the northwest China is a typical drought and semi-arid climate region , and suffers the most serious water shortage in China .

  7. 干旱半干旱气候区沙质草原的土层是稀缺的自然资源,地表土壤-植物根系层是珍贵的生态系统。

    The top soil layer is the rarest natural resource , and the soil-root layer is the most precious ecosystem on arid and semiarid sandy grasslands .

  8. 该盆地地处我国北温带大陆性干旱-半干旱气候区,总体上降雨稀少、蒸发强烈,生态环境脆弱。

    This basin is located in north China continental arid and semi-arid climate zones . Low rainfall and strong evaporation , weak ecological environment in general .

  9. 通过参数敏感性检验和模式应用效果分析表明,该模式可用于干旱、半干旱气候区农田土壤水分预测,为分析作物水分利用和确定农田灌溉量提供科学依据。

    Simulation and sensitivity testing showed that this model could meet well the requirements for cropped soil water prediction in arid and semi - arid climate regions .

  10. 以黑龙江省区域气候的差异为基础、依据地貌特征.将黑龙江省野生花卉的分布划分为四个区:西北部山地半干旱气候区;

    Wild flower distribution area of Heilongjiang province was divided into four regions based on the territorial climatic difference of Heilongjiang province and the characters of landforms : northwestern mountainous semiarid climatic region ;

  11. 内陆干旱&半干旱气候区封闭湖泊对区域气候变化的响应十分敏感,能够提供时间分辨率高达百年甚至十年尺度的气候变化信息。

    Lake sediment in arid or semi-arid areas is abundant in information of climate and environment changes , which is helpful for us to set up high-resolution environment changes sequence at the scale of decade .

  12. 水分是植物赖以生存的基本因子,黄土高原大部分地区位于干旱半干旱气候区,降水量较少,加之地下水埋藏深度大,土壤水分成为植物生长发育所需水分的主要来源。

    Water is the fundamental factor in plant growing . Because most area of loess plateau lies in arid and semiarid region where precipitation amount is small and groundwater table is deep , soil-water is the main water course for the vegetation .

  13. 半干旱半湿润气候区实施集雨节灌农业技术的研究

    A Study on Agricultural Technology of Water Harvesting and Water-saving Irrigation in Semi-arid and Semi-humid Climatic Regions

  14. 我国北方半干旱半湿润气候区防旱减灾技术述评半干旱偏湿润地区旱地小麦土壤水肥耦合的时空变异特征

    Evaluation on the Technologies of Preventing Drought and Reducing Disaster in Semiarid and Subhumid Region of North China The spatio variability of soil water-fertilizer coupling in Guanzhong area

  15. 北部及东南部山地、丘陵半湿润-半干旱气候区;

    Northern and southeastern mountainous hill semi-humid and semiarid climatic region ;

  16. 黄河流域大部分地区处于半湿润、半干旱和干旱气候区,降水量少而且集中,水土流失严重,对黄河流域土壤表层水分时空变化研究有比较重要的意义。

    Most areas of the Yellow River Basin are located within the semi-humid , semi-arid or arid climate areas . Study on surface soil moisture in this area is of significance as severe soil erosion problems .