
  • 网络ministry of transport
  1. 卡车发动机不再空转,这大大改善空气品质,又节省能源,为运输业者省下大笔油费支出。

    Reducing truck idling helps to improve air quality and conserve fuel , saving money for long-haulers already faced with rising diesel prices .

  2. 如果对交货期没有特别要求,不妨选择芜湖和南京,这样合肥和这两地间的运输成本可以省下来很多。

    If there is no need of the delivery time , you can choose Wuhu and Nanjing , then the transport cost can be saved .

  3. 公路运输是甘肃省陇南市唯一的运输方式,交通不便是制约该市经济社会发展的重要因素。

    Highway is the only means of transportation in Longnan city of Gansu province , but the inconvenient traffic is an important factor restricting the social and economic development of the city .

  4. 浙江省海洋资源丰富、海岸线绵长、海岛众多,是一个水运大省。水路运输在浙江省综合运输网中的地位至关重要,2002年全省水路货物周转量占综合运输网比重高达67.6%。

    Zhejiang is a " waterway transportation " Province with rich ocean resources , long coastline and numerous islands , in which waterway transportation plays an importance role and its turning-over accounted for 67.6 % .

  5. 为了遏制超限超载运输,湖南省政府公布于2007年6月1日,全省部份高速公路开始实施计重收费,实行以来高速公路超限运输得到有效治理。

    In order to curb the overloading the Hunan provincial government announced in June 1,2007 , the province part of the highway began to re-introduction of fees , since the implementation of the highway transportation limits effective governance .

  6. 水路交通运输企业在黑龙江省综合交通运输体系中起着必要的补充作用。

    Waterway transportation enterprise comprehensive transportation system in Heilongjiang province plays a necessary complement function .

  7. 目前,山西省煤炭超载运输已成为山西省境内公路破坏和交通事故的主要原因。

    Now , the overloaded transportation of coal becomes the main reason of the road damage and the traffic accident in Shanxi .

  8. 作为河南省唯一的地方铁路运输企业,河南省铁路总公司立足于企业的未来长远发展,拟进行现代企业制度改造。

    As the sole local railway transportation enterprise of Henan Province , Henan Provincial Railway Head Office plans to conduct modern enterprise institutional restructure in view of long-term development .

  9. 介绍了台湾省西部沿海走廊铁路运输现状和台湾省高速铁路设计,包括设计标准、工程结构、造价和投资策略、实施计划,以及国外公司集团参与台湾高速铁路的情况。

    Introduced are the transport state in coastal corridor in west Taiwan and highspeed railway design in Taiwan Province covering design standard , engineering structure , cost investment policy , implement plan and the external corporation group participating in high-speed railway construction in Taiwan .

  10. 物流配送车辆调度即是在满足客户需求的条件下,为客户配送合理的货物数量,派遣最少的车辆,并为配送车辆指派运输时间和运输费用最省的路线。

    Logistics distribution vehicle scheduling is under the condition of meet the demand of customers , distribution is reasonable for the customer the quantity of the goods , send the least vehicle , and assign distribution vehicle transportation time and transportation cost the province route .

  11. 认为自驱动整车提升运输方案比常规汽车运输方案投资省、运输费用低,且整车提升运输方案技术先进,经济环保。

    It is believed that the self-driven whole motorlorry lift transportation system costs less in investment and transportation than regular automobile transportation systems , and that it enjoys advanced technology , saves money and protects the environment .

  12. 铁路双层集装箱运输是一种运输速度快、运输费用省、单位运营成本低、能使运能提高的铁路货运新产品。

    Double-stack container trains are the new railway products which can increase transport capacity with higher speed and lower unit operating cost .