
  • 网络Performance Feedback
  1. 分析了战略导向绩效反馈的三维体系;

    This paper analyses the strategic three-dimensional performance feedback system .

  2. 为团队成员提供绩效反馈并完成绩效评估。

    Provide performance feedback and complete performance evaluations for Team-members .

  3. 走出绩效反馈面谈的困境

    Get out of Difficulties of Result Feedback Face to Face

  4. 关于绩效反馈类型和方式的实验研究

    Experimental study on types and approaches of performance feedback

  5. 同时,对考评主体、考评周期、绩效反馈进行了充分的论述。

    Meanwhile , appraiser , appraised cycle and performance feedback is argued sufficiently .

  6. 360度绩效反馈考核模型的研究

    Research of 360 Degree Feedback Performance Measurement Model

  7. 如何做好360°绩效反馈

    How to do 360-degree performance feedback well

  8. 360度绩效反馈作用机制研究

    The Mechanism of 360 ° Performance Feedback

  9. 360度绩效反馈法在护士长考评中的效用分析

    Analysis of the function of method of 360 degree performance feedback in the assessment of head nurses

  10. 及时提供准确的绩效反馈,有效辅导他人获得进步。

    Provides accurate feedback about performance in a timely manner and helpful coaching that results in meaningful improvement .

  11. 浅析实施公务员绩效反馈面谈的意义及方法

    Study on the Significance and Methods of Carrying out Feedback Interviews about the Performance Evaluation of Civil Servants

  12. 正式的绩效反馈应定期进行,应包括来自共事的团队成员的反馈。

    Informal performance feedback should be provided on a frequent basis , and should include feedback from fellow Team-members .

  13. 金钱、社会认知、绩效反馈对工作绩效的影响依次由强渐弱。

    The motivation effects of money , social recognition and performance feedback on work performance declines one after another .

  14. 目的运用360度绩效反馈法者评估护士长的个体职业发展和绩效情况,有利于护士长的针对性培养及岗位合理聘用。

    Objective To evaluate head nurses ' professional development and performance by the method of 360 degree performance feedback .

  15. 绩效反馈是组织中鼓励先进、鞭策落后、激发员工潜能的很重要的管理手段。

    Performance feedback is an important management tool for encouraging the advanced and urging on the backward in organizations .

  16. 第四章从上文构建的指标出发,提出了具体的考评方式,并对考评过程中绩效反馈与面谈做出了重点研究。

    The forth Chapter uses indicators constructed above proposes aspecific evaluation , performance feedback and evaluation process made a focus research .

  17. 本研究结果表明,绩效反馈的实施方式会影响员工后续的行为,研究还讨论了管理实践价值。

    The results showed that the implementation of performance feedback will have significant influence on the subsequent behaviors of the employees .

  18. 本研究尝试考察员工的责任心对于绩效反馈方法与绩效评估效果反应关系中的调节作用。

    Thus , we conducted this study to examine the moderating role of conscientiousness in the delivery of feedback and employees'reactions .

  19. 让公司员工通过绩效反馈了解到自身的绩效考核水平,并发表自己对考核结果的看法。

    Through the feedback of performance and interview , making the employees realize their performance level , and achieving the results unanimous .

  20. 通过绩效反馈强调持续的反馈与沟通以促成项目经理绩效改进和能力发展。

    Through " Performance Feedback " to emphasize the persistent feedback and communication for prompting project managers ' performance improvement and capability development .

  21. 那些对执行生产力实践的成员被期望为活动提供可重复的办法,例如面试应聘者或提供绩效反馈。

    Individuals responsible for performing workforce practices are expected to develop repeatable methods for activities such as interviewing job candidates or providing performance feedback .

  22. 本章从驱动机制、运行机制、利益补偿机制和绩效反馈机制四个方面来进行保障机制的研究。

    This chapter studies the safeguard mechanism form the following four aspects : driving mechanism , operating mechanism , interests compensation mechanism and Performance feedback mechanism .

  23. 个体反馈寻求与反馈干预对绩效反馈过程的作用研究搜查多方面的事实来求证;如用很多事实反复求证。

    Research on the Roles That Individual Feedback Seeking and Feedback Intervention Plays in the Performance Feedback Process ; check out conflicting sources ; crosscheck facts , for example .

  24. 在组织中,反馈的给予和接受是普遍存在的。反馈系统,特别是绩效反馈系统的有效设计和运行对组织和个人来说都是非常重要的。

    The giving and receiving of feedback is ubiquitous in organizations , and the design and maintenance of performance feedback systems are essential for both individual and organizational performance .

  25. 在绩效反馈阶段,把绩效考核结果用于培训、人力资源决策及检验人力资源管理系统上,使得绩效考核的结果能够真正与员工的利益与发展挂钩。

    In the feedback stage , the evaluation results are used in training , human resources decision-making and human resources management system examining , which make the HR decision fair and effective .

  26. 本文对360°绩效反馈系统进行了分析,介绍了360°绩效反馈系统工作过程,阐述了360°绩效反馈系统对个人绩效、组织文化和组织绩效的影响。

    Tis paper analyzes 360 ° performance feedback system ( PFS ), and introduces the procedure of 360 ° PFS . As well as its effect on personal performance , organization culture and organization performance .

  27. 结论360度绩效反馈法能从多角度反映护士长的综合情况,有利于护士长的职业个体发展和正确的绩效评价。

    Conclusion Method of 360 degree performance feedback could reflect the whole circumstance of head nurses from all aspects . It could contribute to head nurses ' individualistic development and the right assessment to them .

  28. 本文重点论述了绩效反馈的概念、绩效反馈方式,并深入分析了绩效反馈对下属工作行为的影响。

    This paper gives a brief account of performance feedback concept , expounds the mode of performance feedback . Then , it analyzes in depth the effect of performance feedback on the subordinate 's work behavior .

  29. 在高管团队的战略决策过程中,构建高管团队成员对团队的信任,发展与阶段相匹配的信任模式,以及增强互动过程技能和绩效反馈技能是行之有效的增强高管团队稳定性和提高效能的措施。

    The effective measures involve building trust of the TMT member to the team , developing trust pattern adapted to the stage , and enforcing skill of interaction process or performance feedback in the process of strategic decision-making .

  30. 本研究采用现场实验方法,以高等学校学生干部为研究样本,探讨了绩效反馈中反馈目的、反馈源和反馈信息对高等学校学生干部自我功效的影响。

    This study takes the college student cadres as the research samples to explore how the purpose , source and information in the performance feedback process effect the self efficacy of college student cadres by means of on the spot experiments .