
  • 网络performance culture
  1. 浅析全面薪酬体系与绩效文化建设

    Analysis on the All - round Compensation System and the Performance Culture Construction

  2. 提出加强税务人员培训,增进组织文化的建设与创新,明确绩效文化建设、组织机构建立、绩效管理信息系统的应用等具体做法。

    Training for strengthening the tax to increase the construction of organizational culture and innovation , a clear performance culture , organization , and performance management information system applications and other specific practices .

  3. 房地产企业要实现可持续发展,建立优秀的企业文化就成为重要条件,尤其合理选择房地产企业绩效文化的构建策略,更是不可或缺的因素。

    To realize the sustainable development , the real estate enterprises have to establish their own excellent corporate culture . Moreover it has been the indispensable condition for the real estate enterprises to choose their own strategy in building the corporate performance culture .

  4. 第五部分,全面引入信用风险因素的绩效考核文化。

    Introducing performance examination of credit risk .

  5. 在职能部门内发展高绩效服务文化。计划,组织和指导高效和有效的职能部门。

    Develop a high performance service culture within the functional department . plan , organize and direct and efficient and effective functional department .

  6. 由于各工业企业经营绩效、文化背景、用工政策和管理方式等方面的差异,因而在农民合同工、劳务工的劳动用工、福利待遇、参加工会等方面存在的问题也参差不齐。

    There are lots of different problems in respects of material benefits , recruitment system and safeguarding rights , because of the different operating results , cultural backgrounds , policies of recruitment and management styles in enterprises .

  7. 建设高绩效的企业文化;

    Building high - performance enterprise culture ;

  8. 虚拟团队开发新技术的高绩效取决于文化管理、制度设计和技术支持。

    Performance of new technology developed by virtual team depends on culture management , system design and technology support .

  9. 我们关心我们的员工,并且在管理层和员工之间培育注重绩效的工作文化。

    Nestl é cares about its people and fosters a seamless work culture between management and employees in a performance-driven culture .

  10. 企业内部的晋升受员工性别、年龄、经验、资历、教育水平、工作岗位、绩效、企业文化以及岗位匹配等诸多因素的影响。

    The promotion inside the enterprise is influenced by gender , age , seniority , education , job , performance , job-matching , and so on .

  11. 本课程集中训练打造高绩效、跨文化团队的方式方法,使学生在各方面有突破性提高。

    This course concentrates on building high performance teams in the workplace and the skills and techniques needed to create a dynamic team with its own momentum .

  12. 同时,通过建立高绩效的企业文化,将绩效考核的理念在全公司上下得到认同和有效贯彻。

    At the same time , through the establishment of high-performance corporate culture , the concept of performance appraisal will be recognized and effectively implemented in the company-wide .

  13. 通过对人力资源管理体系各个方面包括职位管理、薪酬管理、培训管理、绩效管理和企业文化等方面的分析,提出H省电信分公司人力资源管理体系的提升和融合策略。

    Of human resources management system , including all aspects of job management , salary management , training management , performance management and corporate cultural analysis , H Telecom Co. human resources management system upgrade and integration strategy .

  14. 支持有效绩效管理的企业文化特征:一个归纳性的实证分析

    A Narrative Analysis on Cultural Features of Organizations Supporting Effective Performance

  15. 管理者的绩效三角与企业文化效应研究

    A Study on Managers ' Performance Triangle and Corporate Culture Effect

  16. 论我国政府绩效评估与绩效文化的构建

    The relationship of our government 's performance evaluation and construction of performance culture

  17. 四是要把塑造绩效导向的机关文化作为丰富、提升机关品牌内涵和品质的前提和基础。

    To build performance-oriented organ culture is the basis and premise to promote connotation and quality of name brand . 5 .

  18. 整篇论文主要围绕五个方面来研究项目型导向工作方法在企业中的作用,这五个方面分别为:组织结构、流程管理、角色管理、绩效管理以及企业文化。

    Therefore the paper mainly focus on five parts : organizational structure , process management , role management , performance management and enterprise culture .

  19. 社区文化活动中心作为社区文化交流的重要平台,是社区文化传播的基础阵地,将绩效评估引入社区文化活动中心具有重要意义。

    As the most important platform of the community cultural exchange , the community cultural center plays a significant role in the spread of community culture .

  20. 现实中,领导和企业文化在组织中扮演着不可或缺的角色,而且,企业的绩效是通过企业文化和领导共同作用的结果。

    In reality , organizational culture and leaders play an indispensable role in enterprises and the performance of enterprises is the collaboration of organizational culture and leaders .

  21. 为持续改进企业安全管理绩效,对安全文化的关键指标进行研究并量化处理,以期对建立我国企业安全文化评价体系有建设性作用。

    To improve the performance of enterprises ' safety management and establish the evaluation system of enterprises ' safety culture , key indices used to measure safety culture were studied and quantified .

  22. 从知识经济背景下的企业及管理特点出发,论述了内部控制基本原则的变化,以及资讯沟通、非正式组织、绩效评价、企业文化对内部控制的影响。

    In view of the enterprises and the characteristics of their management , the paper discusses the varying principles of internal control and the influences on it by such factors as communication , informal organizations , performance evaluation , corporate culture , etc.

  23. 提出了推动改进方案顺利实施一系列措施,如建立相配套的报酬分配机制、确立绩效考核为企业文化建设的价值导向以及建立畅通的管理信息系统等。

    And supporting measures about implementation of the improvement program have been proposed , such as the establishment of a reward distribution mechanism , setting the performance appraisal as a value-oriented to build the corporate culture , and build the smooth management information systems .

  24. 中层管理者在吸引、保留和发展骨干人员,创建高绩效团队和组织文化,改进和发展客户服务与满意度等诸多方面,都有不可替代的作用。

    The intermediate deck superintendent in the attraction , the retention and the development backbone cabals , founds the high achievements team and the organization culture , the improvement and the development customer service and the degree of satisfaction and so on many aspects , has the unreplaceable function .

  25. 应用企业绩效评估与跨文化管理的理论与方法,从文化适应、文化利用、创新学习、内容流程、顾客满意、财务收益等六个方面,对跨文化绩效评估的指标体系进行了具体的研究。

    Using theories and methods of enterprise performance appraisal and cross-cultural management , the article has carried out concrete research on index system of cross-cultural performance appraisal through six aspects : cultural adaptation , cultural utilization , innovative study , internal process , customer satisfaction , and finance income .

  26. 卓越运营的全球化领先企业,必须建立在高绩效管理体系和高绩效文化基础之上。

    Enterprises lead in global operation , must be based on high performance management system and high performance of culture .

  27. 全文共分五部分:第一、二部分首先阐明了企业绩效和经济绩效与企业文化的互动关系。

    This thesis consists of five chapters . The first and second chapter is the explanation of the mutual relations between enterprise and economy performance and enterprise culture ;

  28. 本文分析了跨文化企业文化冲突的原因及特点,提出跨文化企业解决文化冲突,获得高绩效水平的途径,即建立高绩效文化模式。

    The paper researches on the source of cultural conflict and its embodiment and suggests establishing a culture mode with higher performance to tackle the problem .

  29. 虽然如此,但是公司并不满足于此,最高管理层毅然决定在现有管理体系的基础上导入卓越绩效评价准则,以进一步引导公司形成追求卓越绩效的企业文化和卓越的管理体系。

    Even so , but the company was not satisfied with this , top management decided in the existing management system on the basis of introducing the criteria for performance excellence , to further guide the company formed to pursue performance excellence enterprise culture and excellent management system .

  30. 并提出Hotsales公司需要完善绩效管理制度、实施对员工的培训以保障绩效管理体系顺利实施,最终塑造出公司绩效导向的企业文化。

    Furthermore , we propose that the company need to consummate the performance management policy and to train the employees in order to guarantee the system practice , and finally the company figures the enterprise culture by the performance management .