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qí dǎo
  • pray;supplicate;invocation;petition;say one's prayers
祈祷 [qí dǎo]
  • [pray;say one's prayers] 向神祝告求福

祈祷[qí dǎo]
  1. “我们来祈祷吧,”那个循道宗牧师说。

    ' Let us pray , ' said the Methodist chaplain .

  2. 她去为亡夫的灵魂祈祷。

    She went to pray for the soul of her late husband

  3. 我们相信祈祷的力量。

    We believe in the power of prayer .

  4. 兄弟教会成员定期聚集祈祷。

    The Brethren meet regularly for prayer .

  5. 他就在那一刻到了,好像是她的祈祷应验了。

    He arrived at that very moment , as if in answer to her prayer .

  6. 我的祈祷应验了。

    My prayers have been answered .

  7. 好像祈祷很灵验似的,她提出借给我们1万英镑。

    As if in answer to our prayers , she offered to lend us £ 10 000 .

  8. 他们跪下祈祷。

    They knelt in prayer .

  9. 这位上校低头轻声做感恩祈祷。

    The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving

  10. 牧师请在场的妇女们和他一起祈祷。

    The pastor requested the women present to join him in prayer

  11. 哀悼者准备在利物浦筹备举行一次烛光祈祷。

    Mourners are to stage a candlelit vigil in Liverpool .

  12. 她跪下祈祷。

    She fell to the ground on her knees and prayed

  13. 理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章,又即兴作了一段祈祷文。

    Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer

  14. 他的声明以“为我祈祷”结束。

    His statement ended with the words : ' Pray for me . '

  15. 通常情况下他每天祈祷两次。

    Normally he performs his devotions twice a day .

  16. 一名牧师照着祈祷书念祷文。

    A clergyman read the liturgy from the prayer-book .

  17. 昨晚南非人在祈祷他对形势的解读是正确的。

    South Africans were praying last night that he has read the situation correctly

  18. 他把狱中的时间都用于祈祷和学习。

    He spent his time in prison praying and studying

  19. 你能为我向圣母马利亚祈祷吗?

    Will you pray to Our Lady for me ?

  20. 这是真正的祈祷,不是机械的重复。

    It is real prayer , and not mechanical repetition

  21. 他祈祷自己不孕的妻子有朝一日能怀上宝宝。

    He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child .

  22. 舞蹈开始前会举行祈祷和鞭笞的仪式。

    There is a ceremony of prayer and flagellation before the dancing begins .

  23. 我冒了这个险,心里祈祷能够诸事顺利。

    I took the risk and hoped for the best

  24. 她马上祈祷道:“上帝呀,请赐我勇气吧。”

    She prayed now . ' Lord , help me to find courage . '

  25. 如果我没有看错的话,那些男孩子正在祈祷。

    The boys , if my eyes did not deceive me , were praying .

  26. 她默默祈祷以表谢意。

    She offered a silent prayer of thanks .

  27. 为了纪念这位主教,教堂里正在举行守夜祈祷。

    A prayer vigil is being held in the cathedral in memory of the bishop

  28. 出于对他的敬重,在他祈祷时我低下了头。

    Out of deference to him , I lowered my head as he prayed .

  29. 很多人声称他们被治愈是圣母马利亚代他们祈祷的应验。

    Many claimed to have been cured as a result of the Madonna 's intercessions .

  30. 我们现在所要做的就是自助并向上帝祈祷。

    Now all we have to do is help ourselves and to pray to God .