
diàn shì
  • Palace examination;final imperial examination
殿试 [diàn shì]
  • [final imperial examination ] 科举制度中最高一级的考试,在宫廷举行,皇帝亲临主持

殿试[diàn shì]
  1. 李时珍读书应试,通过了乡试,但一直没能通过殿试。

    Li Shizhen studied for the exams and passed the country-level examination , but he was never able to pass the imperialexamination .

  2. 明代殿试管理制度及其作用

    The Imperial Court Examination Management System and its Action in Ming Dynasty

  3. 最后分析了唐代殿试的三个特点。

    Ultimately , article analyzed the three characteristics of the Tang Dynasty Palace .

  4. 第四章,殿试条制考。

    The fourth chapter , national examination system .

  5. 殿试是唐代科举制的重要组成部分。

    The palace examination is an important component of Tang dynasty imperial examination system .

  6. 接着对唐代殿试试后的等第划分和授官情况做了探索。

    Then try to explore the official division .

  7. 有关唐代殿试的研究散见于一些论著中,尚未形成体系,甚至说法不一。

    They are scattered in a number of works , and the system has not formed .

  8. 每三年,皇帝都要在这儿为追求高级学位的学者们举行殿试。

    Every three years the emperor held a palace examination in this hall for scholars pursuing high literary degrees .

  9. 在科举方面,宋太祖打破常例,以殿试的方式对考生进行最终的考核。

    In examination , Taizu of the Song innovatedly chose the talented staff by presiding over the test in person .

  10. 其次从考试科目和试策内容两个方面阐述了唐代殿试的主要内容。

    Secondly , the article told us that subjects and content are two main elements of the Tang dynasty palace examination .

  11. 本文在前人研究的基础上,进一步搜集史料,整理分析,力求对唐代殿试进行全面、系统、深入的研究。

    In order to make this study a comprehensive , systematic and in-depth research , this paper based on previous studies and more historical data .

  12. 这就需要我们从制策与士子对策两方面探究殿试策问与时政的关系。

    This requires us to countermeasures from the system policy and Scholars explore both policy and successful candidates , the relationship between Q and current affairs .

  13. 史学界对唐代科举论述很多,但对唐代殿试的研究较少关注。

    There are a lot of achievements in the area of Tang dynasty imperial examination , but the study of the palace examination of Tang had been less attention .

  14. 殿试策问始于唐武后时期,宋代渐成定制,经过元明的发展改进,臻于完善。

    Successful candidates , in the Tang Dynasty Empress Wu asked the policy period , gradually became custom Song , Yuan and Ming through the development of improved , greatly improved .

  15. 清代殿试在康熙年间即存在偏重书法、抑文重字的弊端,这与道光以后的情况相似。

    From the Kanghsi years , the malpractice of stressing the calligraphy had already existed in the Qing Dynasty palace examination , it is similar with the situation in Daoguang time later .

  16. “殿试策问”作为科举考试的一个重要环节,不仅具有衡才选士的价值,更具有很强的时政性。

    As an important aspect of the imperial civil service examination ," Cewen " not only has the value of electing talented persons , but also has intense relationship with current politics .

  17. 首先从主考官、考策官、应考者、考试时间和考试地点五个方面对唐代殿试的形式做了详细的论述。

    Firstly , it discussed the form of the Tang dynasty palace examination , which includes five aspects , the examiner , test strategy officer , candidates , the examination time and place .

  18. 因此,研究唐代的殿试,对于全面认识唐代的科举制度,对于深入了解唐代的政治和文化都具有重要意义。

    Therefore , the research of Tang dynasty palace examination has a great significance for a comprehensive understanding of the examination system and a deeper understanding of politics and culture of Tang dynasty .

  19. 这座殿堂是皇帝用来接见他的官员和外国贵宾以及摆设宴会的地方特别是为皇帝寿辰等特别节庆而举办盛宴,也是进行科举殿试的场所。

    This hall was the place where the emperor met with his officials and foreign dignitaries as well as served banquets , in particular the grand banquets for such special occasions as the emperors birthday , and the metropolitan examinations .

  20. 状元殿试对策作为传统文化的重要载体之一,有着重要的文化研究价值,对当今考试文体也有着诸多启示和借鉴。

    The countermeasure of the Number One Scholar test as one of the important carriers of conventional culture has very great value in our studying culture , and it has many apocalypses and the using for reference to today 's examination style .

  21. 从社会历史发展的必然性和偶然性关系,从皇帝、举子、科举制度与唐代社会的关系,分析阐述了唐代殿试的历史作用。

    From the social and historical development of the relationship between necessity and chance , from the emperor , the winner of the examination , the relationship between imperial examination system and Tang community , analysis on the historical role of the Tang Dynasty Palace examination .

  22. 康熙后期策问开始流于形式,虽然同治、光绪时期做了调整但是仍未挽回消亡的命运,1905年废科举以后,殿试策问也随之废止了。

    Asked the late Kangxi began making a mere formality , although chih , Kuang Hsu period was adjusted , but still did not restore the fate of extinction , after the 1905 abolition of the examination , successful candidates , also will repeal the policy question .