
  • 网络Sport Park
  1. 甫抵宜兰县立运动公园的CT284。

    CT284 has been displayed at I-Lan Sports Park .

  2. 北部小同修于罗东运动公园写生。

    Young initiates painting pictures in lo Tung sports park .

  3. 其他书名以花莲县立运动公园为例。

    A study of user demand and satisfaction in the Hualian County sport park .

  4. 论城市运动公园景观设计中的网络效应

    The Discussion of the Network Effect in the Landscape Design of Sports Park on the City

  5. 运动公园60实际上是由模块化的隔水聚丙烯塑料组合起来的;

    The Sports Park 60 is actually a combination of modular , watertight PVC playground pieces that fit together ;

  6. 它新开发的‘运动公园60’是一个充气的漂浮岛模型,配有全套的攀爬、滑梯和蹦床等娱乐设备。

    Their new Sports Park 60 is a virtual , inflatable island that floats , complete with obstacles to climb , slide and bounce on .

  7. 城市运动公园是城市绿地系统建设的主要内容,也是城市环境的主要组成部分。

    City sports park of the construction of the urban green space system is the main contents , also is the main component of urban environment .

  8. 在设计过程中遵循人性化设计和可持续发展,加入大胆新颖的设计方法和表现形式,总结出一套体验时代运动公园景观设计的方法。

    In the design process humanized design and sustainable development follow , join bold new design method and forms , summarized a set of experience age movement park landscape design method .

  9. 某种程度上讲,人类的综合状况决定着城市的发展那么人便是运动公园的设计主体,人的感受是最重要的。

    To some extent , the human comprehensive status determines the development of the city so people is the sports park design main body , the feelings of people is the most important .

  10. 这位今后运动公园的发展及体验时代城市建设的发展方向提供了一些参考,且为体育文化的传承和发展也起到了一定的科普教育作用。

    The future development of the sports park and experience the development direction of the urban construction time provide some reference , and for the sports culture inheritance and the development also has some popular science education role .

  11. 史密斯喜好的运动是在公园里漫步。

    Smith 's favourite sport is jogging in the park .

  12. 2008年奥林匹克运动会奥林匹克公园中国北京

    2008 Olympics - Olympic Green District & Beijing , China

  13. 进行锻炼的场所首选为免费运动场馆、公园及周围空地;

    The preferred places of exercise were free gymnasium , park and vacant lot ;

  14. 美国国家公园运动和国家公园系统的发展历程

    National Park Movement and Evolution of the National Park System in the United States

  15. 济南市初中集体舞开展情况的调查研究集体舞在中国被认为是一项健康运动,在公园和体育场都可以看到大量的人们随着音乐起舞。

    Ballroom dancing has long been considered a form of healthy exercise in China , with large groups gathering in parks or sports grounds to whirl away to piped-in music .

  16. 讽刺的是,“护林熊”运动和美国公园与林业管理局阻止一切森林火灾的发生,中断了自然火灾循环系统,导致林下灌木丛生,反而使问题恶化。

    Ironically , the problem has been exacerbated by the " Smokey the Bear " and Park and Forest Services campaigns to stop all forest fires , halting the natural fire cycle that clears the underbrush out of the forests .

  17. “奥林匹克运动会对于奥林匹克公园所在的低山谷地区的重建和发展是一个催化剂,”它说道。

    " The Olympic Games would be the catalyst for the regeneration and development of the lower lea valley , site for the Olympic park ," it reads .

  18. 同样,在国外的多数国家的保护区域中也存在着类似情况,原住民土地权运动阻碍着国家公园的建立与管理。

    Similarly , in most countries abroad , the protected areas are also emerge the similar phenomenon , Aboriginal land rights movement to impede the establishment and management of national parks .

  19. 贯穿m市的M河很少被用于水上运动,然而城市公园部门很少投入资金去维护沿河的活动设施。

    The Mason River flowing through the city is rarely used for these pursuits , however , and the city park department devotes little of its budget to maintaining riverside recreational facilities .

  20. 园林中的健康运动空间&城市健康运动公园

    A Study on the Space for Health and Sports in Parks

  21. 体育运动与散布在城市中的公园绿地等绿色空间结合起来,出现了具有鲜明运动主题的公园类型&体育公园。

    Characterized with a distinctive sports theme , Sports Park appeared with the combination of sports with the green spaces scattered in urban parks .