
yínɡ yǎnɡ jià zhí
  • nutritional value;nutritive value;food value;eating quality
  1. 烹饪蔬菜会降低其营养价值。

    Cooking vegetables reduces their nutritional value .

  2. RNA干涉在提高植物营养价值上的应用

    The Application of RNAi in Improving Plant Nutritional Value

  3. 选择好吃的、营养价值高的食物总是很重要。

    It is always important to choose enjoyable , nutritious foods

  4. 椰子汁没什么营养价值。

    Coconut milk has little nutritive value .

  5. 此时牧草的营养价值也下降了。

    Now the nutritive value of the forage is reduced .

  6. 鲤鱼及其杂交后代营养价值和DNA含量的研究

    Study of Nutritive Value and DNA on Carp and Their Hybrids

  7. 用RNA/DNA比率评定鲤的生长及其配合饲料的营养价值

    Evaluating the growth of Cyprinus carpio and the nutritional value of formulated feed by rna / dna ratio

  8. 鲜枣富含维生素C,营养价值高,果实一经变软,维生素C几乎全部被氧化。

    It 's fresh fruit is very nutritious and rich in Vc , but the softening of fruit will oxidize almost all of it 's Vc .

  9. 红外光谱检测结果表明IgG微胶囊化后,酰胺带的所有特征峰均存在,基本保持了蛋白原有的结构及营养价值。

    Infrared test results showed that microencapsulated IgG , containing all characteristic peaks of polyacrylamide , retained the original structure and nutritional value .

  10. 通过IBD这一指数,可以对各种单一饲料的蛋白质营养价值加以分类列等;

    The nutritional value of individual feed can be ranked and clustered according to its IBD ;

  11. 湖北早籼糙米营养价值研究(II)&糙米代替玉米作饲料对肥猪增重和肉品质影响的研究

    Nutritive Value of Early Long-grain Brown Rice in Hubei Province ( II ) & Effect of Substitution of Brown Rice for Maize as Energy Foodstuff on the Growth and Meat Quality of Growing-finishing Pigs

  12. 与添加PPO的抑制剂Vc相比,蒸汽热烫不仅使多酚氧化酶失活,还促进了花色苷和酚类物质的溶出,提高了果汁的营养价值。

    Compared with the effect of PPO inhibitor Vc on juice quality , steam blanching was not only able to inactivate PPO , but also good for the recovery of anthocyanins and polyphenolics , improving cloudy juice quality .

  13. 目的:通过小型猪喂养实验,分析和评价转豇豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂基因大米(转SCK基因大米)的营养价值,并比较与亲本大米之间的差异。

    Objective : To assess the nutritional value of rice genetically modified with SCK gene by feeding minipigs and compare with parental rice .

  14. 结果表明:DX树脂能反复使用且对果酒中黄酮等有效成分的吸附量减少,保证了山楂果酒的营养价值和药用价值。

    By experiment the resin can be used again and again , and after repeated use it can reduce on absorption of the flavone , that guaranteed the nutrition worth and efficacy of hawthorn wine .

  15. 研究添加不同稀释倍数绿汁发酵液的袋装苜蓿青贮贮藏180d和400d后的发酵品质和营养价值。

    The effect of different dilution previous fermented juice on bagged alfalfa silage sampled at 180 d and 400 d were studied .

  16. 本文概述了苜蓿叶蛋白(ALPC)的营养价值、提取加工工艺,并详细论述了国内外对于ALPC的饲用价值的应用研究,指出了当前存在的问题及开发利用前景。

    Alfalfa leaves protein concentrates ( ALPC ) production research including extracting methods , technology and the nutrition value , and utilization research of ALPC were summarized .

  17. 通过脂质的Diels-Alder反应和自由基反应机理的研究表明,通过改变反应条件,可改变挥发物的成分,进而改善食品的风味和营养价值。

    Research on the Diels-Alder reaction and free radical reactions , indicate that changing the conditions of reaction , can change the composition of the volatile matter , and then improve the flavor and nutritive value of the food .

  18. 棘腹蛙(Paaboulengeri),是我国大型的食用蛙类,其肉质鲜美、营养价值极高,广泛分布于我国南方地区。

    Spiny-bellied frog ( Paa boulengeri ) is of high economic value , which is an edible frog in South China because of its meat with delicate quality and delicious taste , and its large body .

  19. 他说许多重要产品缺少营养价值。

    He says many of the imported products lack nutritional value .

  20. 新疆野生白柄马鞍菌营养价值的探测

    Probe on Nutrient Value of Wild Helvella Abipes Fuck of Xinjiang

  21. 金针菇营养价值及生物学作用的研究

    Studies on the nutritional value and biological effect of Collybia velutipes

  22. 核桃油的特性及营养价值的研究

    Studies on the specific property and nutritious value of walnut oil

  23. 抑制生殖生长对玉米饲用营养价值的影响

    Effect of restraining genital growth on forage nutritive value of Maize

  24. 莜麦的营养价值高,蛋白质的含量居谷类粮食之首,所含氨基酸种类全,而且比较平衡。

    Its protein content was the highest in the cereal grain .

  25. 应用酶技术提高绿色饲料的营养价值

    Improve the Nutritive Value of the Green Feed Applying Enzymic Technology

  26. 收获期对玉米饲用营养价值的影响

    Influence of harvested at Different Stages to Corn feeding Nutritive Value

  27. 健康饮食者寻求的是具有良好营养价值的食品。

    Healthy eaters look for food which has good nutritional quality .

  28. 柿叶具有较高的营养价值和医疗保健作用。

    Persimmon leaves have the upper nutritional value and medical care function .

  29. 雀稗草产草量、营养价值及饲喂效果的研究

    A Study on Vasey Grass Yield , Nutritive Value and Foraging Effect

  30. 不同处理对木薯渣饲料营养价值的比较

    Comparison of nutritional value of feeds for different treatments of cassava dregs