
  • 网络cattle breeding;Stockbreeding
  1. 有关家畜饲养的资料

    Source materials referring to cattle breeding

  2. 古罗马的家畜饲养技术与畜牧经营思想方法研究&以M.T.瓦罗的《论农业》为例

    Study on Breeding Technique and Thought Ways of Keeping Farming in Rome & Taking 《 On Farming 》 of M.T.Varro as An Example

  3. 运用数学方法分析家畜饲养标准合理性初探

    Probing into the Reasonableness of Domestic Animal Feeding Standards with Mathematic Analysis

  4. 家畜饲养在青海已有4000年的历史。

    Livestock breeding has been practiced in Qinghai for 4 , 000 years .

  5. 荒漠草原家庭牧场家畜饲养模式试验研究

    The Experiment on the Livestock Management Mode of Household Ranch in Desert Steppe

  6. 我国古代的家畜饲养标准

    The Feeding Standards of Domestic Animals in Ancient China

  7. 不能以最佳方式利用生产潜力(动物种类、遗传学、家畜饲养方法)

    Suboptimal use of production potential ( animal species , genetics , livestock practices )

  8. 她说这种大型家畜饲养和生产可能会消耗大量资源:

    She said this type of mass animal production can need a lot of resources or inputs to operate .

  9. 云南省反刍家畜饲养基地岩石土壤饲料系统中矿质元素含量的相关性研究

    The Research of Relationship of Mineral Concentration in Rock , Soil and Forages in Ruminant Feeding Base of Yunnan Province

  10. 阿尔瓦雷斯说,人口增长会促使人们在粮食生产和家畜饲养方面更加小心地分配水资源。

    Alvarez says population growth will drive the need to allocate water carefully for various food crops as well as livestock .

  11. 目前,自动感应、自动操作、自动加工农产品,都已经成为现实,而家畜饲养早就实现了仪表监控和机械化。

    Automatic sensing , handling , and processing of produce are now commonplace , while there is substantial instrumentation and mechanization of livestock procedures .

  12. WCS尝试改变农户在山间散放家畜的饲养方式,以期减少人虎冲突。

    WCS is exploring alternative cattle raising methods aimed at reducing human-tiger conflict .

  13. 家畜业饲养家畜主要是提供肉食(例如牛肉和羊肉)。

    Stock farming rears livestock primarily for meat ( e.g.beef , lamb ) .

  14. 草原畜牧业是指以天然草原为放牧地、以草原植被为主要饲料源的家畜放牧饲养业。

    Grassland animal husbandry refers to the natural grassland for grazing land to grassland vegetation as the main feed source for animal husbandry .

  15. 结果表明,康集生态农场自开发建设以来,已初步建成以林果农种植、家畜家禽饲养、鱼类养殖为主的物流结构系统。

    The results showed that the farm has established an initial system of material-flow structure of plantation , forestry , poultry , stock-raising and fishery .

  16. 家禽家畜的饲养由过去的自由放养或农产分散饲养逐步过渡到养殖公司工厂化饲养和农村养殖专业户规模化饲养。

    The mode of poultry and livestock transforms from feeding freely or feeding separately by farmer in past to factory feeding by breeding company and dimensions feeding by breeding specialization farmer step by step .

  17. 系统的能量利用与转化效率逐年提高,其中种植业和家畜家禽饲养业的能量利用率较高,而养鱼业的能量转化率低,在能量利用上潜力极大。

    Within the system , the conversion efficiency of energy have increased year by year . The output and input ratios of artificial supplementary energy in plantation , poultry and stock-raising are higher than that in fishery .

  18. 按传统方式饲养的家畜比集约饲养的长得慢。

    Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions .

  19. 美国乙醇精炼商消耗的国内玉米数量将首次超过家畜和家禽饲养者,这显示出,这个得到政府支持的生物燃料行业,如何推动了谷物需求的飙升。

    US ethanol refiners are consuming more domestic corn than livestock and poultry farmers for the first time , underscoring how a government-supported biofuels industry has contributed to surging grain demand .

  20. 最后以肉羊的生产性能及消化代谢为检测手段对优化组合的设计有效性进行了比较研究。旨在为草食家畜的优化饲养设计及饲草科学利用提供一个可靠的技术依据。

    Finally , the effectiveness of optimized combination design was studied by production performance and digestion metabolism of sheep , which aimed to offer a reliable Technical basis for optimization breeding design of grass feeding livestock and utilizing forage grass scientifically .

  21. 此外,为了保护家畜,可以考虑饲养能看家的动物如狗,驴,美洲驼甚至鸵鸟。

    And to protect livestock , consider using guard animals such as dogs , donkeys , llamas and even ostriches .