
gōng chù
  • male animal;stud;male animal kept for breeding
公畜 [gōng chù]
  • [male animal kept for breeding;stud] 雄性牲畜,种畜,为配种而饲养的雄性动物

公畜[gōng chù]
  1. 在世代重叠群体内随着2岁公畜遗传贡献的增大,优化选择相对于常规BLUP选择的优势越明显。

    Optimal QTL selection relative to conventional BLUP selection is also more favorable following increase of genetic contribution of two-year-old boars and sows in a population with overlapping generations .

  2. 在人工授精中如何最大限度地利用遗传上优良的公畜(英文)国内公畜去势术研究进展

    Maximizing the usefulness of genetically superior sires in artificial insemination progress in study on animal castration in China

  3. 在遗传力的估计过程中,需将多种非遗传因素的影响从公畜间方差或者母畜间方差中剔除。

    In the estimation of heritability , various non-genetic factors must be excluded from the variance of sire or dam .

  4. 随着公畜比例的增加,群体近交系数的上升速度会明显变慢。

    During the whole selection process , the increase speed of the population inbreeding coefficient was faster with the decrease of sire number .

  5. 中毒症状与变异黄芪基本相似,主要是引起动物中毒死亡,同时还严重影响母畜繁殖,公畜发情。

    The clinic symptoms of poisoned livestock are alike , both result in death of animals , disturbance of reproduction of female and oestrus of maleness .

  6. 本文在考虑后裔测定总费用受限或者遗传进展一定时,探讨了几种情况下的公畜(禽)后裔组的最佳值。

    The optimum group size of progeny of sire ( or poultry ) was disscussedwhen the total cost of testing was limited or the genetic gain was fixed .

  7. 作者采用横向梭形或椭圆形切口(母畜)和马蹄形切口(公畜),切开脐疝疝囊皮肤;

    The skin of the umbilical hernial sac was incised with a spindle or an oval shape incision ( female ) and the " horse-foot " shape incision ( male ) .

  8. 动物感染后可引发公畜睾丸炎和附睾炎,孕畜多数发生流产、早产、死胎等,是造成畜牧业重大损失的主要疾病之一。

    Brucellae cause orchitis and epididymitis in infected male animals and abortion , miscarriage , premature birth or stillbirth in pregnant animals , which is one of most important reason causing huge economic loss in animal husbandry .

  9. 本研究采用女母相关法和公畜内半同胞相关法估计安徽荷斯坦牛泌乳量的遗传力,前者结果为0.2478(淮南)及0.2426(合肥);

    This research estimated heritability of milk yield in Anhui Holstein by Daughter-dam correlation and Intra - sire half-sib correlation respectively , the results were 0.2478 ( Huainan ) and 0.2426 ( Hefei ) by Daughter-dam correlation ;

  10. 人工授精是一项发挥优秀公畜遗传潜力的重要现代动物生物技术,而精液冷冻的目的正是为了提供人工授精所需精子产品的一种精子库。

    Artificial insemination ( AI ) is an important tool for distribution of the genetic potential of males , the aim of sperm freezing is the production of a bank of sperm cells to be used for it .