
  • 网络Marketing Research;marketing study
  1. 因此汽车营销研究无论何时都将是一个重要议题。

    Automotive marketing research whenever the will is an important issue .

  2. 国内旅游目的地营销研究综述及展望

    Review and Prospect of Marketing Research on Tourism Destination in China

  3. WTO之后中国企业品牌全球化营销研究

    Study on Chinese Enterprise Brand Globalization Marketing after Entering into WTO

  4. 基于CRM的汽车精品营销研究

    The Study of Auto Accessory Marketing Based on CRM

  5. E-mail营销研究

    Study on E-mail Marketing

  6. 以网站优化为手段的网络营销研究

    A Study of the Cyber Marketing by Means of Website Optimization

  7. 铁路客货网络营销研究

    The Research of Web Marketing in Passenger and Freight Transportation

  8. 基于游客感知满意度的景区形象营销研究

    An Analysis of Marketing Image of Tourists Apperceiving Satisfaction in Scenic Spots

  9. 中国首个大型医院品牌营销研究

    Investigation on brand marketing in China 's first large hospital

  10. 合肥市商业健身俱乐部经营管理与营销研究

    Management and Marketing of Commercial Fitness Clubs in Hefei City

  11. 成都地区建设银行个人业务差别化营销研究

    Differential Marketing Research of the Personal Banking Services of CCB in Chengdu

  12. 中国国际旅游业服务营销研究

    The Study on International Tourism Service Marketing of China

  13. 乡村休闲旅游口碑营销研究

    A Study on Word-of-mouth Marketing to Rural Recreational Tourism

  14. 基于资源整合的南京市旅游营销研究

    Study in Tourism Marketing of Nanjing City Based on Integration of the Resources

  15. 电力市场细分的优度评价及差异化营销研究

    Power Market Segmentation Priority-degree Evaluation and Differentiated Marketing

  16. 新疆旅游目的地营销研究&以吐鲁番为例

    Research on the tourism destination marketing in xingjiang & a case study in Turpan

  17. 新世纪商业园的市场营销研究

    Market Marketing Study on New Century Business Park

  18. 基于差异化战略的文化营销研究

    Study on culture marketing based on differentiation strategy

  19. 联想集团品牌营销研究

    Researching on the Brand Marketing of Lenovo Group

  20. 工具书出版营销研究

    The Marketing Research of the Reference Book

  21. 对医药产品的营销研究十分必要。

    It is of great necessity to conduct a study on the marketing of medical products .

  22. 渠道冲突管理是营销研究的热门课题之一。

    The management of channel conflict is one of the hot top - ics of marketing research .

  23. 营销研究部门的员工能力很强,出色地完成了工作,使公司管理层得以高瞻远瞩。

    EXAMPLE : A well-staffed and highly competent marketing research department gives the company 's top management good visibility .

  24. 湘鄂渝黔边旅游市场开发与合作营销研究

    Research to the Development and Cooperative Sales of the Tourist Market in the Region among Hunan , Hubei , Chongqing and Guizhou

  25. 航空客运作为重要的服务领域,历来是服务营销研究的重要对象。

    As an important means of service field , air passenger has always been an important research object by service marketing researchers .

  26. 文共分八个部分,第一部分主要对华之业公司绿色建材营销研究背景及研究意义进行了简要的说明。

    The text is divided into eight parts , the first part of the green building industry marketing research company background and significance of major China are briefly described .

  27. 加入WTO后我省纺织应加强国际营销战略研究

    Shandong Province Textile Industry Should Strengthen Trade Strategy Research for International Market after Joining in WTO

  28. HF公司电力二次设备营销战略研究

    Marketing Strategy Research on Electric Power Secondary Equipment of HF Corporation

  29. 供电企业电力营销MIS研究

    The Research of Sailing MIS of Power Supply Enterprise

  30. 中国中小企业EC战略中的在线互动营销方法研究

    The Online Interactive Marketing Methods in the EC Strategies of Chinese SMEs