
qí shǐ yǔ qì
  • imperative;imperative form/mood
  1. 祈使语气是一种语法现象。

    The imperative mood is a kind of grammatical phenomenon .

  2. 在英语中有三种语气:陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气。

    There are three kinds of mood in english : the indicative mood , the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood .

  3. 在`Goaway!中用的是祈使语气的动词。

    In ` Go away ! ' the verb is in the imperative .

  4. (语法)关于祈使语气动词的。

    ( grammar ) relating to verbs in the imperative mood .

  5. 她没说“你们”或是“我们”,她只用了祈使语气。

    She doesn 't say'you'or'we ' , she just uses the imperative .

  6. 英语中不存在什么动词祈使语气语法范畴。

    There is no imperative mood of the English verb .

  7. 祈使语气有利于演讲者直接、明确的表达呼吁和号召。

    Imperatives can better show the appealing and calling directly and explicitly .

  8. 疑问和祈使语气使语篇更具交流性,从而增加了广告商与受众的互动。

    Interrogatives and imperatives make the discourse more interactive .

  9. 英语祈使语气的实质

    On the Essence of the Imperative Mood in English

  10. 论英语动词祈使语气语法范畴的有无

    A Glimpse of English Verbs in the Imperative Mood

  11. 陈述语气,祈使语气,命令语气都可以实现不同的人际意义。

    Declarative mood , imperative mood and interrogative mood can realize interpersonal meaning as typical and non-typical mood .

  12. 祈使语气与疑问语气就如同调料也是政治演讲中传达人际意义不可或缺的工具。

    Imperative clause and interrogative clause , like spices , are also essential in political speech in conveying interpersonal meaning .

  13. 在某些官话里走在句末读轻声时,主要表示祈使语气。

    In some mandarins , zou also expresses imperative mood when located at the end of a sentence and read as a light syllable .

  14. 研究结果表明:从语气系统方面来看,陈述语气占主导地位,其次是祈使语气和疑问语气。

    From the perspective of mood system , the study shows that the declarative mood plays the predominant role and it is followed by the imperative and interrogative mood .

  15. 作者发现在宾馆宣传手册中给予信息的话语功能可以通过陈述语气实现,也可通过祈使语气和疑问语气实现;要求行动的话语功能由祈使语气实现,亦可通过陈述语气实现。

    It is found that in the discourse of hotel brochures information-giving can be realized by declarative mood and also by interrogative and imperative mood structures . Action-demanding is realized by imperative mood and by declarative mood .

  16. 在人际功能方面本文主要从语气系统、情态系统和人称系统方面进行分析,研究发现陈述语气占据绝对优势,其次是祈使语气和疑问语气。

    In respect of the interpersonal function , Mood , Modality and Person system are mainly discussed , and the research finds that declarative mood plays a major role in English song lyrics and its translations with imperative mood and interrogative mood following behind .

  17. 现代汉语祈使句句末语气词选择性研究

    On the Selectivity of Modal Particles in Imperative Sentences in Modern Chinese

  18. 英语祈使句的语气结构再分析

    A New Analysis of Mood Structure in English Imperatives

  19. 现代汉语祈使句句末语气词的分布存在选择性,其原因与祈使句的类别及主语人称有关。

    The mediaeval times were the crucial period to imperative sentence to develop to its maturity and stereotypes .

  20. 当工具成分出现时,主要表示强调、提醒,带有祈使和命令的语气,当回答对于工具成分的特指提问或目的性较强的提问时,工具成分也会出现。

    When the tool components occurs , the sentence mainly show emphasis , reminders , and commands with the imperative tone ; when answering questions with direct purpose or to answer questions specific to the tool components , the tool elements will also appear .

  21. 祈使句表示催促、命令、请求、劝告等祈使语气的语调。

    Imperative sentences express a command , a request , or advice in an imperative tone .