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hóng sè
  • red;redness;glow;blush;blusher
红色 [hóng sè]
  • [red] 像血或红宝石的颜色或是可见光谱的长光波末端的颜色

红色[hóng sè]
  1. 砖墙在夕阳的照耀下闪着红色的光芒。

    The brick walls glowed red in the late afternoon sun .

  2. 这栋建筑的墙上随意涂了一层红色涂料。

    The walls of the building were daubed with red paint .

  3. 橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

    The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains .

  4. 蓝布中交织着红色和金色的线。

    The blue fabric was interwoven with red and gold thread .

  5. 一辆红色面包车停在房前。

    A red van was parked in front of the house .

  6. 我们的连衣裙是一样的,只是我的那件是红色。

    Our dresses were the same except mine was red .

  7. 他们把它刷成红色以造成一种温暖的感觉。

    They 've painted it red to create a feeling of warmth .

  8. 炉火吐出红色黄色的火焰。

    Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire .

  9. 她脸上一条红色的长疤使她破相了。

    Her face was disfigured by a long red scar .

  10. 单支红色发光二极管表示电源已接通。

    A single red LED shows that the power is switched on .

  11. 这就是那所门涂成红色的房子。

    It 's the house whose door is painted red .

  12. 雄鸟喙呈红色,有别于雌鸟。

    The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak .

  13. 夜空呈红色往往预兆第二天天气晴朗。

    A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day .

  14. 当指针进入红色区域时,发动机就过热了。

    When the needle enters the red zone the engine is too hot .

  15. 我喜欢秋天的火红色和金黄色。

    I love the reds and golds of autumn .

  16. 1925年7月31日这个星期五从此以后就称为“红色星期五”。

    Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as ‘ Red Friday ’ .

  17. 织物是红色的,带有金黄色的斑点。

    The fabric was red , flecked with gold .

  18. 他身上长出了一块块深红色的斑。

    He had come out in dark red blotches .

  19. 路线用红色标明了。

    The route has been marked in red .

  20. 她长着红色长发、明亮碧眼,是个少见的大美人。

    She was an exotic creature with long red hair and brilliant green eyes .

  21. 花园里红色的天竺葵花色彩艳丽。

    The garden was gay with red geraniums .

  22. 她的头发是棕红色的。

    Her hair is a reddish-brown colour .

  23. 她搽着鲜红色的口红。

    She was wearing bright red lipstick .

  24. 她经常穿红色的衣服。

    She often wears red .

  25. 大海会变成浅粉色,天空则变成血红色。

    The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red

  26. 这棵树的树枝扭曲多瘤且呈红色,树叶则是深绿色。

    The tree has gnarled red branches and deep green leaves .

  27. 在巨大的红色麦当劳标志牌下,他显得很矮小。

    His figure is dwarfed by the huge red McDonald 's sign

  28. 她的手很小,指甲涂成了鲜红色。

    She had small hands with nails painted bright red .

  29. 一个身穿红色罩衫的女孩迈着轻快的步子下山。

    A girl in a red smock tripped down the hill

  30. 火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。

    The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky .