
  • 网络Athlete psychological training;psychological training of athletes
  1. 田径运动员心理训练尝试

    Trying Psychological Training of Athletes in Normal Times

  2. CUBA男子运动员心理训练现状及对策研究

    The CUBA Man Athlete Psychological Training Present Situation , the Countermeasure Studies

  3. 也正是这些问题一直捆扰着CUBA男子运动员心理训练的成效。

    Such problems have been frustrating the achievement of the psychological training of the CUBA male athletes .

  4. 我国男子20km优秀竞走运动员心理训练结构研究

    On the Psychological Training Structure and training of Elite Men 20km Walkers in China

  5. 少年儿童冰球运动员心理训练模式探索

    Exploration of the Psychological Training Mode of Children Ice Hockey Players

  6. 少年体操运动员心理训练法研究

    A research of the psychological training method for the Juvenile Gymnasts

  7. 速滑运动员心理训练计划的制定与实施

    Design and Actualization the Psychological Training Plan for the Speed Skaters

  8. 高校长跑运动员心理训练的研究

    Research on psychological training of long-distance runners in college

  9. 跳远运动员心理训练的探讨

    Investigations on Psychological Trainings of Long Jump Sportsmen

  10. 对中外优秀运动员心理训练发展动向及方法的研究

    Study on Trends and Methods of Psychological Training of Chinese and Oversea Elite Athletes

  11. 篮球运动员心理训练探讨

    Discussion on the Mental Training of Basketball

  12. 短跑运动员心理训练初探

    On the Psychological Training of Sprinters

  13. 竞技武术运动员心理训练初探

    Psychological Training of Wushu Athletes

  14. 采取有效的方法和手段对高校长跑运动员心理训练,能够不断提高运动员心理素质,在比赛中创造优异成绩。

    The effective methods of psychological training for the long-distance runners in college have showed that runners'mental quality can be improved to achieve better results in the competition .

  15. 指出青少年篮球运动员心理训练的具体内容:引导运动员的兴趣,树立正确目标,注重运动员的注意力、意志品质及个性和良好的心理调控能力的培养。

    The contents include inspiring their interest , setting up a correct goal and fostering their attention , strong willpower , fine personality and their good psychological regulation ability .

  16. 心理训练过程中心率的变化可在一定的程度上反应运动员心理训练进行情况、心理训练方法掌握情况以及心理训练的效果。

    The variation of heart rate during mental training can show the situations of athletes ' mental training , the conditions of athletes mastering the methods as well as the results of mental training .

  17. 自九运会以后,全国各运动队对武术优秀运动员心理训练在理论研究和实际应用方面都有了很大的发展。

    After the ninth National Games , the psychological training that each athletic team of the whole country provided to the excellent Wushu athletes achieved great development in the theoretical level and practical level .

  18. 本文通过对射箭运动员心理训练过程中心率变化的研究,了解不同心理训练内容对运动员心率所产生的影响及规律。

    This theses has studied on the heart rate variation of archery athletes during mental training in order to reveal the effects and regulations of which the variation of heart rate relates on different content of mental training .

  19. 足球运动员心理技能训练简述

    A Brief Account of the Football Player 's Mental Skill Training

  20. 关于冰球运动员的心理训练与心理调控的探讨

    On the Psychological Training and Psychological Control of Ice Hockey Players

  21. 浅谈中学篮球运动员的心理训练方法

    The Analysis on Psychological Training Methods of Middle School Basketball Athletes

  22. 对竞技训练型运动员的心理训练与调控

    Train and Regulation on Mentality of " Training Type " Athlete

  23. 浅析高校投掷运动员的心理训练

    An Analysis on The Throwing Athletes ' Psychological Training In Higher Education

  24. 青少年男子铁饼运动员赛前心理训练实验研究

    Research on the Pre-competition Psychology Training Experiment among Teenager Men Discus Athletes

  25. 高水平乒乓球运动员的心理训练方法

    Discussion on the Psychological Training Methods to High Level Table Tennis Athletes

  26. 现行乒乓球赛制与运动员的心理训练

    The Present Table-tennis Competition Rules and Athletes ' Psychological Training

  27. 冬季两项运动员心理技能训练方法的研究与实施

    Research and Implement on the Method of Mental Training of Biathlon Athlete

  28. 对我国运动员心理技能训练研究现状的思考

    Reflections on the Current Study of Mental Skill Training for Chinese Athletes

  29. 对散打运动员赛前心理训练的分析与研究

    Study and Analysis on the Psychological Training before Contests

  30. 对冰球运动员心理素质训练的研究

    Studies on Developing Psychological Qualities of the Ice-hockey Players