
  • 网络marketing opportunity
  1. 基于相对熵的营销机会模糊评价

    Fuzzy Evaluation of Marketing Opportunity on the basis of Relative Entropy

  2. 承担社会责任,发现营销机会

    Undertaking the Social Duties and Finding the Marketing Opportunity

  3. 随着在广告定位经验的增加和Facebook用户的增加,Facebook可以为整合Connect的商家提供独特的营销机会。

    With its growing experience in ad targeting and more users moving to Facebook messages , Facebook can create unique marketing opportunities for merchants that integrate Connect .

  4. ForresterResearch分析师赫森(ThomasHusson)在本周发布的报告中称,目前通讯应用提供的营销机会还很有限。

    For now , marketing opportunities through messaging apps are limited , said Forrester Research analyst Thomas Husson in a report released this week .

  5. 通过3G手机行业的价值链与市场的详细分析,发现3G与2G手机市场区别与联系,从而发现3G手机市场的营销机会。

    Firstly , I made analysis on 3G handset industry 's value and market , finding the difference between 3G and 2G systems to catch marketing opportunities of 3G cell phones .

  6. 复杂竞争环境下市场营销机会的挖掘

    Research of Marketing Chance Development in Complicated Competition Environment

  7. 而对期货行业来说,这绝对是一次巨大的营销机会。

    And for futures trade , it is an enormous marketing chance definitely .

  8. 市场营销机会灰色评价模型

    The Gray Evaluation Model of Marketing Opportunity

  9. 在今天的市场上,有一个广泛的在线营销机会。

    In today 's market , there is a broad range of online marketing opportunities .

  10. 从珠宝首饰到电视到汽车的销售商都看到了一个营销机会,推出了光棍节促销。

    Sellers of everything from jewelry to TVs to cars saw a marketing opportunity and launched Singles Day sales .

  11. 中国奥委会向企业提供包括对企业赞助效果的评估在内的一揽子营销机会作为回报。

    The COC should offer the sponsors an evaluation report of sponsorship effect as a return to the sponsors .

  12. 当她发现这里没有里克咖啡馆后感到十分震惊,在她看来,这是一个被错失掉的营销机会。

    She was stunned to discover there was no Rick 's Caf é here , which seemed to her a missed marketing opportunity .

  13. 对新市场开发策划的内容则从寻找新的增长点、营销机会、进入策略等三个方面进行了探讨。

    It analyzes the contents of new market development and marketing strategy plotting in terms of seeking new marketing opportunities and new marketing strategies .

  14. 但只有15%的人认为这是一个营销机会,仅7%的人将其视为产品差异化的途径之一。

    But only 15 per cent saw it as a marketing opportunity and just 7 per cent as a way of differentiating their products .

  15. 本部分从产品特点、市场需求与发展趋势以及行业购买行为等方面详细阐述了齐鲁石化公司醇类产品的电子商务营销机会及电子商务营销战略。

    According to characteristics of products , marketing demand and industry purchasing behavior , opportunities and strategies of E-commerce marketing are analyzed in this part .

  16. 在竞争日趋激烈的现代市场环境下,市场营销机会的挖掘对企业发展乃至生存有着很重要的影响。

    Under the modern market environment , competition becomes more and more fierce day by day . Marketing chance development has important influence on enterprise development and survival .

  17. 为了不断适应市场环境的变化,充分利用营销机会、搞好营销管理工作,酒店就必须寻找适合的营销管理办法。

    The hotel must look for its appropriate marketing management method to adapt to the changing market environments and to utilize the sale opportunity adequately and to make the management effectively .

  18. 要想成为这个营销机会中的赢家,最为关键的是成功实施以互联网为媒体的营销活动&网络营销。

    If you want to be a winner in this opportunity , first of all , you should carry out the marketing strategies successfully by means of the media of internet .

  19. 探讨了企业如何识别各种未满足的需要来挖掘市场营销机会,从而开发或改进产品服务以满足顾客需要。

    How enterprises identify various kinds of unsatisfied needs to develop the marketing chance , and to improve the quality of products or services to meet the customers ' needs are discussed .

  20. 有着一类特征的细分市场的子集,对于公司来说,这个子集是和公司紧密保持一致并代表着所关注的营销机会的。

    The explicitly stated , desired or actual purpose of a company , expressed in a broad , task oriented form such that it will encompass the ultimate boundaries for its operation and ongoing directions .

  21. 本文通过查阅文献,结合国内外户外运动市场现状,针对石家庄市户外运动服装的发展状况,进行市场调查问卷设计,并在市场调研的基础上分析营销机会。

    This paper designed the market questionnaire on outdoor-sports clothing in Shijiazhuang by consulting literature and combining the domestic and international market conditions , and analyzed the marketing opportunity on the basis of market research .

  22. 通过营销机会分析和目标市场的研究,对公司的原营销战略提出了改进意见,并根据改进后的战略目标制订了新的市场营销策略。

    The improving suggestions to the original marketing strategy of the company are made by the research of the marketing chance analyse and target market . The new marketing strategy is also made according to the improved strategy objective .

  23. 得出我国定向运动商业运营模式构建的步骤,内容包括:对定向运动市场的认识、分析定向运动市场营销机会、设计定向运动营销战略及营销组合,构建定向运动商业运营模式。

    Draw step of orienteering business operating model to build in our country , include : understanding of orienteering market , analysis of orienteering marketing opportunities , design , marketing strategy and marketing mix of orienteering , construction of orienteering commercial operation mode .

  24. 在文章最后,还对安电所医电产品市场营销机会识别进行了预测评价,综合比较分析了企业产品市场需求趋势及外来威胁因素,总结企业的市场机会。

    At the end of the article , it forecasts and evaluates the marketing identity strategy of Anhui Electric and Science Research Institute , compares and analyses the products ' requiring trend and external threaten , sums up the marketing opportunity of medical electric appliances enterprises .

  25. 方便读者对货物运输险有一个初步的认识,货物运输险的国内外研究现状及主要研究内容,并对A保险公司货物运输保险市场当前的环境进行分析,从而导出市场营销机会。

    The convenience of the reader risks have a preliminary understanding of freight transport , freight insurance domestic and foreign research present situation and the main research contents , and an insurance company cargo transportation insurance current market environment analysis , in order to export marketing opportunities .

  26. 体育场成了利用多种媒体为进行市场营销提供机会的场所。他会在教育界有所成就。

    Stadiums are multimedia marketing platforms . He will succeed at teaching .

  27. 城市营销的机会分析

    Research into the Opportunity Analysis of City Marketing

  28. 一些营地是市场营销的机会。

    Some camps are marketing opportunities .

  29. 对于没能够获得大型体育赛事赞助权的企业而言,丰富的赛事资源同样是他们所面对的一个非常难得的市场营销的机会。

    For those enterprises not be able to obtain a sponsor of major sports events , rich events resources is also a very rare opportunity of marketing for them .

  30. 最重要的是要深入了解潜在社区成员尚未得到满足的需要,而不是仅仅把它当作一个营销的机会。

    Most importantly , it requires a deep understanding of the unmet needs of potential community members rather than simply approaching it as a marketing opportunity for the company .