
  • 网络run test;Running Tests;Running the Test;RUNTEST
  1. Groovy可以让您单独或成批运行测试。

    Groovy lets you run tests singly or in batches .

  2. 使用GUI运行测试,需要一个人来亲自执行它们。

    Using the GUI to run tests , though , requires that a person be present to execute them .

  3. 严格遵守疫情防控措施参与试运行测试体验的受邀客人需提前绑定身份信息,在主题公园入口处完成门票及身份核验,并通过疫情防控的相关检查,方可入园。

    The identity information of the invited guests will be pre-registered and invited guests must complete ticket and ID verification , and related pandemic control process at the park entrance before entering the park .

  4. RationalFunctionalTester使用脚本以运行测试用例。

    The Rational Functional Tester uses scripts for running test cases .

  5. 要查看运作中的监控情况,请在运行测试的时候打开性能报告的Resources选项卡。

    To see the monitoring in action , open the Resources tab of the performance report while a test is running .

  6. 修复JavaScript代码并重新运行测试用例

    Fix the JavaScript code , and re-run the test cases

  7. 配置InternetExplorer跳过非主要窗口会减少或消除运行测试用例时不必要的处理。

    Configuring Internet Explorer to escape the accidental window will reduce or eliminate unnecessary handling when running test cases .

  8. 需要额外配置以实现在iPhone或者Android浏览器模拟器中运行测试。

    Additional configurations are required to run the tests inside an iPhone or Android browser emulator .

  9. 为了在运行测试自动化时使用Purify进行内存分析,需要以下步骤

    To use Purify to perform memory analysis while running the test automation , follow these steps

  10. 然而,对于这支团队来说,一个站点开发RationalFunctionalTester脚本,另一个远程站点负责运行测试。

    However , for this team , one site develops the Rational Functional Tester scripts , and a remote site is responsible for running tests .

  11. 为了再一次运行测试,我们简单的在Robot的录制控制器上(或者选择File菜单上的Playback)点击“play”按钮。

    To run the test again , we simply clicked the " play " button on the Robot recording control ( or chose Playback from the File menu ) .

  12. 本文还提供了使用RationalPerformanceTester执行SAP负载测试的最佳实践,以及性能测试人员在运行测试时遇到的一些常见问题的解决方案。

    The article also provides best practices for SAP load testing using Rational Performance Tester and solutions for some of the common problems that performance testers face while running tests .

  13. 数字证书让您针对服务器使用基于SSL的HTTP记录和运行测试,对于应用程序来说,它需要客户端的数字证书来验证用户身份。

    Digital certificates let you record and run tests against servers using SSL over HTTP , for applications that require client-side digital certificates to authenticate users .

  14. TRationalPerformanceTester快速运行测试的能力,对重视测试站点完整性的人来说是一个明显的优势。

    The strength of Rational Performance Tester in operating tests quickly is a clear advantage for anyone serious about testing a site 's integrity .

  15. 您还能够从测试工具中直接运行测试脚本,然后将其结果导入到ClearQuest测试管理之中。

    You can also run test scripts directly from the test tools , and then import the results into ClearQuest test management .

  16. 运行测试时,您必须至少传递一个VM参数,指明在哪种GWT模式(托管或Web)下运行测试。

    When running tests , you must pass in at least one VM argument to help specify which GWT mode ( hosted or Web ) to run the test in .

  17. 这个特殊的扩展允许您通过groovy命令运行测试套件,而且提供了一套新的assert方法。

    This particular extension lets you run test suites via the groovy command , and also offers up a host of new assert methods .

  18. DbUnit是一项JUnit扩展,它在每一次运行测试之前,使数据库处于一种已知状态。

    DbUnit is a JUnit extension that places your database into a known state between test runs .

  19. 这就意味着您可以在FireFox、InternetExplorer和Safari(及它们的不同版本)中运行测试并比较各自的结果。

    This means that you can run unit tests in FireFox , Internet Explorer , and Safari ( and different versions of each ) and compare the results with one another .

  20. 如果想和许多用户一起运行测试,那么必须获得RPT的许可密钥。

    You need to obtain license keys for RPT if you want to run tests with a large number of users .

  21. 使用JUnit的美妙之处在于,该框架负责装入测试类、运行测试以及报告结果。

    The beauty of using JUnit is that the framework takes care of loading the test class , running the test , and reporting the results .

  22. 我们尝试使用能够为我们自动生成、管理和运行测试的测试框架,比如被XP所推荐的那些工具,但是他们将产生混杂的结果。

    We experimented with using testing frameworks that would automatically generate , manage , and run the tests for us , such as those touted by XP , but found mixed results .

  23. 运行测试后,请停止服务器,以便解除Logger数据库上的锁,从而使您能够检查记录的消息。

    Stop the server after you have run the test so that the lock on the logger database is released , enabling you to examine the logged messages .

  24. 输入$grailstest-app运行测试。

    Type $ grails test-app to run the tests .

  25. 经过运行测试证明本系统可以对企业级,甚至电信级IP数据网络进行有效管理,并满足业务不断增长的趋势,实现对网络管理的动态扩展。

    It testifies though running test that the system described in this thesis can do efficient IP data network management of enterprise level , even to telecommunication ISP level , satisfy the increasing trends of the service , realize the dynamic extension of network management .

  26. 可扩展测试平台简化了测试的步骤,因为STP可以构建内核、设置测试、运行测试,并收集结果。

    The scalable test platform simplifies the testing process since STP takes care of building the kernel , setting up the test , running the test , and gathering results .

  27. 多功能仪表界面,其VAPS开发环境由组件构建、集成编译及运行测试模块组成。

    The VAPS development circumstance of multi-function device interface is composed of component construction , integrated compiling , and running test modules .

  28. 而本文中所设计的测试设备程序已经在实验室环境之中运行测试通过,用实践证明了本文所设计的MCU容量测试方案原理的正确性和可行性。

    The test device designed in this scheme to test the capacity of MCU has passed the test in experimental environment . Practice has proved the correctness and feasibility of the scheme principle for the capacity test of MCU designed in this paper .

  29. 请在PackageReceivedClientEAR项目中运行测试客户机。

    Run the test client in the PackageReceivedClientEAR project .

  30. 使用CRTL-E清理结果,并使用CRTL-R像之前那样运行测试。

    Clear the results with CRTL-E and run the test with CRTL-R like before .