
diàn hòu
  • bring up the rear;follow in the rear;close the rear
殿后 [diàn hòu]
  • [bring up the rear] 部队运动时位于最后

殿后[diàn hòu]
  1. 团部命令二连担任先头部队,四连殿后。

    The regimental headquarters ordered the second company to take the lead and the fourth company to bring up the rear .

  2. 一队经挑选的精兵被派去为撤退的部队殿后。

    A picked body of men were sent to bring up the rear of the retreating troops .

  3. 人人但求自保,魔鬼捉殿后的人。

    Every man for himself , and the devil take the hindmost .

  4. 妈妈在前面带路,孩子们殿后。

    Mother led the way , with the children bringing up the rear .

  5. 我留下来,为你殿后。

    I 'll stay and watch your back .

  6. 多罗米埃跟在后面走,做那一伙的殿后。

    Tholomyes followed , dominating the group .

  7. 拉尔夫殿后,很高兴暂时地逃脱了责任。

    Ralph walked in the rear , thankful to have escaped responsibility for a time .

  8. 那位奴隶贩子把我们俩全买走了,往那条长链子上一拴,我们就成了那群奴隶的殿后部队。

    The slave-dealer bought us both , and hitched us onto that long chain of his , and we constituted the rear of his procession .

  9. 由坦克、火炮、飞机殿后,数千以色列士兵进入加沙,将这个地区分成了两部分并且包围了其中最大的城市。

    Backs by tanks , artillery and aircraft , thousands of Israeli soldiers have been advancing to Gaza , effectively cutting the coastal territory in two and surrounding its biggest city .

  10. 队伍中元老院的成员、音乐家、用于祭祀的动物和囚犯们走在将军的前面。将军的金冠在他的头顶上方由一个奴隶拿着。殿后的是将军的士兵。

    Members of the Senate , musicians , sacrificial animals , and prisoners walked in front of the general , who had a gold crown held over his head by a slave .

  11. 长征一开始,伯承率五军团担负了最艰巨的殿后任务,同数倍于我的敌人展开恶战,保护了中央机关的安全。

    At the beginning of the Long March he led the Fifth Army Group in bitter rear-guard engagements , in which his troops , while greatly outnumbered , managed to ensure the safety of the organs of the central committee .

  12. 当我站在这里表达谢意时,我想有必要感谢我的至爱,奥巴马家庭的坚实后盾,竞选旅途的殿后者,米歇尔•奥巴马。

    And while I 'm at it , on " thank yous ," I think it makes sense for me to thank the love of my life , the rock of the Obama family , the closer on the campaign trail ; give it up for Michelle Obama .