
hónɡ xì bāo nínɡ jí
  • red cell agglutination;erythroagglutination
  1. 自身红细胞凝集试验(Autologousredcellagglutinationassay,AGEN)是一种简便、特异又不需要任何特殊仪器的快速诊断方法。

    Autologous red cell agglutination assay ( AGEN ) is a rapid diagnostic method which is a simple , specific and do not require any special equipment .

  2. 用自身红细胞凝集试验检测肾综合征出血热病人全血中病毒特异性抗体

    Detection of antibodies against Hantaan virus in patients blood by autologous red cell agglutination assay

  3. 自身红细胞凝集法检测HBsAg与ELISA方法符合率976%。

    The auto-RBC agglutination assay for HBsAg has an accordant rate of 97.6 % with ELISA .

  4. 方法采用皮内试验(ID)和间接红细胞凝集试验(IHA)检测感染旋毛虫病豚鼠。

    Methods : By intradermal test ( ID ) and indirect hemagglutination test ( IHA ) .

  5. 方法:采用间接红细胞凝集试验(IHA)和玻片法环蚴沉淀试验(Slide)。

    Methods By indirect hemagglutination test ( IHA ) and slide precipita test ( slide ) .

  6. SPF鸡红细胞凝集抑制试验

    SPF chicken-Hemagglutination inhibition test

  7. 菜豆凝集素(PHA)是一种能使动物红细胞凝集的蛋白质,是菜豆引起食物中毒主要的致毒物。

    The hemagglutinin in kidney bean ( PHA ) is one kind of protein which can agglutinate animal 's erythrocyte .

  8. 方法:应用红细胞凝集试验和抗D盐水法及抗人球蛋白法分别测定ABO和Rh血型并确认Rh0(D)阴性血型,同时用分型血清进行Rh0(D)阴型表现型检测。

    Methods : ABO and Rh of the blood donors were examined by RBC agglutination test , anti D ( antigen ), and anti human globulin methods , respectively .

  9. 红细胞凝集试验表明该病毒能凝集健康人O型血红细胞,不能凝集SPF鸡、实验用普通级牛、大鼠和豚鼠的红细胞。理化特性试验表明该病毒对氯仿有抵抗力;

    Hemagglutination test indicated that the virus could agglutinate healthy human type O red cells , but could not agglutinate the red cells of SPF chicken , experimental common bovine , rat and guinea pig red cells .

  10. 间接红细胞凝集反应检测中华鳖血清抗体的方法

    A method of detection of antibody in Trionyx sinensis by indirect

  11. 麦胚凝集素红细胞凝集活性检测方法的改进

    An Improved Protocol for Determination of Hemagglutinating Activity of Wheat Germ Agglutinin

  12. 双峰驼假结核棒状杆菌病的间接红细胞凝集试验诊断

    Diagnosis of Corynebacterium Pseudotuberculosis Infection in Bactrian Camel with Indirect Hemoagglutination Test

  13. 圈形盘尾丝虫成虫抗原间接红细胞凝集试验诊断丝虫病的观察

    Observation on indirect hemagglutination test with adult Onchocerca ARMILLATA antigen in the diagnosis of filariasis

  14. 棉花种子粗提液对兔血红细胞凝集力的测定

    Determination of agglutination ability of the crude extract of cottonseed to red cells of rabbit

  15. 间接红细胞凝集试验诊断旋毛虫病

    Indirect Hemagglutination Test for Diagnosis of Trichinosis

  16. 自体红细胞凝集试验是一种快速、简便,成本低廉的免疫学检测方法。

    Autologous erythrocyte agglutination assay ia one of rapid , simple and cost-effective immunological detection methods .

  17. 植物血凝素诱导大鼠红细胞凝集作用的研究&ATP等生物活性物质对凝集的影响

    Investigation of phytohemagglutinin-induced agglutination of rat erythrocytes : effect of ATP and other biologically activ substances

  18. 在阳性的结果中,红细胞凝集,使样品的外观产生可见的变化。

    In a positive result the red cell agglutinate , result in a visible alteration of the appearance of the sample .

  19. 取127份兔肝脏组织,分别用红细胞凝集试验和试纸条进行检测,结果两者的符合率为100%,显示出良好的临床应用前景。

    The erythrocyte agglutination test and the dipstick test were completely coincidence in detection of 127 samples of rabbit liver tissue , which indicated that appropriate for applicaton in clinical diagnose . 3 .

  20. 每代尿囊液经2%的磷钨酸钠负染色后在电镜下观察病毒粒子的形态特征,并用红细胞凝集的方法检测尿囊液中病毒的血凝活性。

    The allantoic fluids from each passage were negatively stained with 2 % sodium phosphotungstate and observed by electron microscopy , and haemagglutination activity of viruses in the allantoic fluids were examined by haemagglutination assay .

  21. 病毒对1%的鸡红细胞无凝集作用,并在鸡胚内干扰了B1系新城疫病毒的血凝素的形成;

    The virus could not agglutinate 1 % of the chicken erythrocytes and interfered with the development of the hemagglutinins by the B-1 strain of Newcastle disease virus in the chicken embryos .

  22. IBL的亚基相对分子质量为47000.IBL对兔红细胞有凝集作用,凝血活性可被D-果糖明显抑制。

    IBL had agglutination on blood cells of rabbits , its agglutination activity was stopped by D fructose .

  23. 它还可以凝集小鼠脾脏淋巴细胞和小鼠S180肉瘤细胞,对兔红细胞的凝集作用可被乳糖、棉子糖、半乳糖、α甲基半乳糖、β甲基半乳糖和N乙酰半乳糖胺所抑制。

    It also agglutinated the peripheral lymphocytes cells and S 180 tumor cells from mouse . The hemagglutination on rabbit erythrocytes was inhibited by lactose , raffinose , galactose ,α methyl galactose ,β methyl galactose and N acetyl galactosamine .

  24. 试验了ASL对9属33株来自不同生境的细菌、安哥拉兔血细胞和人的A,B,O型血红细胞的凝集作用。

    The humoral lectin was analysed by affinity chromatography using thyroglobulin sepharose 4B . Experiments were made of the agglutination of 33 strains of bacteria belonging to 9 genera and coming from different biotic environments , red blood cells from the Angora rabbit and Chinese people .

  25. 分离到的致病性大肠杆菌可与猪红细胞发生凝集,而此凝集反应可被甘露糖、果糖和Bio-MOS所抑制。

    Coli could be agglutinated by swine RBC , and this agglutination reaction could be inhibited by mannose , fructose and Bio MOS . This implies that the attachment of the pathogenic E.

  26. 它们都对龟的红细胞不凝集。

    Both of them had no effect on RBC of tortoise .

  27. 抗人红细胞非凝集单克隆抗体的研制与应用

    Study on Non-agglutination McAb to Human Red Blood Cell Antigen and its Application

  28. 当病人血液中有针对双功能试剂的抗原或抗体存在时,由于与双功能试剂的分子间交联而导致红细胞的凝集。

    When the blood of patients exist the relevant antigen or antibody , the red blood cells begin to agglutinate due to intermolecular cross-linking .

  29. 温度(4℃、22℃、37℃)对同种红细胞的凝集效价影响不大,稀释液成分对效价影响很大。

    Temperature ( 4 ℃、 22 ℃ or 37 ℃) had little influence on HA titer , but the change of component in diluent had great influence .

  30. 目的研制出抗人红细胞非凝集单克隆抗体,进而构建双功能抗体试剂,用于临床实验室诊断。

    Ve To obtain non-agglutination McAbs to human red blood cell antigens for constructing antibody reagents with two-function , which could be used in clinical diagnosis in lab.