
  • 网络Combined TCM and Western medicine clinics
  1. CD4、CD8、CD(95)在急性胰腺炎中作用的中西医结合临床研究

    The Clinical Study of CD_4 、 CD_8 、 CD_ ( 95 ) in the Treatment with Integrated Western and Chinese Medicine in Acute Pancreatitis

  2. 目的:探索动脉硬化闭塞症(ASO)家兔模型的制作方法,为ASO中西医结合临床和实验研究提供动物实验对象。

    To establish the atherosclerosis obliterans ( ASO ) model in rabbits for the better basis and clinic study .

  3. 中西医结合临床思路浅谈&论辨证与辨病的关系

    Clinical Mentality of Cooperation of TCM and Modern Medicine

  4. 中西医结合临床理论的建立与发展

    Establishment and development of clinical theory for integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine

  5. 中西医结合临床路径在缺血性脑卒中急性期的应用

    Cooperation of traditional Chinese and western medicine clinical pathway in cerebral stroke acute stage application

  6. 以临床实践数据为导向构建中西医结合临床指南的设想

    To Construct the Clinical Guideline of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine Based on Clinical Practical Data

  7. 慢性盆腔炎中西医结合临床护理观察

    The Clinic Observations of Combine Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine to Nursing Chronic Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

  8. 慢性肾脏病的中西医结合临床研究切入点探讨

    Discussion on the cut-in points about the Integrative Chinese and Western medicine Clinic study on chronic kidney disease

  9. 湖南中医学院1993年率先开办中西医结合临床医学本科专业;

    The undergraduate program of Chinese medicine integrated with Western medicine was offered in 1993 in Hunan College of Chinese Medicine .

  10. 穴位注射疗法是中西医结合临床应用的成功范例,已在临床各科广泛应用。

    Acupoint injection therapy is a successful sample for clinical application of integrated Chinese and western medicine , and has widely been applied clinically .

  11. 创建“两个基础,一个临床”的人才培养模式和一套适应新的培养模式的课程体系;首编中西医结合临床主体课程系列教材;

    The training mode of " two bases and one clinic " and a new curriculum system suitable for the mode were then constructed .

  12. 在中西医结合临床上能够更好诊断各种慢性肾脏病,并指导慢性肾脏病的治疗。

    In clinical on can better clinical diagnosis of various chronic kidney disease , and guidance on chronic renal disease treated with integrated Chinese and Western medicine .

  13. 第一阶段采用数据分析、循证和专家咨询法,设计并生成胎动不安中西医结合临床护理路径表格和实施流程。

    The first stage is using the data analysis , evidence and expert consultation , design and creation of disturbed fetal movement path of Integrated Traditional and Western forms and the implementation of clinical care processes .

  14. 对照组实施妇科常规护理模式,试验组根据事先制定好的中西医结合临床护理路径表格(护理人员版和患者版)对患者进行护理。

    The implementation of the control group routine gynecological care model , the experimental group laid down in advance in accordance with Chinese and Western forms of clinical care path ( nursing staff and patients edition version ) on the patients care .

  15. 132例小细胞肺癌中西医结合治疗临床总结

    The Clinical Summary of Efficacy for the Integrated Medicine of TCM and WM in SCLC

  16. 老年人重症急性胆源性胰腺炎的中西医结合治疗临床分析

    Treatment of Severe Acute Biliary Pancreatitis in the Elderly by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

  17. 急性心肌梗死中西医结合诊疗临床路径的回顾性研究

    The Retrospective Study of Clinical Pathway for Acute Myocardial Infarction of of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine

  18. 目的:采用中药五苓散制剂联合甘露醇作为脱水剂,治疗临床各种病因所致的脑水肿,观察其比单纯甘露醇治疗脑水肿的优势,使中西医结合的临床治疗能够得到更广泛的应用。

    Objective : Use Wuling Powder with mannitol as a dehydrator to treat brain edema which due to a variety of pathogens in clinical .

  19. 中西医结合揭开临床多学科中不明病因症状和疾病的奥秘&枢椎旋转半脱位

    Uncovering the Mystery of Many Unknown Etiological Symptoms and Diseases in Multiple Clinical Disciplines Through Combination of Chinese Traditional and Western Medicine & Rotatory Axial Subluxation

  20. [结果]西药组、中药组和中西医结合组临床治愈率分别为35.6%、34.4%和59.4%(P<0.05);

    [ Results ] The curative rate of 3 groups was 35 . 6 % , 34 . 4 % and 59 . 4 % respectively ( P < 0.05 ) .

  21. 我们在中西医结合外科临床教学中实施规范化教学,严格教学管理,深化教学改革,培养了一批综合素质良好的实习医师,对提高临床实习教学质量起到了积极作用。

    Therefore , in the integrated Chinese-western surgical clinical teaching , we have adopted the standard teaching and strict management , and deepen the reform in education , thus cultivating a batch of interns with very good comprehensive quality and increasing the clinical teaching quality .

  22. 中西医结合治疗抑郁症临床观察。

    Combination therapy of acupuncture and cupping in treatment of depression .

  23. 中西医结合中止早孕临床观察

    Clinical observation on medical abortion with TCM and WM combined

  24. 糖尿病足部溃疡患者中西医结合治疗的临床研究

    A clinical study on diabetic foot ulcer treated with the intergrated traditional and western medicine

  25. 巧用中西医结合,提高临床医学水平使中医与西医相结合。

    To Improve the Clinic Level by Combination of the Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine ;

  26. 在实践教学中注重学生创新能力的培养&中西医结合儿科学临床见习体会

    Strengthening students ' creativity ability training in clinical practice & Experience in pediatric internship of integrated Chinese and Western medicine

  27. 肝豆状核变性合并癫痫的表现和中西医结合治疗的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Manifestation of Hepatolenticular Degeneration Complicated with Epilepsy and Therapeutic Effect of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine Treatment

  28. 重症急性胰腺炎清创引流术后中西医结合治疗的临床观察

    A Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Serious Cases of Acute Pancreatitis After Epluchage and Drainage by TCM Combined with Western Medicine

  29. 髌骨环内固定术后中西医结合护理的临床研究交锁髓内钉内固定术治疗尺骨骨折术后骨不连

    The research of clinical nursing integrated Traditional and Western Medicine after the internal fixation of the whirbone scleroma Treatment of postoperative nonunion of ulnar fracture with interlocking intramedullary nailing

  30. 论文后半部分总结了其对老年高血压病中医病机、辨证论治的认识,以及中西医结合治疗的临床经验。

    The latter part of this thesis summarizes his awareness of the pathogenes , the treatment of this disease on TCM , as well as his clinical experience of the integration of traditional and western medicine .