
qí fú
  • pray for blessings
祈福 [qí fú]
  • [pray for blessings] 向神祷告求福

  1. 年轻女子在七夕晚上仍然会求神祈福,祈求获得智慧和长久的婚姻。

    Young women will still pray for blessings on the night of Qixi , hoping for wisdom and a long-lasting marriage .

  2. 祭天既反映了对上天的敬畏,又反映了人们对自己来自何处的根源性追溯,它具有祈福与报恩两个目的。

    The ones that offered a sacrifice to Heaven and already reflected to Heaven were revered , it also reflected that people try to find where he come from . The sacrificial rite has pray for blessings and pays a debt of gratitude two purposes .

  3. 在访问期间,教皇还将为新医院祈福。

    During his visit , the Pope will also bless the new hospital .

  4. 别上绿色的丝带,为灾区同胞祈福!

    Wear a green ribbon and show your respect to the quake victims !

  5. LadyGaga在得知日本的地震发生后已经亲自设计了日本祈福手环来募集善款。

    Lady Gaga & who already designed a Japan Prayer Bracelet following the tragedy .

  6. 一名香港移民官员告诉祈福德,许多apec商业旅行人士最近的申请都被中国拒绝。

    A Hong Kong immigration officer told Clifford that many apec business travellers have recently been rejected by China .

  7. 祈福德表示,他对此感到惊讶,因为他持有apec商旅卡已有三年时间。

    Clifford said he was surprised , given he has held an APEC Business Travel Card for the last three years .

  8. LadyGaga制作了一个红白相间的祈福腕带,上面写着为日本祈祷,还印有她标志性的野兽手爪图案。

    Lady Gaga is offering a red-and-white wristband , with the words " We pray for Japan " and an image of the singer 's monster paw gesture .

  9. 她暗示,祈福德是因为未指明的问题而被拒。她指出,在Apec的21个成员国中,俄罗斯、加拿大和美国至今尚未完全签约加入商旅卡安排。

    She suggested Clifford was rejected because of unspecified problems , and went on to point out that , of the 21 members of Apec , Russia , Canada and the US have yet to sign up fully to the Business Travel Card agreement .

  10. 也许你要为自己祈祈福。

    Yeah So maybe you should keep your luck for yourself .

  11. 他想让你知道他在为你祈福

    He wants you to know he 's praying for you .

  12. 震后该如何化灾祈福?

    How to relieve disaster and pray blessing after the earthquake ?

  13. 啊,新年祈福,奏着新交响。

    Ah New Year praying , played upon New Symphony of .

  14. 你认为精灵会为我们的远征祈福?

    You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing ?

  15. 不要向木雕神像祈福。

    Do not beg a blessing of a wooden god .

  16. 开幕式之前,一位泰国僧侣正为这些参赛的大象祈福。

    A Thai Buddhist monk blesses participating elephants before the opening ceremony .

  17. 从吉语格言印论秦代祈福与修身的思想

    Interpretation on the Lucky and Motto Seal of Qin Dynasty

  18. 哦!一旦得祈福,你就复活。

    And oh ! when on the blest , reviving .

  19. 论《天使在美国》中同性恋人物的困境与祈福

    Dilemma and Blessing of Homosexual Characters in Angels in America

  20. 期间他会偶尔停下来为婴儿祈福。

    He stopped at times to bless a baby .

  21. 那麽我们一同来为天下苍生祈福吧!

    Then we pray together to the common people for the world now !

  22. 尽管你无法祈福,生活还是上天的赐福。

    Life remains a blessing although you cannot bless .

  23. 首先,世界各地的人们都在为韩国祈福。

    First up , people around the world are praying for South Korea .

  24. 多少回我为即将到来的一天祈福。

    How often have I blest the coming day .

  25. 我所说的“祈福”是什么意思呢?

    What do I mean by " blessing " ?

  26. 中国方面的拒绝,使祈福德推迟了前往北京的商务旅行。

    The Chinese rejection caused Clifford to delay a business trip to Beijing .

  27. 它们只是为了祈福和辟邪。

    They merely amplify good fortune or block evil .

  28. 离开到祈福圣子之时。

    Gone back in time to bless the child .

  29. 现在只有你来为我的灵魂祈福

    There 's only thee to bless my spirit now

  30. 让我们一起为日本祈福吧,祝愿日本的明天会更好

    Let us pray for Japan , and wish the Japanese will be better tomorrow