
hóng hǎi
  • the Red Sea
红海 [hóng hǎi]
  • [the Red Sea] 非洲与亚洲之间的狭长海域。从苏伊士湾至曼德海峡长约 2100 公里。向南经亚丁湾通往印度洋。西岸的埃及、苏丹、埃塞俄比亚和东岸的沙特阿拉伯、也门隔海相对。最宽 306 公里。最深 2920 米。面积438000 平方公里。苏伊士运河沟通了红海与地中海

红海[hóng hǎi]
  1. 红海就是一个峡谷在地质上的继续发展。

    The Red Sea is a geologic continuation of the valley .

  2. 这种称作Ug99的新型秆锈病已经越过红海,从埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚和乌干达传到了也门。

    Known as Ug99 , this new form of stem rust has spread from Ethiopia , Kenya and Uganda over the Red Sea to Yemen .

  3. 也门完全控制着红海南端的海峡。

    Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea .

  4. Mediterraneanadj.地中海(的)n.地中海苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海.

    The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea .

  5. 红海与西北印度洋之人为C02

    The anthropogenic co_2 signals in the Red Sea and northwest Indian Ocean

  6. 本月早些时候,沙特阿美与国有企业中石化(sinopec)签署协议,将共建红海沿岸的延布大型炼油厂。

    And earlier this month Aramco signed an agreement with state-owned Sinopec to partner on the huge Yanbu refinery on the Red Sea coast .

  7. 利用新资料分析了Afar地幔柱与板块构造事件对红海演化过程的影响程度。

    New data provide a more complete analysis on how the Afar plume and plate-scale tectonic events interacted the Red Sea Basin evolution .

  8. 迄今为止,他们在这个网站上找到的工作包括:经营莫桑比克的一家海滩旅馆,管理南极洲的一间邮局,在博茨瓦纳北部主办一个游猎营地,为红海一家豪华的高尔夫度假村记账,以及主持电视节目《ParadiseHunter》等。

    Among the jobs they have found through the site so far : Managing a beach lodge in Mozambique , running a post office in Antarctica , hosting a safari camp in northern Botswana , keeping the books for a luxury golf resort on the Red Sea , and hosting a television series called Paradise Hunter .

  9. 穆巴拉克在搭乘一架空中救护机抵达开罗后,躺在病床上被推到法庭。此前他在红海度假胜地沙姆沙伊赫(SharmEl-Sheikh)的医院里处于软禁状态。

    Mr Mubarak was wheeled into the courtroom in his hospital bed after arriving in Cairo aboard an air ambulance , which brought him from the hospital in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh , where he has been held .

  10. 苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海。

    The suez canal join the mediterranean and the red sea .

  11. 法老军队之红海受困。

    The closing of the Red Sea on pharaoh 's army .

  12. 我完全赞同诺第留斯号进入红海。

    But I wholeheartedly approved of the Nautilus 's entering it .

  13. 并且斥责红海,海便干了;

    He rebuked the Red Sea , and it dried up ;

  14. 亚北极的环境、温度.红海和亚丁湾环境方案

    Subarctic conditions , temperatures Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Environment Programme

  15. 红海及亚丁湾间之海水交换

    Exchange of seawater between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden

  16. 夏新:培育红海中的快速反应能力

    Amoi : Rapid Reaction Ability is Essential to Compete in Red Ocean

  17. 拓展电视产业的内涵与外延&广东电视台红海与蓝海战略

    Industry Industry The Extended Connotation and Denotation of TV Industry

  18. 他隔开了打仗的孩子;摩西隔开了红海。

    He separated the fighting children ; moses parted the red sea .

  19. 他把红海的水从中剖分,因为他的仁慈永远常存。

    He split the Sea of Reeds , his kindness endures forever .

  20. 一个干旱的沙石高原,位于尼罗河和红海之间。

    An arid sandstone plateau between the Nile and the Red Sea .

  21. 红海是一片广阔的水域。

    The Red Sea is a broad expanse of water .

  22. 摩西在那里经过红海引起兴趣。

    Where Moses and Israel crossed the Red Sea is an interesting point .

  23. 要称谢那分开红海的,因为他的慈爱永远长存。

    To him who divided the Red Sea asunder his love endures forever .

  24. 红海和亚丁湾行动计划

    Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Action Plan

  25. 红海把亚非两大洲分开了。

    The Red Sea divides Africa from asia .

  26. 埃及的马兵被困在红海的海底中。

    The Egyptian chariots were trapped in the sea bed of the red sea .

  27. 阿拉伯半岛亚洲西南部的一个半岛,位于红海与波斯湾之间。

    A peninsula of southwest Asia between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf .

  28. 所以,红海并不是带我们回到欧洲的路。

    So the Red Sea won 't be our way back to Europe either .

  29. 红狮子鱼原产于南太平洋、印度洋和红海。

    Red lionfish are native to the South Pacific , Indian Ocean and Red Sea .

  30. 神的儿女啊,你当回想以色列人渡红海时的那段凯旋光景!

    Imagine , O child of God , if you can , that triumphal march !