- Short arm;galianconism

The results showed that this chromosome was from the short arm of chromosome of D / G group .
Objective To investigate clinical and molecular cytogenetics characteristics of patients with abnormalities of the short arm of chromosome 9 in acute lymphoblastic leukemia ( ALL ) .
Comparing Gene Density and GC Content Between Two Large Genomic Blocks at Short Arm of Chromosome 3
All the centromeres of chromosomes were C-bands positive and so was the short arm of the 1st chromosome with tinctorial strength same as its centromeric C-bands ;
PCR-LOH of Chromosome 1p Deletion in Neuroblastoma
Information Behavior of 7 STR Loci on Chromosome 9p in Gene Scanning
It is known that the tumor suppressor gene P53 is the most active and frequent mutation gene in human cancer .
P53 gene is localized in the short arm of human chromosome 17 . The wild type P53 gene is tumour suppressor gene .
Trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 ( 9p + ) and distal deletion of the long arm of X-chromosome were found with G banding and C-banding techniques .
17p LOH is the gene marker of late stage colorectal adenocarcinoma
Relationship between gene polymorphism on MHC ⅱ region on the short arm of chromosome 6 and schizophrenia
Analysis of Major QTL for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance on the Short Arm of Chromosome 3B in Wheat
The cloth is fed into the box at the top , folded to fill the longer arm , and removed through the shorter arm .
Chromosomal satellite & A small mass of chromatin containing genes for ribosomal RNA , at the end of the short arm of each chromatid of an acrocentric chromosome ;
Two cases were autosomal balanced translocation and two cases were pericentric inversion . The chromosome secondary constriction in one case became wider and the short arms of G team chromosomes in one case became longer .
AIM : To investigate the changes of parameters of heart rate variability ( HRV ) after self powered short arm human centrifuge training .
The testis-determining factor gene ( TDF ) lies on the Y chromosome and is responsible for initiating male sex detemination .
The pathway of male sexual development in mammals is initiated by SRY , agene on the short arm boundary of Y chromosome .
Sex-determining region Y ( Sry ) gene located in the short arm of the mammalian Y chromosome directs the sexual development of male .
Therefore , this molecular marker ( OPW03-570 ) may locate in the short arm of Haynaldia villosa 's V chromosome .
Human MHC , also named human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ), which locates in the short arm of chromosome VI , which is a tightly linked group of highly polymorphic gene cluster .
Danish Landrace NORs were located on chromosome 10 . The number of Ag-NORs were difference between two breeds .
Two to six NORs are distributed on the short arm of submetacentric ( Nos. 6 , 8 , 15 ) .
HLA comprises a family of genes within the human leukocyte antigen complex located on the short arm of chromosome ( 6p21.31 ) in humans . HLA molecules are highly polymorphic with nearly 1000 alleles .
Objective : To investigate the relationship among microsatellite marker alterations on chromosome 3P and 9P and oncogenesis , development in lung cancer .
Results Heart rate ( HR ) decreased significantly while left ventricular ejection time ( LVET ) increased significantly after 3 d training , and the changes of HR and LVET were more obvious after 7 d training .
Results The average informative rate of all seventeen markers was 60.0 % . The LOH at least in one locus was detected in 28 of the 80 ( 35.0 % ) cases .
Undifferentiated gonad in human is bipotential . SRY is a sex-determining gene in short arm of Y chromosome which induces bipotential gonads to testis . It is also the initiating factor in male development .
The cri-du - chat syndrome ( CDC , MIM123450 ), first described by Lejeune , is caused by deletions in 5p .
Nine healthy male volunteers received self powered short arm human centrifuge training for 5 min per day with rotative velocity of 30 ~ 34 r · min - 1 for 7 d.