
duǎn qún
  • Short skirt;kilt;cocktail dress;fillibeg;philabeg
短裙[duǎn qún]
  1. 我不想穿褶裥短裙。

    I didn 't fancy myself wearing a kilt .

  2. 那个可以解释你为什么穿这苏格兰短裙了?

    Chris Hudson Does that explain the kilt you 're wearing ?

  3. 短裙子又流行起来了。

    Short skirts are back in style .

  4. 现在又时兴穿短裙子了。

    Short skirts are in again .

  5. 两名结伴旅行的优雅苏格兰男子就餐时穿了潇洒的苏格兰方格呢短裙。

    Two elegant Scotsmen travelling together wore dashing kilts at dinner .

  6. 米基喜欢长度及膝的紧身短裙。

    Mickey favoured tight skirts with a hemline at the knee .

  7. 这些短裙长度及膝,很有女人味。

    The skirts were knee-skimming and flirty .

  8. 短裙又流行起来了。

    Short skirts are back

  9. 今夏超短裙风靡京沪。

    Miniskirts are in fashion in Beijing and Shanghai this summer .

  10. 他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴桂冠。

    He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath .

  11. 短裙过时了。

    Short skirts are out , not fashionable .

  12. 缪思并不用为着装发愁,服装要求通常十分随意,背心、短裙加帆布鞋就OK了。

    Miao didn 't worry about dressing up - the dress code is as casual as vest , skirt and sneakers .

  13. OscardelaRenta推出了一款皮草镶边的刺绣针织短裙。

    Oscar de la Renta did an embroidered , fur-hemmed flapper dress .

  14. 才订婚没多久的希拉里达芙身穿一件水绿色紧身大V领短裙搭配多层链条项链登场。

    Hillary Duff wore a skin-tight aqua Herve Leger bandage dress with tons of chain necklaces and a pair of Christian Louboutin " Big Lips " pumps .

  15. 杰瑞身穿一件红色超短裙,上面有英国国旗的图案,她还搭配了一顶金色的Halo&Co品牌皇冠头饰。

    Meanwhile , Geri rocked a super-short red dress with Union Jack detailing , which she paired with a Halo & Co gold filigree tiara .

  16. 泰勒·摩森当晚还是以一身她最喜欢的黑色性感绷带紧身短裙亮相,深情演绎她的最新单曲《LightMeUp》据悉,泰勒·摩森很潇洒,舍弃了《绯闻女孩》剧组配备给演员的高级房车,宁肯每天睡大巴,为演唱会全力筹备。

    In one of her favourite barely there bondage and lingerie inspired outfits , the young singer took to the stage to perform an hour long set of songs from her band 's newly released album , Light Me Up .

  17. 身份不明的闯入者拿走了她的裙子(包括她在罗马派对上穿的一条黑色短裙)、内衣、CD,以及贝卢斯科尼赠予她的一些照片。

    The unknown intruders took her dresses , including the short black one she wore at the Rome party , underwear , compact discs and photographs given to her by Mr Berlusconi .

  18. 男主播据CNN的安德鲁•布朗最新报道,本次时装秀除了高跟鞋和短裙外,还有更多的看点。

    MALE ANCHOR As CNN 's Andrew Brown now reports , there was more to this show than high heels and short skirts .

  19. 在名为《飞天小女警Z》(Demashita!PowerpuffGirlsZ)的新版动画中,三个小女孩不但长大了,腿变长了,还穿上了超短裙。

    On ' Demashita ! Powerpuff Girls Z , ' the heroines have grown up , sprouted long legs and wear skirts well above their knees .

  20. 昨天Chris在抗议之前解释说,在夏季学校允许女学生们穿短裙上学,但是男学生们穿短裤却是不被允许的。

    In the summer months , girl students are allowed to wear skirts but boys are not allowed to wear shorts , Chris explained yesterday before his protest .

  21. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers were really into kilts and tartan trousers .

  22. 她看上了Tibi的一条皮质打孔超短裙,打算破费一下。

    Captivated by a perforated leather midi skirt from Tibi , she was ready to spend .

  23. 现在他的短裙大作战还上了全国电视。英国独立电视台早间节目《黎明》(Daybreak)的主持人AdrianChiles还曾在直播节目中穿了花裙子表示对克里斯的支持态度。

    His campaign made it onto national television when ITV 's Daybreak presenter Adrian Chiles showed his support by wearing a floral skirt live on air .

  24. 时装秀忧郁的拉斯维加斯歌舞女郎大秀网眼布紧身连体衣裤,詹巴蒂斯塔•瓦莉(GiambattistaValli)推出宽式露内衣裤的短裙以及从巴黎世家(Balenciaga)到卡尔文•克莱恩(CalvinKlein)推出的各种透明薄纱文胸。

    fishnet bodystockings worn by melancholy Vegas showgirls at Louis Vuitton ; big underwear-revealing skirts at Giambattista Valli ; and layers upon layers of sheer everywhere from Balenciaga to Calvin Klein Collection .

  25. 去年3月,格拉斯哥时装设计师丽贝卡•托雷斯(RebeccaTorres)在北京进行贸易访问时发现,买家“对苏格兰短裙和格子呢长裤真的很感兴趣”。但她也发现几家中国供应商的名称听上去颇具苏格兰特色。

    On a trade visit to Beijing in March last year , Glasgow-based fashion designer Rebecca Torres found that buyers " were really into kilts and tartan trousers . " But she also discovered several Chinese suppliers with names that sounded surprisingly Scottish .

  26. 古驰(Gucci)设计师弗里达·贾娜妮(FridaGiannini)将2014秋季时装秀的压轴位置给了一款超短裙,这个位置通常都是留给重要的晚礼服或新娘礼服的。这表明了她对走迷你路线的认真态度。

    Gucci designer Frida Giannini signaled the seriousness of her intent to go mini by devoting the final look in her Fall 2014 show , a position that is often reserved for important evening gowns or bridal dresses , to an ultra short hemline .

  27. 因为在夏季,我可以穿我最喜欢的短裙。

    Because in summer , I can wear my favourite skirt .

  28. 穿上你的短裙,漂亮,漂亮,漂亮。

    Put on your skirt . Nice , nice , nice .

  29. 选择连衣裙,而不是短裙,这样可以造成不间断的垂直线。

    Choose dresses over skirts to create an unbroken vertical line .

  30. 我不吃猪肉,我不穿超短裙。

    I don 't eat pork , wear a mini dress .