
  1. 保持睡眠规律。每晚在同一时间睡觉有助于身体睡眠。

    Keep a sleep routine . Going to bed at the same time every night helps the body expect sleep .

  2. 明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)的教育政策专家、从1996年开始研究该问题的凯拉?瓦尔斯特龙(KylaWahlstrom)表示,所有证据都表明青少年睡眠规律是生理学(而非态度)造成的。

    All the evidence points to teen sleeping patterns being a consequence of biology , not attitude , according to Kyla Wahlstrom , an educational policy specialist at the University of Minnesota , who has studied this issue since 1996 .

  3. 医学研究委员会相信,对于因航空旅行、倒班或疾病打乱了睡眠规律的人,控制c-AMP生物路径的药物能够重新设置他们的生物钟。该委员会已就此项技术提出专利申请。

    The MRC believes drugs that manipulate the c-AMP biological pathway could reset the body clock in people whose sleep is disrupted through air travel , shift work or disease ; it has filed a patent application for the technology .

  4. 建立了关于健康人睡眠规律和睡眠RR规律的规则库综合分析RRV在多分辨率下的信息,用模糊逻辑推理系统对某时间段不同睡眠时相的隶属度进行推理。

    A database of rules of sleep RRV and regular sleep patterns of healthy people was set up . Information of RRV in multi resolution mode was analyzed comprehensively . Inference of index of subordination of different sleep phases at different time periods was carried out using fuzzy inference systems .

  5. 因此当孩子的睡眠规律改变时,父母很容易陷入恐慌。

    And so when those patterns change , parents tend to panic .

  6. 这样可以推翻正常的睡眠规律,重新设定。

    This overrides your normal sleep cycle and resets it .

  7. 父母会对孩子的睡眠规律忧心忡忡。

    Parents wring their hands over infant sleep patterns .

  8. 目的探讨脑波干预治疗对脑卒中伴昼夜睡眠规律颠倒患者的疗效。

    Clinical study on brain wave care apparatus therapy in treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder ;

  9. 打扰了正常的睡眠规律。

    A disturbance of the normal sleep pattern .

  10. 女:他们注意保暖,睡眠规律,饮食合理。

    W : They keep warm , sleep regular hours , and eat sensibly .

  11. 脑波干预治疗脑卒中伴昼夜睡眠规律颠倒疗效分析

    Effect analysis of brain wave intervention treatment for patients with cerebral apoplexy and paradoxical sleep

  12. 京晶:白天午睡太久肯定会影响你的睡眠规律。

    Taking too long of a nap during the day will definitely mess up your sleep cycle .

  13. 要不然,你的睡眠规律就会被严重破坏,而更重要的是,你还会在睡眠上欠债!

    Otherwise , your sleep pattern will be seriously disturbed and most importantly , you 'll have sleep debt !

  14. 美国杜克大学的研究人员建立了一个几百种哺乳动物睡眠规律的数据库,其中包括21种灵长类动物。

    Researchers at Duke University compiled a database of sleep patterns of hundreds of mammals , including 21 primate species .

  15. 褪黑素,又名黑素细胞凝集素的荷尔蒙,在调节我们日常睡眠规律中扮演重要角色。

    Melatonin , sometimes called " the hormone of darkness ," plays an important role in regulating our daily sleep patterns .

  16. 这能使你的身体建立一个良好的睡眠规律,有助于让你在夜里睡得更熟。

    This will help your body get accustomed to a routine , which can make your sleep at night a bit deeper .

  17. 在我的青光眼病人中,我获得了一个短暂睡眠规律并且如果症状呈阳性就将这些病人转诊到睡眠检测系统。

    In my glaucoma patients , I take a brief sleep history and refer these patients for sleep studies if symptoms are positive .

  18. 如果你需要打个盹,睡上一会儿就可以了,否则会打乱你的睡眠规律。

    If you need to have a nap , make it a short one , as it could disrupt your natural sleep cycle .

  19. 他们招募了23名婴儿的父母做志愿者,这些父母实时仔细地记录4个月到17个月大宝宝的睡眠规律。

    They recruited the parents of 23 infants . The parents took careful real-time notes on infant sleep patterns for between four and 17 months .

  20. 更重要的是脑电生物反馈治疗仪的刺激波是根据人的睡眠规律而来,这是其他低频波无法比拟的。

    More importantly , the stimulus wave EEG biofeedback instrument is based on the sleep patterns of people from other low-frequency wave cannot be compared .

  21. 沐浴晨光只是证明睡眠规律正常,而这才与健康体重有直接关系。

    Early morning exposure to light could just be a marker for a regular sleep cycle , which is also associated with a healthy body weight .

  22. 你还应该保证不要在周末赖床太久,那样也会扰乱你的睡眠规律。

    You should also make sure you don 't sleep in too much on the weekends . That will really mess up your sleep cycle too .

  23. 遵守良好的睡眠规律--理想的做法是,每天早上你在同一个时间醒来,每晚在同一个时间上床就寝。

    Get on a Sleep Routine - Ideally , you should wake up at the same time and go to bed at the same time every night .

  24. 十一个人都觉得身体机能有了全面的提高,工作能力提高,神经系统恢复正常,睡眠规律了。

    All11 subjects noticed an improvement in their overall well-being , increased working capacity , a significant stabilisation of the nervous system and a normalisation of sleep patterns .

  25. 加州大学研究员付英辉(音)说:我的长期目标是今后做足研究,从而在不影响健康的情况下人为控制睡眠规律。

    University of California researcher Ying-Hui Fu said : ' My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health .

  26. 变黄的晶状体很难将蓝色光波带入视网膜,而那些光的波长在调节我们的昼夜节律和睡眠规律中起着至关重要的作用。

    The yellowed lens allows less blue light into the retina . And those wavelengths of light play a key role in regulating our circadian rhythm and sleep schedule .

  27. 一些常用的心脏、血压、或者哮喘处方药,还有一些用于咳嗽、感冒、或者过敏的草药疗法会打乱你的睡眠规律。

    Some commonly prescribed heart , blood pressure , or asthma medications , as well as some over-the-counter herbal remedies for coughs , colds , or allergies , can disrupt sleep patterns .

  28. 生活方式方面,AMI组在饮食不良习惯、业余生活单调、缺乏锻炼、嗜烟酒、睡眠无规律等均明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。

    AMI group had clearly higher scores in harmful dietetically habits , monotonous amateur life , lacking physical exercises , having a liking for cigarette and drinking and somnus unregulation of life style ( P < 0.01 ) .

  29. 失眠和睡眠不规律,是其原因。

    Insomnia and other sleep disorders , to be specific .

  30. 研究者发现在睡眠作息规律后孩子的司考得到了改善。

    The researchers found that moods improved after using the bedtime routine .