
duǎn dí
  • piccolo
短笛 [duǎn dí]
  • [piccolo] 比普通长笛高一个八度的小型的尖声笛子

短笛[duǎn dí]
  1. 牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天在嘹亮地响

    The cow carries on the back boy 's piccolo , this time also day long in resonantly sound .

  2. 短笛若隐若现,小提琴浅吟低唱。

    The piccolo peeped the tune , the violins sang languidly .

  3. 火之龙,Nuova,是在悟空还是小孩时,短笛大魔王许愿回复青春时诞生的。

    Nuova Shenron-The Dragon of Fire , Nuova , was born when King Piccolo wished for youth when Goku was a child .

  4. 用长笛或短笛来突出音高乐谱的上端

    Italicizing the upper extremity of the pitch spectrum with flute or piccolo

  5. 来自澳门,爱好长笛短笛演奏。

    From macao , like to play flute and piccolo .

  6. 牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。

    The cowboy is blowing his flute all day long .

  7. 在青岛工作,擅长长笛和短笛。

    Work in qingdao , to be good at flute and piccolo .

  8. 横斜的短笛尽情在掳掠四月的清风。

    Horizontal inclined piccolo heartily Be taking captive the pleasant breeze of April .

  9. 短笛大魔王又生出了一个新的怪物,他的名字叫作大鼓。

    There 's a new beast in town and his name is Drum .

  10. 来自柳州师范学校,擅长长笛和短笛演奏。

    From Liuzhou of Guangxi province , to be good at flute Piccolo playing .

  11. 教猪吹短笛,不可能的事。

    Teach a pig to play a flute .

  12. 那牧童短笛,小伙姑娘;

    Piccolo that shepherd boy , young girl ;

  13. 来自广东佛山,擅长长笛与短笛演奏,喜欢听音乐会。

    From fushan , to be good at flute and piccolo playing , like listening concert .

  14. 牧童归去横牛背,短笛无腔信口吹&古今词义的演变及其对中医翻译的影响

    Historical change of the meaning of words and its influence on the translation of traditional Chinese medicine

  15. 短笛大魔王开始实施他恢复青春和征服世界的邪恶计划。

    King Piccolo has begun his sinister plot to restore his power and take over the world .

  16. 来自新加坡交响乐团,专业演奏长笛,短笛,擅长钢琴。

    From Singapore Symphony orchestra , head position for flute , to be good at Piccolo and piano .

  17. 他将会投降短笛大魔王以拯救他的同伴呢,还是会选择不惜牺牲生命而奋力一战?

    Will he surrender to Piccolo and save his friend or choose to fight and risk his own life ?

  18. 小悟空和短笛大魔王之间的激战继续进行着,但是当短笛大魔王把小悟空的四肢一一折断时,他最终占到了上风。

    The fierce fight between Goku and Piccolo continues , but Piccolo gains the advantage when he breaks Goku down limb by limb .

  19. 像短笛的一种高调位的笛子;具有尖音音质主要用于在军乐队中为鼓伴奏。

    A small high-pitched flute similar to a piccolo ; has a shrill tone and is used chiefly to accompany drums in a marching band .

  20. 另一方面,陷入绝境的龟仙人和他的同伴们,正努力寻找着一条能够阻止短笛大魔王集齐龙珠和杀害所有武术家的出路!

    Meanwhile , Master Roshi and company desperately search for a means of stopping King Piccolo from obtaining the Dragon Balls and annihilating the Martial Arts Society !