
lì zhì
  • the local administration of civil officials;workstyle and achievements of officials
吏治 [lì zhì]
  • [administration (good,bad) of officials] 旧时指地方官吏的作风和治绩

  • 澄清吏治

  1. 广收人材以资吏治&清前期河南地方教育体系略探

    The local educational system of Henan of early Qing Dynasty

  2. 治理吏治腐败加强廉政建设的对策

    Ways of Combating Administrative Corruption Strengthening the Construction of Clean Honest Administration

  3. 从表面来看,塞舌尔很富有,吏治清明。

    To the casual eye , Seychelles seems both fortunate and well-governed .

  4. 吏治腐败与体制、机制创新

    The Corruption of the Administration of Officials and the Innovation of System and Mechanism

  5. 反过来讲,吏治的清明与否也与灾害关系很大。

    Conversely , the degree of clean government has great relations with the disaster .

  6. 汉代对西南边疆的经营两汉时期西南地区的吏治探析

    Administration by Han Dynasty of Southwest Frontier Region

  7. 中国古代吏治的显著特色是以德治吏。

    Managing officials is very typical in the ancient China for the moral means .

  8. 高拱整顿吏治的理论与实践

    On Theories And Practice About Gao Gong Rectification Of Local Administration Of Civil Officials

  9. 吏治问题是历朝历代非常重要的政治课题。

    Official administration has always been a very important political issue in every dynasty .

  10. 孙中山吏治思想初探

    Sun Zhongshan 's Thoughts of Administering Feudal Officials

  11. 金字塔式的封建官僚等级乃古代吏治腐败践行的途径;

    The way of corrupt bureaucracy is that of Pyramid of feudal bureaucratic rank ;

  12. 张廷玉的吏治思想及其实践

    Zhang Ting-yu 's Administrative Thought and Practice

  13. 儒家吏治伦理与现代吏治伦理的差异刍议

    The Difference of Ethics in the Administration of Officials between Confucian School and Modern Society

  14. 吏治的腐败为一体化的顺利发展和进一步深化造成了障碍。

    The corrupt officials formed a kind of corrosive element in the process of integration .

  15. 注重选拔人才,整顿吏治;改善奴隶境遇,释放奴隶;

    Choose talents , rectify control of officers , change the environment and free slaves ;

  16. 导致窦娥悲剧的直接原因是古代社会黑暗的吏治;

    The immediate cause of Tou E 's tragedy was corruption among officials in feudal society .

  17. 他对贪官的痛恨是无庸置疑的,他整顿吏治的决心也是无庸置疑的。

    He is no doubt determined to shake up the Bureaucracy and act against corrupt officials .

  18. 中国古代吏治既有积极的一面,亦有其消极的一面。

    Bureaucracy in ancient society not only has Positive role , but also has Negative effects .

  19. 事实上,中国的兴衰跟吏治的腐化程度有密切联系。

    In fact , the fortunes of China bobbed up and down with corruption levels of government officials .

  20. 从特殊性到普遍性,印证的是晚明吏治的腐败和灰暗。

    From the particular to the universal , the late Ming officials are confirmed in corruption and gloomy .

  21. 全面改革王莽所实施的旧政策,整顿吏治。

    He made a comprehensive reform on the policies made by Wang Mang , rectifying the bureaucratic system .

  22. 数十载的无序统治造成了基础设施简陋、吏治混乱以及管理无能等遗留问题。

    Decades of shambolic administration have left a legacy of shoddy infrastructure , tangled bureaucracy and administrative incompetence .

  23. 言官由澄清吏治的清洁剂变成败坏吏治的腐蚀剂,这种群体的堕落对明中后期社会影响甚巨。

    Supervisors changed from detergent to decay which resulted in much influence on the middle and late Ming Dynasty .

  24. 官员的考核及监督机制的优劣是关系到一个社会吏治是否清明的重要因素。

    The assessment and supervision of officials are important factor to maintain clear and bright in administration of officials .

  25. 从唐朝考绩制度看防止吏治腐败

    Seen From The Service Rating System In Tang Dynasty Learn How To Prevent The Corruption Of Administration Of Local Officials

  26. 晚明吏治,无疑是腐败的,但究竟如何腐败?晚明官场中,各色官员是怎样的一种生存状态?生存其中的晚明高级官员&祁彪佳,是很好的人物媒介。

    Official Ming is undoubtedly corrupt , but how corruption ? What colors a state of survival among the officials ?

  27. 其积极影响有促进了生产力的发展、政府机构和吏治的近代化和思想观念的更新。

    The positive aspects included the development of productivity , the modernization of agencies and officials and the improvement of ideas .

  28. 修身、吏治与民心&传统文化中的廉政思想及其现代启示

    Practices Moral Culture , Official 's Management and Popular Sentiment & In traditional culture honest government thought and its modern enlightenment

  29. 吏治腐败是最大、最严重的腐败,是一切腐败的根源。

    The corruption of the administration of officials is the greatest and the most serious corruption and the origin of all corruptions .

  30. 而粥厂制度自身存在的种种弊端,其实正折射出明代荒政乃至经济、吏治的实际情形。

    In fact , the porridge factories management reflected the reality of administration , economy and offical system in the Ming Dynasty .