
  • 网络motor memory;Movement Memory
  1. 沈阳体育学院学生短时运动记忆研究

    Short-term Movement Memory of the Students in Shenyang Physical Education Institute

  2. 实施运动记忆策略提高体育系排球普修课教学效果的实验研究

    The Experiment Study on Implement Movement Memory Tactics to Enhance Teaching and Studying Effect on the Volleyball Common Course in the Department of PE

  3. 运动记忆策略和记忆监控与动作记忆成绩的相关分析

    Correlated analysis of motor memory strategies , memory monitoring and memory achievement

  4. 运动记忆规律在游泳教学中的运用策略

    Strategies of the Application of the Law of Movement and Memory in Swimming Teaching

  5. 关于布朗运动记忆效应的一个模型

    A Model of Memory Effect of Brownian Motion

  6. 采用实验法研究了运动记忆策略和记忆监控训练对运动技能学习的影响。

    Influences of sports memory tactics and memory control training on sports skill learning were researched with method of experiment .

  7. 运用问卷调查法、情景记忆法和自我报告法,研究运动记忆策略和记忆监控与动作记忆成绩的关系。

    The aims of this paper were to examine the relationships between motor memory strategies , memory monitoring and motor memory .

  8. 结果发现:运动记忆策略总体上是随年龄增长而呈逐步发展的趋势,其中,高中至大学阶段为发展关键期;

    The result shows that motor memory strategy develops with the growth of age . The stage from high school to college is a key one .

  9. 记忆策略在国内学科教学中已广泛的开展,并取得了丰硕的教学实践成果,但在体育技术教学领域,运动记忆策略的开展显得还比较薄弱。

    Memory tactics has been widely carried out in domestic subject teaching , meanwhile has made a lot of achievements in teaching practice . However , in the sports field of technical teaching , the development of movement memory tactics teaching seems to be weaker .

  10. 本文试图讨论布朗粒子运动的记忆效应,应用投影算子方法,在布朗运动随机动力学方程的基础上,引进函数H(t)。它描述了速度对位移的影响。

    In this article , we investigate the memory effect of Brownian movement by using the projective operator method .

  11. 这些声音的存储几乎就象是一种运动肌肉记忆。

    It 's almost like a motor muscle memory where these sounds are .

  12. 具有运动轨迹记忆功能的机械手的解决方案

    Settlement of Manipulator with Movement Locus Recall Capacity

  13. 运动与记忆:N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体和谷氨酸在学习记忆中的作用

    Exercise and memory : Role of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor and glutamic acid in learning and memory

  14. 胰岛素及其受体在运动、记忆间信息通道作用的研究

    Research on the Function of Insulin Playing the Role of Message Passage between Exercise and Memory

  15. 帕金森病和阿尔茨海默氏症涉及了脑细胞的丢失,这些脑细胞对不同的认知行为至关重要,包括运动,记忆和智力功能。

    Parkinson 's and Alzheimer 's involve loss of brain cells crucial to a variety of tasks , including movement , memory and intellectual functioning .

  16. 近年来,关于运动学习记忆在神经通路和突触可塑性方面的研究成果揭示了运动技能学习的神经基础。

    Nowadays there have been many researches about the nerve routes and synaptic plasticity which have brought to light the nerve basis of motor learning .

  17. 中青年组认知障碍表现在触摸操作总时间、记形、语声、范畴分测验成绩较差.而老年前期表现在精细运动和记忆功能较差。

    At young and middle-aged group , cognition disorders mainly included worse test scores of total touch operating time - shape memory and language , while at pre-elderly aged group , cognition disturbance included worse fine movement and memory .

  18. 运动疲劳与记忆&谷氨酸及受体NMDA在运动疲劳中的作用

    Exercise fatigue and memory-role of glutamate and glutamate receptor NMDA in exercise fatigue

  19. 结论IL-1β参与了运动性学习记忆的过程,并与运动性学习记忆的巩固有关。

    Conclusions IL-1 β participates in the process of the mobility study and memory and plays important role in memory maintenance .

  20. 大鼠在运动性学习记忆时小脑IL-1β含量和IL-1β免疫阳性细胞的变化

    The changes of IL - β contents and IL - β immunity positive cells in the mobility study and memory cerebellum of rats

  21. 方法用敞箱和Morris水迷宫研究四逆散有效部位对嗅球损毁大鼠水平、垂直运动和学习记忆等行为学变化的影响。

    Methods Open-field and Morris water maze were used to investigate the effects of EFSP on rat behavioural changes , such as horizontal and vertical movements , learning and memory abilities .

  22. 目的观察大鼠在运动性学习记忆时小脑IL-1β含量和IL-1β免疫阳性细胞的变化,探讨IL-1β与运动性学习记忆的关系。

    Objective To study the change of interleukin-1 β( IL-1 β) content and IL-1 β immunity positive cells in the mobility study and memory of cerebellum and approach the relationship between IL - β and mobility study and memory .

  23. 突触素与运动、学习记忆的神经生物学研究进展

    Progress of Neurobiology on Synaptophysin and Exercise , Learning and Memory

  24. 注意缺陷多动障碍儿童精神运动功能与记忆能力

    Psychomotor Abilities and Working Memory in Children with ADHD

  25. 眼睛运动如何与记忆相关?

    Do Eye Movements Involve Memory ?

  26. 刺井疗法对实验性重症脑外伤大鼠运动和学习记忆功能的影响

    Effect of Puncturing Jing-well Points on Motor Function and Learning-Memory Function in Experimental Rats with Critical Cerebral Traumatic Injury

  27. 通过资料综述和临床观察,分析了技巧性运动学习、记忆的神经基础。

    The present study analyses the neurobiological basis of learning and memory in acrobatic sports through a review and a clinical observation .

  28. 中药复方962胶囊明显改善模型动物的运动及学习记忆障碍,对神经退行性疾病的治疗具有良好前景。

    Chinese compound 962 Capsule significantly promotes learning memory and movement abilities in model rats and has the good esperance in HD and other neurodegenerative diseases therapy .

  29. 实验部分考察了不同运动量对记忆巩固障碍小鼠学习记忆能力、脑组织自由基、海马组织形态以及对小鼠微循环和耐缺氧能力的影响。

    Experimental effects of exercise volume on learning and memory , free radical of brain , morphology in hippocampus slices , microcirculation of mice and the impact of hypoxia tolerance .

  30. 这个发现与早先的一些身体活动和脑功能之间关联的研究是一致的,但是痴呆专家认为现在还没有足够的资料说明可以通过指导运动来阻止记忆的衰退。

    The findings are in line with past studies linking physical activity with brain function , but dementia experts say there 's not enough data yet to prescribe exercise to prevent memory loss .