
duǎn kù
  • shorts;pants;breeches;half pants
短裤 [duǎn kù]
  • [pants;shorts] 裤脚在膝盖以上的裤子

短裤[duǎn kù]
  1. 他穿着一件蓝色丝绸背心和平脚短裤。

    He was wearing a blue silk singlet and boxer shorts .

  2. 血流得太多,渗透了我的平脚短裤。

    There was so much blood it had soaked through my boxer shorts

  3. 我那时还在穿着短裤呢。

    I was still in short trousers at the time .

  4. 防水纤维短裤比塑料短裤贵多了。

    Waterproofed fabric pants are more expensive than plastic pants .

  5. 他穿上了一条短裤和一件汗衫。

    He put on a pair of short pants and an undershirt .

  6. 女运动员穿着短上衣和紧身短裤。

    Women athletes wear cropped tops and tight shorts .

  7. 小个子男人脏乎乎的短裤口袋里鼓鼓的,伸出来个什么东西。

    Something was sticking from the pocket of the little man 's grimy shorts

  8. 他穿着短裤,露出自己强壮多毛的长腿。

    He was wearing shorts which showed his long , muscular , hairy legs

  9. 今年夏天穿上这条超短裤出门,让别人惊讶去吧。

    Raise a few eyebrows by stepping out in these tiny shorts this summer

  10. 他穿着短裤,膝盖的伤口已经结痂。

    He had short trousers and scabby knees .

  11. 这条短裤的口袋上有蓝色刺绣。

    The shorts had blue embroidery over the pockets

  12. 他的灰色短裤的臀部开裂了。

    The seat of his short grey trousers split

  13. 迈克尔一边发着牢骚一边整了整自己的短裤。

    Michael groaned and readjusted his shorts

  14. 我的短裤把大腿磨得生疼。

    My shorts were chafing my thighs

  15. 要尊重当地的礼节。朴素端庄的衣着往往比暴露的短裤和紧身上衣更合适。

    Respect the local etiquete . Modest clothing is often preferable to revealing shorts and tight-fitting tops .

  16. “妈妈,为什么不穿你的慢跑短裤呢?”——“哦,如果你非要问的话,因为我的腿太瘦了。”

    ' Why don 't you wear your jogging shorts Mum ? ' — ' Well , my legs are too skinny , if you must know . '

  17. 舞会上穿短裤不成体统。

    Short trousers are improper at a dance .

  18. 一匹矮马穿着橙色的短裤。

    A short horse wore orange shorts .

  19. 所谓的“波霸餐厅”灵感源于美国猫头鹰餐厅Hooters,这家已经经营了30年的老牌连锁店以穿着超短裤和奇怪橙色连裤袜的大胸妹子服务员而著称。

    The so-called " breastaurants " take inspiration from Hooters , the 30-year-old chain known for big-breasted waitresses wearing short shorts and oddly orange pantyhose .

  20. 他们穿着一致,都是蓝色的运动衫和灯笼短裤。

    They were dressed alike in blue jersey and knickers .

  21. 他穿着一条短裤。

    He wears a pair of shorts .

  22. 如果她觉得她爸爸穿着短裤、戴着墨镜,靠追拍SMAP的照片谋生一点都不酷,那如果她爸爸梳着条形码发型,整天坐在办公室处理各种文件,她会怎么想?

    If she thinks her father , who wears shorts and shades and takes pictures of SMAP for a living , is uncool , how would she feel if he sported a “ bar code ” hairstyle and pushed papers at the local ward2 office ?

  23. 篮球巨星乔丹(MichaelJordan)也有一个众所周知的习惯,那就是每次比赛都将他的幸运大学篮球短裤穿在NBA队服的里面。

    Michael Jordan , for one , was famous for wearing his lucky college basketball shorts under his NBA ones .

  24. 好的,Barry的信,AdamRitter的短裤。

    Rachel : Ok , Barry 's letters . Adam Ritter 's boxer shorts .

  25. 这是他自己的路的现成可穿戴计算系统,一个难解的东西已经过时了Windows智能手机连接到一对个人视频眼镜通过在他的短裤笨重的电池组。

    It was his own off-the-shelf wearable computing system , a gordian thing connecting his outdated Windows smartphone to a pair of personal video glasses via an unwieldy battery pack in his shorts .

  26. 然而他认为,“如果英国央行行长默文近(mervynking)身穿短裤发布调整利息的声明,那不会有人把他的话当真的。”

    However , he does not think " anyone would take an interest-rate announcement from Mervyn King all that seriously if he was wearing shorts . "

  27. 昨天Chris在抗议之前解释说,在夏季学校允许女学生们穿短裙上学,但是男学生们穿短裤却是不被允许的。

    In the summer months , girl students are allowed to wear skirts but boys are not allowed to wear shorts , Chris explained yesterday before his protest .

  28. 回到家里,当被问及JC的短裤短袖时,他母亲笑起来,那双手套完全不见了踪影。

    Back home , his mother laughed when asked about her son 's short pants and sleeves , with the mittens nowhere in sight .

  29. 演员兼模特ClaraPaget出席哈瓦那人字拖新系列凉鞋的2011新品发布会时,穿着一条很帅气的格纹短裤,搭配黑色瘦腰带。

    Actress and model Clara Paget wears cool plaid shorts with a black skinny belt to the launch of Havaianas'new line of Wellies in2011 .

  30. 你有没有见过Twitter上盛传的那张照片?在照片里鲍伊身着工装短裤、运动鞋,手持一本Uncut杂志,在市里漫步,看上去十分普通。

    Have you seen the photo that 's been circulating on Twitter of Mr. Bowie out in the city in cargo shorts and sneakers and carrying Uncut magazine ?