
  • 网络Philosophy;Corporate philosophy;Concept;mind identity
  1. 企业理念的理性反思与实证研究

    Rational Reflection and Positive Research on Corporate Mind Identity

  2. 企业理念作为企业形象设计和企业文化的核心,自20世纪80年代以来,受到实践界和理论界的广泛关注。

    Corporate mind identity , as the core of the corporate identity system ( CIS ), and of corporate culture , has drawn attention from both practical and theoretical circles since 1980s of the 20th century .

  3. 经由MI企业理念识别,完成意识改革及体质改善;

    MI finishs consciousness reform and physique improvement .

  4. 企业理念传播活动是企业理念渗透进入行为识别(BI)和视觉识别(VI)的有力保证。

    The MI communication activities are the strong assurance that the MI permeates into behavior identify ( BI ) and visual identify ( VI ) .

  5. CI策略由企业理念识别、企业行为识别和企业视觉识别三部分构成。

    The CI strategy is composed of three components : the identification of enterprise idea , the identification of enterprise behavior and the identification of enterprise sight .

  6. 文章结合CI的相关理论和实际案例,从企业理念、企业行为和企业视觉形象三方面出发,阐述了CI策划在树立优良企业形象中的具体运用和现实意义。

    This dissertation , combined with uses correlative theories and actual cases of CI , starts from the three aspects , expands separately the uses and real meaning that Mind Identity system , Behaviour Identity system and Visual Identity system for the establishment of Corporate Identity .

  7. 公司秉承“团队、创新、超越”的企业理念,不断挑战自我,相信在不久的将来,亚宁盟德(ELE)将以更加光彩夺目的形象出现在国际竞争的大舞台。

    The philosophy of ELE is " Team , Innovation , and Surmounting " . We believe ELE will show on the international competition stage with a more glorious image in near future .

  8. 运用企业理念推进高校教学管理改革

    Bringing Enterprise 's Conception to Advance University 's Teaching Management Reform

  9. 企业理念:科技创新,服务畜牧!

    Enterprise concept : technological innovation , service animal husbandry !

  10. 企业理念:为社会创造价值。

    Corporate philosophy : To create value for the society .

  11. 供电企业理念识别系统设计

    Design of Idea Identity System for Power Supply Utilities

  12. 运营企业理念的分类及历史演变

    Cassification of enterprises management ideas and their historical development

  13. 公司秉承“好品质好生活”的企业理念。

    Companies adhering to the " good quality , good life " business philosophy .

  14. 企业理念:设计、导入及其认同

    Mind Identity : Design 、 Promotion and Recognition

  15. 企业理念的渗透与文化融合研究

    Corporate Mind Permeation and Cultural Amalgamation Study

  16. 企业理念&顾客满意,员工满意,社会满意,股东满意。

    Enterprise Philosophy – All for Customers'Satisfaction , Employees'Satisfaction , Society 's Satisfaction , Shareholders'Satisfaction .

  17. 企业理念识别系统的构建

    Structure of Enterprise Ideal Distinction System

  18. 第五部分是对第四部分的补充,介绍了企业理念发挥作用的方式,条件和结果。

    The fifth part introduces the way , the condition and the result of how MI affects .

  19. 诚信的京茂香源将始终坚持自己的企业理念和永恒的企业宗旨;

    The honest Jing-Mao-Xiang-Yuan will insist own enterprise principle and the enterprise aim of the abyss of time always .

  20. 尊贵优雅、卓尔不凡,演绎经典,追求卓越是我们不变的企业理念。

    Distinguished and elegant , unveiled , illation classic , the pursuit of excellence is our unchanged corporate concept .

  21. 本论文历史地回顾了中国国有企业理念的发展历程,并进行了系统反思。

    This paper historically reviews the growing course of the Chinese state enterprise idea and puts up a systematic considering .

  22. 在以人为本的企业理念的指导下,企业必然会从对物的管理转移到对人的管理上。

    In the guidance of people-oriented corporate philosophy , the enterprise must be transfer the management content from stuff to people .

  23. 企业理念生态系统包含企业理念的来源、企业理念实践者和企业实践行为。

    Ecology system contains the source of business concept , the practitioner of business concept , and it 's behaviors of practice .

  24. 其中,企业理念实践者是理念和行动中间的桥梁,是企业理念的管理者。

    Of those the practitioner of business concept serve as a link between concept and action , it also serve as a administrator .

  25. 在此基础上,结合时代发展的根本要求,探讨了国有企业理念建构的基本规律和方法,提出了国有企业理念建构的基本原则和途径,具有较强的理论性和实用性。

    On the basis of which , the paper discusses the basic rule of building state enterprise idea with the demand of the times .

  26. 我们的企业理念和价值观念,反映了我们的新总部,以环境友好的巨人,产生更多的能量超过消耗。

    Our corporate philosophy and values are reflected by our new headquarters , an environmentally friendly giant that produces more energy than it consumes .

  27. 我们秉承“诚信、稳健、高效、创新”的企业理念,坚定地走可特续发展之路。

    We keeping the enterprise idea of " sincerity , stability , high efficiency and innovation " . We stick to the way of sustainable development .

  28. 然而,相比于西方国家涌现的社会企业理念与实践,中国还是处在研究和实践的起点。

    However , compared to Western countries emerging concept and practice of social enterprises , China is still at the starting point for research and practice .

  29. “廉价、快乐”也是好莱坞纺织厂的企业理念。凭着这一理念,这家厂把它生产色彩靓丽的窗帘卖到了德国、意大利和欧洲其他地方。

    Cheap and cheerful is also the operating principle of Haolaiwu Textiles , which sells bright curtains to clients in Germany , Italy and elsewhere in Europe .

  30. 相反,他喜欢谈论更为积极的东西&他的社会企业理念以及向世界各国推行它而所做的不懈努力。

    Instead , he is keen to talk about something more positive – his concept of social businesses and his efforts to start them around the world .