
  • 网络Subthreshold stimulation;subliminal stimuli;subliminal stimulation;Subthreshold stimulus;subliminal stimulus
  1. 实际上,大脑对刺激的觉察过程是无意识的,同时这种自上而下的加工过程同样可以发生在对阈下刺激加工过程中。

    In fact , the awareness process is unconscious , and this top-down process can also occur in the subliminal stimuli process .

  2. 实验结果表明,当M反应在阈下刺激时比目鱼肌和腓肠外侧肌的H反射阈值几乎相同。

    Experimental results showed that the H-reflex had almost always the same threshold in the soleus and lateral gastrocnemius .

  3. 免疫印迹检测显示,电刺激停止后2d~1周,阈下刺激组大鼠海马GR表达明显增高;

    The Western blot analysis demonstrated that the GR expression in the hippocampi of stimulated rats increased significantly from 2 days to 1 week after stimulation .

  4. 结果显示:癫痫大鼠血清MBP含量高于阈下刺激组和正常组(P<0.05),与临床癫痫患者血清MBP增高的结果类似;

    The results show that the serum MBP level in the experimental epilepsy group is significantly higher than that in the control groups ( P < 0.05 ), and is similar to that in some patients with generalized myoclonic seizures reported by us previously .

  5. 万法:将动物分成三组,分别进行SPR手术,进行脊神经后根亚束阈值的测定,并对阈值的两倍刺激效应和阈下刺激的时间空间总和效应进行研究。

    Method : The SPR operation was performed in each of the three groups , and monitored the threshold of each dorsal sub-roots , and study the results of double times threshold stimulation and the results of the total " time and space " of the subthreshold stimulation .

  6. 本研究比较超速阈下刺激(USS)终止房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)的位点与慢径消融靶点之间的关系,探讨USS是否可作为标测慢径的电生理指标。

    In this study , the relation between termination sites of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia ( AVNRT ) by ultrarapid subthreshold stimulation ( USS ) and sites of successful slow pathway ablation was assessed , and the reliability of slow pathway ablation guided by USS technique was investigated .

  7. 超速阈下刺激终止房室结折返性心动过速的位点与慢径消融成功靶点间关系的研究

    Relationship between termination sites of atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia by ultrarapid subthreshold stimulation and sites of successful slow pathway ablation

  8. 研究范围大致包括启动效应、重学中的节省、阈下刺激作用、技能学习和条件反射。

    Approximately the research includes start effect , being economical in once again study , stimuli effect below threshold , skill study and conditioned reflex .

  9. 这些观点得到一些相关实验证据的支持,但还没有人直接研究对类别提示的有意识加工是如何影响随后的阈下刺激的加工。

    There are some experimental evidence to support these views , but there have no direct evidence to prove how the conscious processing affects the unconscious processing .

  10. 目的:探讨25Hz频率的阈下电刺激对大鼠缺血心肌中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和核因子-кB(NF-кB)表达的影响。

    Objective : To study the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) and nuclear factor - к B ( NF - к B ) in ischemic myocardium of rats when stimulated by a 25 Hz electricity below the contraction threshold .

  11. 结论:25Hz,50Hz频率的阈下电刺激可促进大鼠缺血心肌中毛细血管的新生。

    Conclusions : Electrical stimulation below contraction threshold at frequencies of 25 Hz and 50 Hz may promote angiogenesis in ischemic myocardium of rats .

  12. 大鼠Morris水迷宫逃避潜伏期明显延长,空间定向能力测试中重复阈下再刺激大鼠在水迷宫的四个象限中无目的漫游。

    The mean escape latency for SED rats in spatial bias in the water maze training prolonged significantly . And in the spatial orientation test the SED rats following repeated stimulations swam aimlessly in the four - quadrant pool during the probe trial in the Morris water maze .

  13. 胺碘酮对阈下电刺激引起的心室不应期的影响

    Effects of amiodarone on ventricular refractory period caused by subthreshold electric stimulation

  14. 阈下条件刺激对心室不应期及心室起搏节律的作用

    Effect of Subthreshold Conditioned Stimulation on Refractory Period and Pacing Rhythm of Ventricle

  15. 阈下条件刺激对心房不应期的影响及对心房起搏节律的抑制作用

    Effect of subthreshold conditional stimulation on atrial refractory period and atrial pacing rhythm

  16. 结论:阈下电刺激引起的认知损害是可逆的。

    Conclusion : Subconvulsant electrical stimulation cause temporary but reversible cognitive impairment in rats .

  17. 阈下电刺激促大鼠缺血心肌毛细血管新生的研究

    The study of angiogenesis induced by electrical stimulation below contraction threshold , in ischemic myocardium

  18. 阈下电刺激对心律及异位节律点影响的实验研究

    Experimental Study of the Safety and Efficacy of Sustained Subthreshold Electrical Stimuli in Inhibiting Ventricular Ectopic Foci

  19. 方法通过不同脑区惊厥阈下电刺激,观测实验大鼠认知行为改变。

    Methods The cognitive behavior and spatial learning ability of rats were tested after subconvulsive electrical stimulations at different regions of rat brain .

  20. 改变阈下串刺激参数特征对串刺激引起的心室不应期变化的影响

    Effect of altering characteristic of stimulating parameter of subthreshold train stimulation ( St ) on change of ventricular refractory period caused by St in rabbits

  21. 结论阈下条件电刺激具有抑制心肌兴奋性的作用。

    CONCLUSION : Subthreshold conditioning stimulation may have inhibitive effect on myocardial excitability .

  22. 阈下条件电刺激对患者心脏不应期和起搏节律的影响

    Effect of subthreshold conditioning stimulation on refractory period and pacing rhythm in human heart

  23. 阈下条件电刺激心室抑制作用空间限制性的实验研究

    Experimental study on spatial limitation of ventricular inhibition by subthreshold conditioned stimulation on rabbit

  24. 改变左心室后负荷和离体兔心脏对阈下条件串刺激引起的心室不应期变化的影响

    Effect of changing left ventricular afterload and isolated perfused rabbit heart on ventricular refractory period measured by subthreshold conditioning train stimulation

  25. 阈下说服是指通过阈下刺激或者信息的呈现,试图引导个体采用某种观点、态度或者行为的过程。

    Subliminal persuasion refers to the use of subliminally presented stimuli or messages presented to individuals beneath their awareness , that are intended to influence their views , attitudes or behaviors .